After a few days of work, Black Cloud employees have been completed. Although the Black Cloud did not get the new product recommended quota at the host committee, it was placed in each show area in the exhibition hall to promote the product. Headphones are also configured for each of the need to listen to the sound.

Each headset will be disinfected in the ultraviolet cabinet after the last customer is used, and it can be said that it is very meticulous. Now the Black Cloud Group is paying more and more attention to the service. The idea of ​​bun Xuan's instill is the first, dealer second, producer third. This is not more than anyone, but the attitude of the company is going to do. Only this will be approved, otherwise it will change you after finding alternative products.

Although there is no new recommended quota for the new product, but the bits of the black clouds have a lot, reaching 400 square meters. It can be said that this exhibition is the second largest exhibition hall, and the first is of course the German local hegemony Siemens.

When the exhibitors admitted, Bun Zixuan found that it was a lot of things in the subtlety. I have already become a Panasonic adviser in the past, almost unsuccessful Panasonic is helping to cross the thousand miles to come to Germany.

In fact, the help of Panasonic doesn't know what happened, and it is very uncomfortable to see that the development of the black cloud is so fast. Always thinking that the buns are uncomfortable, so there will be two of Los Angeles and Berlin, he will come over, just want to have a black cloud.

In fact, in Panasonic fortunately, it is very good to be very good to Baozi Xuan. The single-parent family grows, smart, up, and the product positioning is very accurate, especially if there is any gossip, more time to focus on company management. It is indeed a suitable person in Panasonic, but in Panasonic fortunately, I still want to take the door son-in-law. And the black cloud is now stronger than that of Panasonic, no matter how the other party is impossible, so the heart is also very contradictory, this is deliberately cut recording, let the Songmei beautiful snow, but look at the state of the granddaughter is still in the state of the granddaughter. In contradiction.

When Bao Zixuan saw the old acquaintance, he would say hello, and there should be a courtesy. Fortunately, Panasonic said: "Mr. Pan is still so dedicated, it is really letting us these back generations! But I feel that you should give more opportunities to young people, or always, the right is not good."

Panasonic Fortune help: "This doesn't have to be super heart, and we are don't get out of outsiders. But I heard that this Black Cloud has not received the new product recommended quota. How is it now know how company has? Important! What is the development of young people? It is not a good thing. "

Bao Zixuan: "Is Mr. Panasonic is also in it, or how do you know so clear! But this is nothing, can I still do it yourself! If there is a need to come to black cloud, this fees are absolutely cheap. "

I heard that the help of Panasonic is particularly angry. The last time he and Two people in Tamada Zhaov have a great cheap. It is indeed that the product seller does not suffer, but then she only knows that the black cloud has taken a sponsorship from the TV station. In the two children, they will take the money, and finally, Panasonic and Sony will pay for the Black cloud show. It's hard to have a lot of money, but I have a lot of luck, which makes the Panasonic fortune and Shengtian Zhav returns to RB.

Both people are old hunters, and finally be deceived by a small fox. This makes the two business people can only take off the teeth into the belly. After all, the shame is not good. Now I heard this kid and mention this, this is not to find it fast!

Panasonic fortune: "Kid, this thing has not yet been with you! You have earned two hands between TV and us. Finally, it is not a loss. The final exhibition fee is still loose and Sony is a business, I really do business. I remember! "

In fact, Bunzu Xuan really does not have any ironic meaning, which is the full feelings of Panasonic. And this is also very concerned when this old kid is not very cheap in the business field.

When I didn't talk to a pot, two people watched the other side and returned to their respective exhibition halls. Shortly after the exhibition hall, the buyer began to enter the pavilion, and the Black Cloud Exhibition Hall has now become a company that everyone must see. Almost all countries and regions around the world have business transactions, and here is Berlin, Huadia and NATO countries have a large number of companies and buyers. Make Black Clouds soon.

The last time, the Panasonic is fortunate and the Shengtian Zhaov is not just spending, how do they say that it is not bad? Let them accept that many Panasonic and Sony dealers have become a black cloud customer. And it is still the past, this is not to send flesh to the tiger mouth!

Many black clouds are not very familiar with big dealers, through their publicity in the Black Cloud Exhibition Hall. Most of them have become a customer of Black Cloud, this is the customer who hasn't been pleased before.

Some dealers believe that Sony or Panasonic products are all very good, they sell well, profit is very considerable. In fact, it is not prepared to change or increase the supply company's ideas, it is not ready to buy other company products. So every time the exhibition is mainly thinking about what new products in your own distribution company. However, in the Black Cloud Exhibition Hall, I saw the new product, and discussed and chatting between the Black Cloud dealers, I found that the black cloud was more worthy of Bisony and Panasonic. Many dealers have added it, which makes the Black Cloud sell more than $ 1 billion in the Los Angeles exhibition, and this Sony and Panasonic also helped very much.

Now, Panasonic is fortunate to see Bunzi Xuan, I want to kill him. The new recommended quota of the Berlin Exhibition Committee is the ghost they are united in the Siemens. Bao Zi Xuan knows that it is getting faster and faster. Black cloud will definitely be targeted and suppressed, but it didn't expect it so fast.

Seeing that the exhibition hall came in so many buyers, Bunzi Xuan was very pleased. Customers will not be stressed by you, they will only buy products that can help them make money, as they are not important.

All the people of the black cloud are incarcted as a speaker, and everyone begins to introduce their own products. Even the Baozi Xuan is no exception, and the customer knows this young young is the black boss, so the people who gathered here are most.

Baozi Xuan patient introduces the product, while starting to give questions about every questions. Seeing the boss has this kind of work attitude, the employee is even more embarrassed. Dealers see a business boss and employees can work so much, how can they still don't worry?

I don't have to work hard for a while, and the black cloud has been sold. Although the amount is relatively small, it is very recognized that the customer's product to the black cloud is already very recognized.

Berlin Electronic Consumer Products Exhibition is very close to Africa, so there will be many African sellers patronics every year. Before the black cloud is famous, and the product is too novel, African buyers are generally choosing Germany, the United States and RB products. There is a significant characteristic of their purchase of products, that is, all the products you want to buy will be purchased. As for future replenishment, it is almost unrealistic on the backward transportation system and political situation in Africa.

After purchasing products once, they will hire professional security guards to the site, and then they will distribute products. This time I came to the Black Cloud Exhibition Hall, the Central Africa, I hope to trade with diamonds. They don't have so many dollars and pounds, and the staff can't do the Lord to bring our customers to Bunxuan.

Seeing this, Bao Zi Xuan found that he had always ignored a chance. Now that African diamond prices are not high, they are a batch of waiting appreciation is a chance. And you can also sell cheap diamonds to Xiangjiang big jewelry enterprises. Their purchasing power is weak, diamond is always permanent, and a forever is not an empty talk. Many times those women will pay for exquisite diamonds.

After having an idea, tell the customer. His diamond black clouds are required, and they can work for a long time in the future. And diamonds and gold transactions black clouds can be connected, as for the transportation to Xiangjiang is too simple. Black clouds can do business in any country around the world, many small countries can issue customs declaration.

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