It is not quen that Robert Galvin's long-term mall will show real expression in front of the negotiation object, and it is really a huge and tempting of the Black Cloud Group.

The Black Cloud Group gives Motorola's purchase order including 1 million electronic engine control modules per year, as well as 1 million Motorola MC68000 chips and subsequent upgrade products, while the first mobile phone's motherboard and chip are purchased to Motorola.

Although the Black Cloud Group has developed very quickly, it is still very slow in the field of high-end chips. After all, there are only a few technological strength super group companies to play in this area. Now Black Cloud can only produce low-end game machine chips and memory chips.

It is just a simple preliminary statistics, and Black Cloud will purchase Motorola more than $ 500 million. And this is a long-term plan, which can bring more than $ 100 million in income for Motorola every year. You call Robert Galvin.

Baozi Xuan also knows that now, even if you eat some night to earn it back. Bijie these could buy it to Motorola, now just get it.

Robert Galvin: "Mr. Bao, do you have so many products! After all, your car has not produced it, and your laptop is in an Inner chip."

Bao Zixuan: "I have absolute confidence in the black cloud car, and the black cloud is ready to enter the large computer area. In the future we will use a lot of chips, Motorola is a good choice. We must form the world's largest server combination, black cloud annual The amount of calculation is very large. "

Robert Galvin: "Yes, we use the technology and patents of mobile phones, base station construction to exchange black cloud laptops, flash card technology and patent authorization. But these orders."

Bunzi Xuan: "You can sign the contract immediately, the first $ 200 million deposit will remit in the account of Motorola within a week."

Robert Galvin said: "I have already heard that Mr. and Mr. I have been very refreshing. Today, I have been here. We have a good cooperation." After talking out, the two people handed together.

Baozi Xuan now got a mobile phone patent and technology, but the future of the road is still very long. In fact, he also streamed a tail to this patent trading. Black clouds can be said to be the strongest world in lithium battery technology, and now have not taken it. I believe Motorola will find him.

It is now necessary to find a big coffee that can play a leading role in the mobile phone project, which is a good candidate, but just after signing the contract, it is a bit not thick.

After thinking about a circle, Bunzi Xuan has a candidate. He wants to go to New Jersey to go to a world most important research institution - Bell Lab.

The US Bel laboratory is a transistor, laser, solar cell, light emitting diode, digital switch, communication satellite, electronic digital computer, cellular mobile communication device, long-distance TV transmission, simulation language, sound movie, stereo recording, and communication network. Birthplace. Since 1925, the Bell Lab has a total of more than 25,000 patents, now, the average of three more patents every working day. The mission of Bell Labs is to create, produce and provide innovative technologies for customers, which enables Lucent Technologies, leading the world in communication systems, products, components, and network software. A total of 8 Nobel Awards (7 of which physics awards, 1 chemical award).

It is a long time for this laboratory Bunxuan, which has an important position in the world, has been admired, and it has been in the past. Taking the student's identity to listen to the sitting, it is to dig people today.

On April 3, 1973, Martin-Cooper station in Manhattan Street, holding a successful cordless phone,

Let the surrounding people are unexpectedly, the phone is connected. It came to a man's voice: "Here is Yush Egn."

With almost trembling sound, Cooper said excitedly: "Yel, I am using a real mobile phone with you, a real mobile phone!"

The other end of the phone is silent.

It is not someone who picks up the phone. It is a scientist in the long-term competitor of Cooper, Yier Engel.

This is a iconic event that marks the movement of mobile communication to initiate challenges wired. At the same time, Yier - Engel became a laughter.

May Martin-Cooper is just a joke, but it has brought great changes to Yus Engel's life and work. This time before the genius scientists in Bell Labs gradually be marginalized. The public will only remember the first in the field of technology. One person, who will pay attention to the rest of the family!

Through Larry-Brown's Person Baoxuan quickly saw Yus Engel, now he has not previously imposed it. It became a common R & D person in Bell laboratory mixed days. However, Bao Zi Xuan knows that his ability and level will definitely have any problems.

Yier - Engel didn't expect him to find the boss of the world's most popular business in the world. This is a huge young man in the world to find something to do, and he is also a little curious.

Bun Zixuan: "Hello! Mr. Engel, I am Black Cloud Bunxuan, this time I come over, I hope you can join my company and become the head of mobile research and development."

Yier - Engel: "Young people, you seem to find a wrong person. Now mobile phone technology patents in Motorola hand, you should go to Martin-Cooper."

Bao Zixuan: "Black Cloud has purchased relevant technical patents and authorization in Motorola, I hope you can join in and improve it, after all, the mobile phone has not reached the commercial requirements."

I heard that Yus Engel was shocked, he would know much about Motorola's emphasis on mobile phone projects. It is now possible to sell technical and patents to the black cloud, which is to pay for a lot of money.

Yier - Engel: "I don't like to study someone's patents, I like to develop new products yourself. So sorry I can't agree with you."

Bao Zixuan: "Mr. Engel, I know your strength. I also know that your talent is not the first to develop a mobile phone is because Bell Lab is not enough. It is not your strength and ability. At least. Martin. - Cooper. "

Hearing here, Yier-Egn, a lot, but he still don't know if the other party is really thinking, or compliment himself.

Yier - Engel: "Your kid is not compliment me! How do I feel so fake!"

Bao Zi Xuan: "If you don't even believe in your own strength, then I am asking you. In my heart, Yier-Engel's talent is to write into the primary school textbook, let all children know that he is a Great inventor. But now I can't see this. "

This sentence is very touched by Yier - Engel, and each researcher's dream is not the case! There is nothing to write into the university textbook, as long as a theoretical study can, but scientists who can write into primary school textbooks can be used.

Yier - Engel: "What kind of rights and treatment can I get to Black Cloud."

Bao Zixuan: "The annual salary is 1 million US dollars, the research and development results 3% profit. In the future, there is a reward in the future, and the R & D funds are not less than 20 million dollars per year, and the Black Cloud Group will form Engel Lab."

This is a condition that people can't reject, do not believe that this old guy does not move. He also has a family, there is a wife and a child.

Yier - Engel: "I still have some assistants, they have been with me for a long time. Now they are not reused, I have to discuss them with them."

Bao Zixuan: "No problem, your assistant came over the black cloud, black clouds can go out of their existing salary double. And do things under your hand, if they want to go to other position conditions; I am very confident that you are old The eyes. "

Baozi Xuan has been out of this technology to take it, it is spent on the big price to let the other party follow him back to Boston.

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