Reseeding the Growth of the Xiangjiang Tycoon

Chapter 184 will fight the Los Angeles Electronic Technology Exhibition

After leaving the pavilion, all the employees of the Black Cloud Group returned to Hilton Hotel. This time I still choose this hotel, I have been born in this year. This year, the Black Cloud Group is a full layer of the hotel. After all, there are many people who come over this year, and it is also necessary to reserve some rooms for customers. Many oolongs have been made in many times last year.

After dinner, the Black Cloud Group executives came to Bunzixuan room. This buns Xuan live in the Presidential Suite, there is a small meeting room in the living room. It is also for the convenience of work and temporary meeting.

Looking at the horizontal well sitting next to the meeting table, the palace hat, Steve Sai Shang, Ma Chenglong and Bridge Bottaro. Baozi Xuan suddenly somewhat emotion, now the father of the game, the father of digital cameras, many people can work in the Black Cloud Group. And it is also getting stronger and stronger for high-end talents. If you can take the initiative, recruit some talents.

Baozi Xuan said to everyone: "This time is more busy, everyone is very hard. Here I represent nearly 100,000 employees of the group, thank you all."

"After this exhibition, we will become a shavity, any business will be angry, any business will be angry. What do you want to do this? Destroy the rules of the game, but I don't regret it, after all, the foundation of the black cloud is still too shallow, the bottom has some shortcomings. After this exhibition, I would like to have someone else, I have a sufficient confidence in the product. "

"We still engage in three new products recommended, the first of the FC red and white machine will be reported in this area. The second appearance is to surround the three-dimensional home theater system. Come to be responsible. "

"The third digital camera appears as a pressure axis, which is completed by me and Steve. I am responsible for computer partial operation, Steven is responsible for digital camera demonstration. We will work hard tomorrow, Steve should teach me how to use me. camera."

"Huashintang Jun is doing a good logistics guarantee, but also to do a good job in customer reception and negotiation. The establishment of the black cloud is to change the world, I hope everyone will work hard. There is still what is wrong!"

Steven Cele is a new joining black cloud map, which is not very clear for many things in the company. And I have never hosted new product recommendation on the stage. It is inevitable that there is a bit of nervousness, saying: "Boss! What do I want to do when I am, after all, I still don't know how to cooperate with you."

Bao Zixuan: "It is our mutual cooperation. Then you take a photo. Then give me the memory card, and I will change the photo on the spot. I only be responsible for the computer part, the camera's performance is still introduced. At the same time, you have to shoot a good photo, You can shoot more beautiful women and other competitors on site, so that consumers will be more interested. "

After a discussion of some details, everyone returned to the room to rest.

Early the next morning, after breakfast. All personnel came to the pavilion to conduct final preparation, today mainly controlled the details, let each of the people who come to the Black Cloud Exhibition Hall have a feeling of home.

When Baozi Xuan came in the exhibition hall, he came in two no-fast passengers when checking the equipment and debugging. It didn't expect that these two will come to the Black Cloud Exhibition Hall.

However, it is estimated that it is not allowed to meet the enemy's eyes of the two. It is likely to happen together, but this is enough to be surprised!

Bao Zi Xuan wants to say: "Mr. Pan, Mr. Shengtian, welcome two arrivals. This is really letting the Black Cloud Exhibition Hall will be born! How do you have time to meet me in this small temple!"

In fact, the two are really not meeting the future, but come over and see what the black clouds do. A company has to make such a big exhibition hall and will not leave a way to other companies. And listen to the people say that the black cloud is also a set of booths and is a debugging device. The two came from curiosity, so I didn't expect that the two families were really encountered together, and they really had a feeling.

Yes, coming to the Black Cloud Exhibition Hall is the Panasonic Company Panasonic fortune and Sony Tiantian Zhaov. These two RBs most famous entrepreneurs, the days are not bad. However, it is really not good to say that the black cloud is so developed, and now the black cloud is already able to sit in peace. It is an opponent who has to pay attention to it. It used to previously the game and game console, there is nothing. Now you have expanded all-round expansion by the help of electronic products, many times, you can't tolerate you continue to advance.

And this time, I have taken such a big booth, it is too much to put Sony and Panasonic in the eyes. If you do it like a black cloud, it is not a mess. They also have some excitement to win.

Although Shengtian Zhaov doesn't like to help the Panasonic fortune, but how do you say where age is? Although not very willing, but still make a hand gesture for Panasonic fortune, meaning you first. Not only respected, there is also a meaning of some things.

Panasonic fortune is to know that there is a pit to give him jump, but also speak first. Otherwise, I'm really calling, how to mix it later!

Panasonic can help: "Kid, you are moving here so much is what is going to do. How to build a booth!"

It is now estimated that there is only a lot of trouble to help this to call the Baby Xuan. After all, when the granddaughter is awkward, although there is nothing, it is not very embarrassed.

Bunzi Xuan: "Is this not a new product recommendation in the Los Angeles exhibition! So I want to simply build a platform, this is the place to show! And there will be no other exhibitors in the exhibition hall, this is not a good one Do things! "

Shengtian Zhav: "It is not so big to build the booth! Now and the black cloud is a comparison, our Sony is like a small brand. This host committee only gives us 160 square meters, saying is the rest of you. Give it, you can't. "

Bao Zi Xuan: "Mr. Shengtian should not say this, you can't see the Los Angeles Electronic Technology Exhibition before. And Black Cloud only participates in the two exhibitions every year, the Tokyo exhibition always gives me the place next to me, you told me how to go. Then I Also can't take more location more, or how the product is still displayed. "

At this time, I saw that the TV in the exhibition hall looked up. I only saw the screen on the screen just the picture of the three talks, which made two very surprised.

Panasonic Fortune help: "Kid, tomorrow's black cloud products are recommended on this table. This is to attract many people, and the black cloud exhibition hall can also see the picture inside, you play this abacus is really fine. "

Bao Zixuan: "What can't escape your old man's fire crystal, it is no wonder that Mr. Shengtian said in front of the snow. It seems that you are inevitably, single is your eyes."

Bao Zixuan said that the two expressions were very exciting, and the help of Panasonic was in the air. He has long listened to his granddaughter to say this, but he didn't have a chance to find Shengtian Zhaofeng account. I didn't expect to say that today is said to be a young young young face. If it is not counter-hit, there is another color of the face. That is, I know that it is necessary to pick it up. Otherwise, do you have a face!

Shengtian Zhaov is also embarrassed, sometimes you are making a joke when the small generation said. Although it is somewhat not to match the identity, everyone will pass the matter.

Now a few people are in, how can I fight with the character of Panasonic fortune? Now I can only send a lot to Panasonic, to the overall situation, to deal with the black cloud together, even if you let him take advantage of it.

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