Reseeding the Growth of the Xiangjiang Tycoon

Chapter 237 Black Cloud Mobile Phone

After completing the Chicago celebration, Bunzi returned to Boston next day. He wants to see how the black cloud mobile phone function is, after all, he is just a technical indicator and an appearance sketch.

When Bao Zi Xuan left, many Blackstone Fund employees have another expression. Everyone did not expect this small boss to be so good, no one knows how much Bunxuan is drinking last night, only knows a lot, and there are many more. But everyone is drunk, only the boss is fine, then it is very explained.

Back to the black cloud laboratory to see Yur-Engel is waiting for yourself, Baozi Xuan said: "Yus, our mobile phone performance, I can't wait to see it."

Yier - Engel: "The technical requirements you mentioned completely. Now the size of the mobile phone is much smaller than the Motorola laboratory, the weight is only half of the other party, but the standby time is three times the other party, mainly because We have a major breakthrough in lithium batteries, and all our parts are streamlined. "

In fact, Bunzi Xuan knows that the signals used in this era are 1G analog cellular network. Although the spectrum utilization rate is low, the type of business is limited, there is no high-speed data service, and the difference between confidentiality is different, but it is important relative to this era. significance. He creating a primary river for human remote wireless calls.

Bunzi Xuan: "How much is the current cost of our signal tower."

At present, there is no large-scale construction signal tower on the market. Now many telephone companies can also see the foreground of this mobile phone product. So only cost the cost is minimized, and you can build your own signal tower in the early stage. This is a small expenditure. If a company is estimated to support a company, it is difficult to support a company, but Bao Zi Xuan also wanted this problem, which is a good foundation for subsequent expansion. In the future, enter the 2G \ 3G \ 4G \ 5G era can seamlessly.

Yier - Engel: "The price of a small device is $ 200,000, can only be used in the city. However, it is necessary to use large equipment in the outdoor, which will be more cost-effective; each set of price is 1200,000 -1.5 million US dollars Between. Mainly to see the order situation and use requirements. "

Bao Zixuan: "Let's build a local system in several big cities in the United States. If the effect, many telephone companies will follow into this project, when we sell equipment, we can earn a pen."

Black Cloud now has purchased all patented technology on mobile and signal communication protocols, which can be upgraded and transformed on this basis.

When Yier-Engel took a new phone in front of Bunxuan, this time he really felt incredible. At present, Motorola only produces big brothers, that is, the brick machine that can be used to smash the walnut. And Yier-Engel got into Bunxuan is a new brother and a new mobile phone with antenna telescopic function and microphone flip function.

Single is a look at the appearance, you can hang Motorola's similar products, which is the current technology capability of the black cloud. Under Bunzu's spare no effort and inductance, this phone can reach the 90-year level of the past.

Baozi Xuan: "How much this phone is."

Yier - Engel: "In addition to the Motorola products except for the motherboard, the remaining parts are all our own. The cost of a mobile phone is around $ 1,500, if the mass production can be controlled at $ 1200."

Hearing here, Bao Xuanxin, no wonder the past Motorola dare to launch so many satellites to space, it turned out to be too rich. Mobile phone profits must definitely exceed anyone imagination, this is really not a joke.

Bunzi Xuan: "Very good, but you have to purchase enough motherboard chips to Motorola before listed. Otherwise, our business is good, it is too big."

Yier - Engel: "Boss, we have procurement contracts between them.

Bunzi Xuanxin thought, Yur-Engel is really a scholar. I don't know what many people in the world will make things for interest, but he will not have such idealism and put the fate to other companies.

Bao Zi Xuan: "The harmful trip is not available, but there are some things we have to prevent. Everything is good, we first order 10 million motherboard chips, it is that he is selling goods, we can also persist for a long time."

In fact, many companies in the past Americans do not ship, and they don't return the rogue behavior. When it comes to a sin of harm to national security, Bun Zixuan does not want this happening on himself.

Yier - Engel still doesn't understand the doorway inside, can only choose to believe Bunxuan. Don't look at this boss is not old, but the business smell is particularly sensitive, not his engineer can match, this time still listening to the boss.

Yier - Engel said: "Good boss, I know what to do. But once in so many goods to take up a lot of money, the money on the black cloud mobile phone is used to engage in research and development, there is currently no more funds can be purchased. Component.

It is also unfortunately embarrassing Yus-Engel, which he burn over 100 million US dollars these days. If you change to any boss, you have long been angry. He didn't think that Bun Zixuan would not care.

That is, there is no such money in the Bell Lab this target for the first goal, if Yier-Egn is really burn, it is estimated that investors have long been looking for him. This is why mobile phone projects are behind Motorola, or in his technical reserves are absolutely early in Martin-Cooper.

Baozi Xuan: "Now contact Black Cloud Other Company, we first invest large-scale signal tower in major cities in the United States. I know that these customers have to be acquired by the phone company, but now these companies will not be able to see it. The project invests money. Then we will give priority, you can buy them or cooperate, in short, we can absolutely can't lose money. "

Yier - Engel: "What we need to do, what kind of cities choose to choose."

Bun Zixuan: How much is the coverage area, how many signal towers are needed for each city. The first batch of only six cities in New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, Boston, Atlanta, Chicago, Boston, Atlanta and Detroit. Other places, we will naturally have companies and us to negotiate after we have benefited. In addition, Asia chooses Xiangjiang as the first pilot city, other calls will be decided. There is also the most important thing to prepare the signal tower equipment. When we have benefits, other companies will follow up and buy.

Baozi Xuan is ready to release a mobile phone at the Los Angeles Electronic Technology Exhibition. Time can be said to be very urgent. Fortunately, when I was prepared, I have already negotiated with these cities. Black Clouds not only use fuel oil to purchase, and will increase urban employment, and this era mobile phone communication has not yet harms the national security. After all, this world is No. The core technology has mastered in the hands of Americans, and the motherboard chip is produced by US companies. This is the bottom gas of people, mastering core technology is not afraid of what moths you have.

Yier-Engel: "Boss, if this is, we have to invest $ 200 million in the previous period to cover these cities."

In fact, this is also one of the reasons for the early calls, the previous investment is too large, and the user is too small. If you do not accept customer phone bills, please wait for a loss!

Bao Zi Xuan: "No problem, I will invest $ 300 million to the black cloud mobile company."

This is also the Blackstone Fund earns a lot of money, or it can take the black cloud cash flow to take the cost of ginseng.

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