Frankfurt Auto Show, founded in 1897, the first international auto show in the world, is also the world's largest auto show, and is known as the World Automobile Industry "Olympic Games". Exhibition time is generally mid-September, a year, sedan and commercial vehicle turnover.

The exhibited vehicles mainly include sedan, sports cars, business vehicles, special vehicles, modified cars and auto parts. In addition, in cooperation with the auto show, Germany also held a different scale of classic car exhibitions.

The Frankfurt Auto Show Germany is the world's earliest international auto show place. The Frankfurt Auto Show is a Berlin Auto Show. It was founded in 1897 and moved to Frankfurt in 1951, a year, car and commercial vehicle. The Frankfurt Auto Show is the largest car show in the world, and there is a "car Olympics". The Frankfurt International Auto Show, held once every two years, is generally arranged in mid-September, for two weeks. The exhibiting merchants are mainly from Europe, the United States and RB, especially in European car commercials. Frankfurt is located in Germany and the protagonist is naturally German companies, which seems to be with the Detroit Auto Show, the geographicality of the Tokyo Auto Show. Germany is the birthplace of modern cars. It is the hometown of Mercedes, Volkswagen, Audi's old company, Frankfurt Auto Show is a good opportunity for them.

This black cloud car came to Frankfurt, and the vehicles they exhibited were only 4. The Black Cloud Knights have come to Europe for the first time, and it is strange. The entire European is no knight fifteen, which is related to the black cloud yield. The most important is that the Middle East and US customers have consumed car, and their purchase capacity has been strong.

In addition, the first debut in the world, the black cloud 1 series, the Je je jeep, Big Cherokee. These three cars are the first time to face the world, and it can be said that success is here.

Although Baozi Xuan includes the entire black cloud car to have a confidence in 3 cars, but there is no market inspection who does not dare to make a ticket. This black cloud car booth is to buy half the Chrysler booth, the most important to the second half; the overall position is not good.

However, as a technology company is born, the existing technology is that this helper cannot match. Black Clouds arranged a lot of LCD screens around the exhibition hall, as if the night screen is like not to make money. Moreover, Baozi Xuan is already thinking, and the design of the black cloud car 4S shop will also use a large number of LCD screen promotional brands. There is also the most important to drive the capacity of the liquid crystal plant to maximize the profit.

The automotive exhibition will be different from the electronic technology exhibition, and there are at least a lot of exhibition halls. After all, the exhibitors are more monolithic, as long as the car opens the car to the palace, basically OK. This exhibition hall is the most useful and black cloud car. They have installed a lot of night scene screens in accordance with the electronic technology exhibition mode, and it is a bit in the future.

Black clouds are late, only bid to a four-star hotel next to the pavilion. This is still the reason for the addition, although the car company is not good, but the thin and dead camel is big. For these 100 years, the hotel is really nothing.

John Chambers has been in Frankflow a week, and he has been following the progress hall these days. This is the first time of Black Clouds, he didn't want any errors. For a manager who is very serious, he can't afford this person.

John Chaborz: "Boss, you can make it very much in Dongde. I am actually listening to your news in Frankfurt these days."

Bao Zixuan: "Fortunately, I have always had a big industrial dream. Some industries may not need to make money, but we must be able to produce themselves, or will be subject to people."

In fact, with the reform of Huaxia reform, this time it is not worried about the area of ​​the large machinery and equipment. It is not to buy other companies, and the Huangpu company will use a lot when the Huangpu company is in large infrastructure, and the company will increase the company's construction capacity.

Sometimes Baozi Xuan is not likely to be complete with European and American employees.

Although Bao Zi Xuan did not ask, but as a subordinate or to report to the boss, let the other party rest assured, trust you is a matter, you report another thing.

John Chambs: "The boss, the current exhibition hall has been completed, equipment debugging will be final acceptance tomorrow. There is no problem when it is debugged today, and my advantage is obvious in this area."

At present, the technical reserve of the home cinema equipment and the LCD screen is no longer poor than any enterprise. When other companies are simply introduced to the car, the Black Cloud is all used in the technology that can be used.

Bunzi Xuan: "That's good, you don't worry. But Chrysler didn't start there of moth!"

John Chabor: "The whole is ok, after all, the black cloud is not only a car company. However, they give us the booth in the back. If they don't get people from their entrance, they will be very passive. But after they see them, I Still sealing the pair of Chrysler. "

Bao Zixuan: "Nothing, this time we are reporting to learn the purpose, and there is also to believe our car. Chrysler is a lonely old noble, except for the rest of the castle, others sold. This is the cost of this castle every year. It is necessary to spend a lot of repair costs. If it is not an impact, they will be acquired by Black Cloud. "

John Chabor: "However, many Chrysler workers want to come to the black cloud, but now our new car has not yet listed, I have some eating. I didn't agree with them, but the technically very good master left."

Bunzi Xuan: "You look at it, Chrysler is our pocket in the morning and evening. Now let him live a few days, but the military department is more troublesome. I want to peel out, otherwise I will not be approved."

There are some industries in the United States to be US people to enter, and the past live Mumeo can join US nationality in order to acquire TV stations. If the black cloud wants to enter the US military enterprises, then the only way is that Bunzi Xuan is registered. However, this is back to his philosophy, and it will not be blamed by people after entering the information society.

John - Money Although I hope that the boss will join the US, it also knows that this is impossible. It is currently a matter of dealing with the exhibition. After all, this is the first time in Black Cloud, can't have a half tiger.

John Chambs: "Reassured, boss. We have never stopped for Chrysler's penetration, as long as you wait for a while, we will do it after waiting for it."

Next, two people chatted some questions about the problems to pay attention to in the auto show, John Chambers left Bunxuan Room.

Looking at the night view of Frankfurt, Bunzu Xuan is thinking. There is too much behind Huaxia, and I am trying to catch up with him. I have some strength. Sometimes I want to give up to do a rich figure, but this idea is often flashing.

Going to the desk and starting to plan the car company, he wants to build the black cloud car company into the world's largest automotive enterprise. The first step is to open a 4S shop around the world, which is the fastest way to occupy the market.

The current car competitors are mainly RB, Europe and the US car company, and most of them have been inherited for decades. And there are countries that have strong support in the future. If the black cloud wants to kill the sole approach is technological innovation, cost performance, and functionally surpass these companies, this is very difficult, but must also go.

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