Mai Hao and Baozi Xuan have ended quickly in the peninsula. Baozi Xuan has reached the purpose. He wants to let the mainland construction team enter Xiangjiang Construction Yulin Institute of Technology. After all, the drawings have been completed. As for subsequent use in the development of land, you can buy in deep sea, he did not force to get more land in Xiangjiang. This can accelerate the construction of the school, but also provide employment opportunities for more mainland workers.

Mai Hao knows that Black Cloud is now just putting the easiest labor-intensive industry in the deep sea. This is relieved. As for Bunzi Xuan, please ask the construction team from the mainland. He also knows that Xiangjiang is indeed very high, and now you can make mainland workers to speed up construction, this is very good. To be honest, it is Bao Zi Xuan to apply for the name of the university, or it is really not good to change it.

This time is more tight, in the construction of deep sea factories and hotel construction, go to the mainland exploration rare earth mineral and purchase smelting equipment in the Soviet Union, and coordinate the 10,000 construction workers from the mainland to enter the Tianshui Construction University.

After everything is already, Bunzi Xuan is ready to go to Europe. His first stop is the UK, he wants to go to Oxford University to receive a degree certificate, in fact, you can get it. However, Oxford University requires you to come over. Timely Bunxuan can only choose to go to the UK before the German exhibition.

Baozi Xuan slammed from Xiangjiang to London, here is only an hour from Oxford. After two years, Bao Zixuan returned to the UK again, this time he thinks it will go to Germany immediately after the British office. I don't want to have a branch here, but many things often do not develop in their hearts.

When Baozi Xuan reached the London International Airport, it was just 12 o'clock noon, and the black cloud was in the British branch.

Black Cloud only had an office before the UK, and later heard some artificial speeches to think about the surface kung fu, and improved the office as a branch, and became the European Headquarters. The status is equal to the United States, RB, which is one of the reasons why British feel buns.

The person in charge of the European Black Cloud Company is now the Harva, listening to the business management course next to Harvard. Feeling that your thoughts and ideas can't keep up with the trend of computer development, take the initiative to apply for the Black Cloud European Division. He knows that it is better to go to Europe in Europe, which is not as good as the management.

At present, the German pre-pre-preparatory preparation has been completed, and Qiaotou Hao personally went to the airport to welcome Bunxuan.

Huashou Hao saw Bunzi Xuan said: "The President's His Lord has worked hard, we will go to the company first."

Bao Zi Xuan: "Huashi Bunjun is still used to it in Europe, or eat first! Everyone is chatting."

A group of people came to the company, and Qiaotou Hao knows that Bunzi Xuan's taste and feature. It is very simple to eat at noon, just a few dishes simply.

Bao Zi Xuan said: "How is the company's situation!"

Qiaotou Hao: "Socialist, current European Black Cloud Company has 4,200 employees. In addition to the British Black Cloud European Headquarters, we also set up branches in two Germany, France, Denmark, and Soviet Union. The state has an office. "

"The current sales network has spread throughout Europe, which is that many dealers in the automotive industry have not seen our car, so there is not much booking."

Bao Zixuan: "Nothing, Lego has not found us recently!"

Bridge Mapo: "I have been renewed from the new modification. I hope that our products are very good in the US and Asian regions. I want to divide a cup; I have arranged a lawyer to dock this."

Bao Zixuan: "This is certain, the European market can only be considered in the United States and Asia. They have such an idea is not surprising, but we can't make our interests."

"In addition, you are now investigating all major American scholars in Europe.

Qiaotou Hao: "Some of the president, please feel free to have a lot of well-known scholars in Europe. The UK is not good, and the European mainland is threatened by war, so many scholars have left. It used to choose the United States However, I think as long as it is the high price of our price, I can give it to Xiangjiang to work. "

I heard the bridge Mapo Hao to answer, Baozi Xuanxin is very satisfied. It seems that he has come over to Europe's hosting work is still very wise.

Bao Zi Xuan: "Bridge Bottrang is good, but you are also not small. Now there is a girlfriend, you have to care about personal problems."

Bridge Bunchao did not say anything, but it should be a girlfriend, or there is a goal.

Qiaotou Hao: "Thank you for your concern, I have a girlfriend before, before his family opposition, now I have agreed to us to contact. After the show, I will return to RB to be engaged, mainly to fix things. Marry I must ask the president to participate. "

Bao Zixuan: "Then I want to congratulations! Bridge Botto! There are many properties in RB. You go back to pick a property, it is my new wedding ceremony for you."

Bridge Mapo Hao knows that RB housing prices, now it seems that the president is really Taiming. Marriage to send a property, although he also bought, but this also changed its importance to the company.

After eating in the afternoon, Bun Zixuan walked toward the European Black Cloud Company. Now Headquarters of the Black Cloud Europe, in the Fetail of London, England, there is the world's largest media. Bao Zixuan chooses here to know the latest news, although the price is very expensive, it is absolutely superior.

Black Cloud adheres to McDonald's business characteristics, and all branches must purchase hands. Most of the Black Cloud All branches and store properties are themselves, so that they will not be so fast that the family is defeated.

After inspeining the company, Bunzi Xuan looked at the mental state of the employee. And everyone basically recognizes the work ideas of Bridge Mapo, which is the basis for improving work efficiency.

At the same time, the company reviews the financial statements of the European branch, although each month's finance and Puhua Yongxue will make a detailed data to the Bunzi Xuan, but the process is still there.

The sales of the Black Cloud Group in Europe are mainly concentrated in the game field, and there is a large number of laptops and digital camera products. The toy is in Europe because there is no Lego, the sales is very general. Transformers and Rubik's Cube can only be said to be a medium rules, there is no highlight.

It seems that it seems to be a way to make Europeans recognize the black cloud products. There are still many work to do this. This time, although there is no new product, the upgrade product is absolutely weak. And wait until the end of September, the Frankfurt is always shocked, it seems to be able to develop new products, or not, the black clouds and industrial giants have no advantage.

Baozi Xuan took a break in London this evening, and then went to Oxford University tomorrow morning. Where he is not just to receive a diploma, you have to give a speech. I originally thought about it, but I was sure when I used the Oxford University, so I didn't just speaking, I have to take a hit, although it is a bit violating. But this is life, you have nothing to take him.

At night, Bridge Bohao called the British Black Cloud all the dinner together, which has now become the tradition of Bao Zi Xuan to the branch. Thinking to let employees know and understand the boss's best way is to integrate into them, so Bao Zixuan will invite all employees to dinner every place. Also deepened to each other, although some loss of prestige, but always feel more than the disadvantage, this tradition has been reserved.

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