Reseeding the Growth of the Xiangjiang Tycoon

Chapter 193 will fight the Los Angeles Electronic Technology Exhibition

On March 10, 1979, the California Los Angeles Exhibition Center. Today is the last day of the exhibition, the host committee saw a huge impact and popularity of the sales of exhibitors. In other places may have an influentiality than the old name, but as a super big country, even the results of the two younger brothers in Side and RB are more than, then some are shameful.

This time, it is necessary to notify it, but also in the form of a press conference. To make the world to look at the influence of the Los Angeles Electronic Technology Exhibition, but also reflect the emphasis on exhibitors. After all, these can be multinational companies, and the opportunity to pay for future cooperation will be more.

The Black Cloud Group as the most dazzling star company in this exhibition, Bao Zixuan must have to live in the conference. And also rank in the middle position.

In addition to the president of the Los Angeles Electronic Technology Exhibition, the President, there is also a represented by Black Cloud Bunxuan, Sony Shengtian Zhaff, RCA and Germany Siemens.

In fact, this is also the company in this exhibition, and is also a representative of economic and technological developed countries. From RB, the United States, Side and Xiangjiang, many people will take the relationship between Xiangjiang and the United Kingdom, and now there is no way. After all, Xiangjiang has not returned, and Huaxia Enterprises will not participate in such a show.

Rodel, president of the Los Angeles Electronic Technology Exhibition, said to everyone: "Thank you for your participation in exhibitors, media friends, all friends who come to the exhibition on the Los Angeles Electronic Science and Technology Exhibition. Here I represent this exhibition all staff You sorry, there may be a lot of work, I hope everyone can forgive. But I believe we will put the show more and better, I hope everyone will give us more opportunities, and I hope to be in Los Angeles at Los Angeles next year. You meet. "

"This exhibition is invited to participate in the exhibition, there are more than 450,000 people in the exhibition. This is inseparable from the support of you."

"The exhibition on-site turnover is $ 10.4 billion, which is also a historic high. This is mainly due to the hard work of all exhibitors, because of them so many excellent products, agents and consumers will come to Los Angeles. Electronic Technology Exhibition. "

"Being next to me is the head of the four largest enterprises in this exhibition. They are Mr. Sheng Tian Zhao, President of the Sony Corporation of RB Sony, Peter, Siemens, Germany, Mr. Rodke, President, US RCA, President, USA Mr. Baoxuan, chairman of Yun Group. "

"For their record, you should introduce themselves. Below is the RB Sony Corporation, Mr. Sheng Tian Zhao, is introduced to Sony's gains in this exhibition."

In fact, they had four notices before the press conference, and there was a report of the company's sales and reporters at the press conference. To put it bluntly, there is a psychological preparation. In case it is unique in the stage, it is very likely that the company, even the Exhibition, will also be implicated.

It is good to see the big scene in 4 people, and there is no nervousness for this possession.

Shengtian Zhav: "Thank you for your concern and love, this Los Angeles Electronic Technology Exhibition has completed $ 340 million sales, of which the most important thing is a natural advantage in this regard, thank you for your support, detail report Will be publicized at the Sony Shareholders. "

Everyone did not expect Sony to sell so many, the name of the big business. It is no wonder that people say that thin and dead camels are big, with the rise of the black cloud, Sony is already in the wind. But it is also a time point in the bottom of the show, it can also sell 340 million US dollars in a show, but they can't even have some people. If you want to develop, there is still a long way to go, this is a lot of people's ideas.

Then Peter Feng - Siemens said to the microphone: "Siemens company sales of this exhibition is $ 28 million, mainly the refrigerator, servo motor, etc.

Everyone has a good expression, after all, Siemens company sales can only say the mid-range medium. This is mainly caused by the cause of the competitors Panasonic, and two companies compete in the refrigerator are very intense.

Rodk, president of RCA, said: "The sales of RCAs in this exhibition is $ 230 million, mainly in the TV and night view, which are the traditional project of RCA, in the future we must strengthen the technology of traditional projects. Advantages, develop more products like consumers. "

After listening to Rodk, everyone believed that this exhibition was sorted in accordance with the sales of sales, but it should not be! Black Cloud is definitely the most popular enterprise this show, it is impossible to be lower than Sony!

Bao Zi Xuan said to the microphone: "I just got the sales data, I also had customers negotiate business in the exhibition hall 10 minutes ago. Maybe some deviation is not big."

The sales of the Black Cloud Group of this exhibition is 1.12 billion US dollars, mainly concentrated in digital cameras, home game consoles, FC red and white machines, arcade super Mario and phchandons 1200 laptops. It can be said that it is more blooming, which is mainly due to the perfect organization and buyer's recognition, thank you again here. "

I heard Bunzi Xuan said that many people were surprised, even the other 4 people on the chairman were all known to sell well, but they did not expect sales more than $ 1 billion, this is an 80s. There are not so many foreign exchange reserves in many countries.

After Bao Zixuan got the data, he couldn't believe it. But see a pen order, a check, after a contract, only believe it.

The most sold this sale is also an FC red and white machine, reaching 9 million units, can say that many national dealers have reached orders to the black cloud. Single sales reached more than $ 500 million, this is why the future RB game company is very rich. The game profit is really too high, and a classic game console is developing a classic aircraft less profitable. This is a printing machine at least within the life time of the game console.

After entering the reporter, after the festival, everyone wants to ask Bunxuan. However, this time the beauty always occupies a natural advantage, a beautiful reporter from the Wall Street Journal Asked: "Mr. Bao, do you really report the data you report? This is difficult to believe that the future black cloud plan is."

Baozi Xuan: "Data of course is true and reliable. After all, all contracts are reported in the exhibition organizing committee. As for the black cloud future plan, I can tell you that the black cloud will improve the improvement of technology progress in the future. Kung Fu. My dream is one of the greatest technology companies in the world. I am a engineer's boss. Sometimes it may do things that are more economical than economic value. "

An RB reporter asked: "Mr. Tama Zhaofeng, now the black clouds have been licensed, I will have the next copy of the cloud or improve R & D."

Tita Zhav: "Sony has a technically superb research team, and many products we can also develop. Just did not think of it, the result is completed by Black Cloud rescue, and registered patents. Sony is a very supportible company, for patents It should be protected. "

"So Sony will purchase patent licensing from the black cloud, but please rest assured. Sony must develop products that differ from the black clouds, buy patents just want an admission quota, there is no need to run behind others."

"Sony purchased patents have had their own plans. When you are available in the future, you need to support more support. Thank you again. At the same time, I also thank this reporter friend to the concern of Sony, I will guarantee Sony not. Let you be disappointed. "

The question and answer in the exhibition is over, but the exhibition will affect the world. This is also a foundation for the Los Angeles Electronic Technology Exhibition.

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