Reseeding the Growth of the Xiangjiang Tycoon

Chapter 216, you sing, I am debut.

The two people who don't speculate are quickly separated. Look at the pine, the help is not a very friendly eye, Bunzi Xuan knows that this old boy is really likely to duel. Don't look at Panasonic, you are very big, and the emotional business is very high, but I don't know what is going on, I can't stop the fire.

After the Panasonic company represented, France Schneider Electric Company came to the stage. I saw that the Bao Xuan is a glimpse, and the face is suddenly stopped. People who understand his character know that this is interested in this company. Or interested in the company's products, in short, it is what you want.

Schneider Electric Co., Ltd. is an expert in France's global electrical enterprises, global energy efficiency management and automation. In 1836, it was established by Schneider Brothers. Its headquarters is located in Ly, France.

In Schneider Electric, obtaining energy and utilizing digital technology is the basic power of people, Schneider Electric enables people to maximize energy and resources, and ensure that everyone can enjoy Life IS ON at any time at any time. Schneider provides energy and automated digital solutions to achieve efficient and sustainable. Schneider Electric integrates the world's leading energy technology, automation technology, software and services to overall solutions, serving home, building, data center, infrastructure and industrial market. Schneider is committed to creating meaningful, inclusive, inclusive business values, and promises to let this open, global, innovative ecotrial release unlimited possibilities.

Schneider Electric is one of the French industrial pioneers. In the 19th century, Schneider is engaged in steel industry, heavy machinery industry, ship construction industry; 20th century, engaged in electricity and automation management. In the 170 years of its establishment, Schneider has encountered numerous challenges, and has also made several major strategic choices, and the group has grown into industry leaders. Provide customers with secure, reliable, and efficient energy. With the success of China's business, Schneider electronically attaches great importance to China's development, and is willing to contribute to China's open and modernization.

Schneider Electric Company provides overall solutions for energy and infrastructure, industry, data centers, systems, buildings, and residential markets in more than 100 countries, including energy and infrastructure, industrial process control, building automation and data center and network. In the leading position in the world, there is also a powerful market capacity in the residential application.

Suddenly thought of Schneider's history, Bao Zi Xuan found that many outstanding companies were forgotten. If it is not Schneider showing their building power distribution system, it really did not find this company.

Schneider Electric is said to be one of the best electrical companies in France, and even the world. They have been in the forefront of the engineering building electrical overall solution, thinking that the mainland should build so many high-rise buildings, if you can cooperate in advance, then it is absolutely a million interest business.

There is no listening to Schneider electrical personnel to explain the product, but Bun Zi Xuan knows. Their products are absolutely not bad, and now the only lack is how to find a chance to take a bridge. Otherwise, it will not be blamed when he is still being made. At present, the feeling of black clouds gives people is a silly money, and I want to hurry to pit; but later prove that Bunzi Xuan is right.

Panasonic fortunately has never gone, see Bunzi Xuan's expression. No wonder this kid looks like this company, but there is no direct intersection with the black cloud, but I think that Black Clouds can now be produced. And doing business, there is no cross-border; if the power distribution system is big, it seems to go back to discuss it.

Also said that as RB real estate is hot. I really made this little Laozi made a lot of money. This is also one of the reasons why Baozi Xuan is not so annoying.

The representative of Schneider Electric Company introduced the latest model of the power distribution system, all exhibitors returned to the hotel. Today, the exhibition has just begun.

Still in Bao Zixuan room, the black cloud executives have made a small summary meeting.

Bunzi Xuan: "Today, everyone sees a lot of products that are similar to our similar products. This is a morning and evening. Our sales will definitely be affected, and it is normal. It is a matter of us. Introduce and innovate, I will introduce this work to every employee tomorrow. How is it in today? There are not statistics. "

This is the first time Bao Zixuan felt pressure. After all, the black cloud did not launch new products. All products are upgraded, and the market can not recognize still.

Hengjing is flat: "Our family game machine has sold 2 million units today. This is mainly cheap, our game is playable, and GameBoy2 sales also reached 1.5 million. Currently, the game machine market is directly competing with our opponents. Not much, Sony and Nintendo cooperation game consoles are good, but there is no good game cooperation, so sales is general. "

Miyamoto Hat: "Super Mario has sold 2,000 sets, but the sales of Tou Luo reached 7,600. And there are many customers, we have confidence will not be less than expected."

In fact, the game is the most assured industry in Bao Zixuan, and now the whole industry is unique. The game is still based on the game itself, your players are not strong, and the player will not give you a face. The sales of black cloud games and game consoles have been very stable, which is the most important cash guarantee in the openout.

It seems that returning to Xiangjiang to communicate the game creative Tong Palace this hat, but it is difficult to attract players after it is.

Ma Chenglong: "Our home theater is very poor today, only 2,000 sets. And most of them are old customers, but other products have risen. It is not a lot of money, and we must double their efforts tomorrow. Today we really give the company Here, I apologize to everyone here. "

Bridge Bunhao: "Our magic 2100 has sold 3,000 sets today, 4,500 digital cameras, mainly African customers, they exchanged with diamonds."

Hengshan Yong: "Our flash card is well sold today. Many computers are currently set to standard interfaces. However, the memory chip has not encountered a big buyer, mainly all the big buyers are exhibiting."

Bao Zixuan: "The current situation is grim, but I am very confident. The sales of products are not a person can decide. Everyone will introduce the characteristics of the black cloud product, I believe that customers will choose."

"I didn't expect African customers to buy so many products. This is our progress. It is also very good to get the diamond, and then do business with the Africans can be exchanged with wood, minerals."

"Please rest assured that we can buy it, but some things you have to pay, don't defeat our name."

This question Bunxuan takes a long time, Africa is a rich continent. It's just that the locals are not good, now you can do business with them, then you can lay out in advance in Africa, and you have priority to what minerals and resources are available.

And the diamonds themselves do not sell, and they will not be able to put them in front of Xiangjiang Jewelry. Others don't know, but sharks can absolutely eat a batch.

In fact, there is also a concern in Baozi Xuan, that is, Derbis Group. This is the world's first family introduced in the monetary war book, with the strong family of the sixth Empire of Europe. Still controlling the quantity, the most important thing is that the European market and the US market should not touch the door. After all, it is not 100 years ago, and there is a business between the other with the Soviet Union.

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