Ginseng, ginseng for the umbrellas, five Cankees, is ginseng, happy, no air hole and fence, can not retain moisture, temperature above 32 degree blades will be burned, depression 0.7-0. 8. Usually 3 years flowering, 5-6 years, spectacular May - June, 6- September.

Mixed-to-pendulum-based hybrid forest or deciduous broad-leaved forest, which is growing with red pine, and decided in the northeast, North Korea, RB, Russia, North China, North Korea, RB, Russia. Don't be called yellow ginsear, ginseng, god grass, and the king of grass, is one of the famous "Northeast Sanbao".

When Vasili came to this person, several old collections were shocked by those who were in front of this stem.

Zhao Lao Liu is the leader of the ginsee, and a long-term life in the Northeast. After seeing this to the old people, the black cloud group staff saw this to the old, the person, and brought them to Xiangjiang.

Zhao Laixia is the Xiangjiang, which is going to the Black Cloud Purchasing, and in the explanation of the doctor of Huang Chunqiu to the Soviet Union. In fact, Bao Zi Xuan has a person with such a person, and has opened the session of Huaxia and the Soviet Union. Otherwise, it is really impossible to get a visa so quickly, and the light procedure is a big trouble.

Zhao Lao Liu was engaged in the collection industry for more than 30 years, and he never saw such a huge gangliu branch in the career in these years. According to estimates, it is absolutely more than 500 years, which is a bad baby. It can be said that the world is in the world, it is possible to reach the real world.

Zhao Lao Six said: "Dong family, watching it should be no problem. But be careful, or our parent-child excavation."

Bao Zixuan: "Everything has Master Zhao, you are a hipster in this respect."

Zhao Lao Liu heard the title of Bunzi Xuan. This Xiangjiang Board did not drink five six words like rumors. Very respect for them, and it is very generous to give money. The most important is to act in accordance with their planning, truly professional matter.

Zhao Laoxia started working with 3 buddies, they first tied a red line on the stem leaf. This is an ancient tradition, which is afraid that people have escaped during refining. Just a beautiful myth, it is not true. However, it will be a tradition when I have more than a hundred years of ginseng in Northeast. It has now become a tradition.

They continuously excavate the black soil around the ginseng, starting from the 3 meters perimeter. It is afraid that it is afraid of a little bit of people.

At present, everyone is watching the work of Zhao Laixiao. At this time they don't dare to disturb. It is fear that the staff is distracted. The best way to wait is to wait.

Baozi Xuan also arranged other people to do logistics, and everything is now arranged around Zhao Laixia. The Soviet staff cooks in building tents and fire, which may be their last night in the mountains.

Zhao Laixixiao carefully dug a ginseng, according to his experience, this paragraph is likely to be more than 500 years of ginseng. The boss is a big price for this thing, not just bringing them to the Soviet Union, and I also invited Soviet Union to help. This can not be able to do if you have money, you need a quite powerful strength.

In the world, everyone has a breather watching Zhao Laixixiao. Varisi is a tense story from Varith. After all, this is a ginseng who changed the fate of the family. If everything reaches this Xiangjiang Board, then the two sisters can go abroad, they can also become a millionaire. And the unit is still the dollar, this is a lot of money to earn a lot of money.

Zhao Laixixiao is moving the periphery at a layer, and now I can see the appearance of ginseng. However, it can be seen that this person is not small from excavating soil. It has been more than 1 meter from the current tri-seek diameter.

Although Zhao Lao's tools are some primitive, it is still very easy to use the ancestors to inherit the items of the millennium. These tools can quickly explore without damage to ginseng, and is still slower for those soldiers.

Just now everything is waiting for Zhao Lao Liu's mining results, no one dares to bother.

Although Bao Zixuan is very urgent, this is about the mother's condition. But he also knows that it is not an urgent time. Can only be patient on the side.

Zhao Lao Liu did not losing the hand of the hipster, under the four people. After two hours, I finally took all the people to dig all the people. I saw this ginseng that had risen into the shape, everyone was discounted by nature.

This is by no means the beauty of artificial engraving, she has a beautiful beauty. It seems that it is possible to get people, Baozi Xuan knows that the financial is moving. Take out the jade box that has been prepared, puts people.

Baozi Xuan said to Zhao Laoxia: "Master Zhao has worked hard, with your experience, can not reach more than 500 years."

Zhao Lao Six: "East, take the age of this ginseng absolutely more than 600 years. It can be said to be a rare baby, and Dr. Huang read absolute satisfaction."

Baozi Xuan: "Everyone is hard, too late this evening. We are here to take a break, start on time tomorrow. Waxi and Zhao Master You come over with me, this will come."

In the largest one tent, Bunzu said to Wasili: "Mr. Wai, $ 10 million, are you going to be cash or to play your account, if you are not convenient to receive, you can put it here, you You can be extracted at any time. As for your sister studying, they want to go to that country. I will let the black cloud contact them in the Soviet staff, this can be assured. "

Baozi Xuan also worried about the money in this soldier, so he would say this.

Wasili didn't think of such a thoughtfulness, replied: "Thank you for Mr. Bao, you can play it directly to my account, just $ 5 million. The rest give me a sister as an study abroad. I know that you are not bad, but I can't be greedy. "

Bao Zixuan did not expect this Soviet boy to be unresolved, it seems that it can be cultivated. I said: "If you have no problem, you can contact me if you want to go to the black cloud development."

Baozi Xuan then said to Zhao Laoxia: Master Zhao is very hard this time, 100,000 US dollars will give you black cloud staff when returning to Northeast. There is also what suffer from the future, you can find a local black cloud staff, this is only for you.

In the arrangement of this largest two heroes, Bao Zi Xuan began to appreciate this ginseng. I know that it may not be the past report, but this is never possible. It seems that the baby in the Soviet Union is really a lot, you can take a good job.

Early the next morning, everyone picked up things to start from the direction of the Qingkyo. Going back at all, there is no tension, everyone says and laughs all the way to the military camp.

When I went for a week, I only used it for 2 days when I came back. Bao Zixuan returned to the Communist Youth City with more than 10,000 people. Bao Zi Xuan armed for his own commitment to give each person with him a $ 10,000.

At the same time, I also sent them to the Soviet Qingcheng military high-level, which is the rule. After all of all, Bao Zi Xuan took a ginseng to the Communist Youth City. Although the purpose has been reached, it has exceeded 2.5 in the Soviet territory, which is that Bunzi Xuan's gas is rough, and some people have already banned.

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