I heard the Bun Zixuan said, and then combined with the facial expression. Phil Hawkins knows that it may be sinful, but he also knows that if you don't quite Diana - Lockefeller is so likely to make people look more. This is not a thing of Diana, is the honor of the entire Rockefeller family.

I heard Phil Hawkins said that I can guarantee myself, Diana Rockefelton is much relieved. If there is no Phill Hawkins may really be ugly, although the Rockefeller family is once the world's richest, it is also a rich home. It can be said that there are only a few a few of the world that can be comparable to them. However, so many generations of households have been scattered early, don't watch the shares, but it is really not her Diana. This cooperation is the family is set, she only has the right, and there is no ownership.

With confidence, Diana Rockefeller also said that there is a bottom gas, saying to Baozi Xuan: "The package is always, now you can! If you rest assured that the person lost is definitely you."

Bun Zixuan: "I haven't said it yet! We have five years. In these five years, you have to ensure that the company grows 100% annually, how is it interested?"

I heard Bunzu Xuan said that 100% increase each year isn't it? This can be completed, it is simply a height of the world. Don't say that Diana Rockefeller does not have any management experience, that is, a world-class professional manager is not necessarily capable.

Phil Hawkins: "Pack, is it too much, 100% annually, this is too difficult. There is no such business in the world that has such a fast growth rate."

Bao Zi Xuan: "The condition I opened it out, can you follow the ability of Miss Diana. Doing business is not as simple, and which thing to learn is not necessarily managed."

Phil Hawkins also wants to talk, but it is pulled by Luke-Rockefeller. Lu Shi is a clear man, just his husband has crossed Bao Zixuan this friend. If you say more, even the final cooperation is not necessarily possible. Now Bun Zixuan did not say what is a few feelings, and there is still a few feelings with the choice of Phil Hawkins. If you jump out and talk to Diana, everyone is not a friend, and it is impossible to cooperate.

Knowing that Bao Zi Xuan gave her pit, Diana, who did not care, said: "I agree with the total advice, prepare the agreement!"

In fact, the current Diana Rockefeller has not allowed himself. If you accept this time, you really can't afford your last name. Therefore, I don't hesitate to answer Bunxuan's gambling, the purpose is to fight for a sigh.

There is also that she also has her own air, Best Buy these shareholders are not simple people. When the fund is needed, the bank will not refuse, a big deal with high-end operation enterprises, believe that it can achieve 100% performance growth per year.

At Bunzi Xuan heard Phil-Hawkins, he didn't want to stay here. However, the courtesy is still there, at least everyone has to go.

After the three-party lawyers arrived, they started drafting contracts. At this time, the professionalism of the lawyer reflects it. Bun Zixuan is not entangled, after all, I have seen a lot of things today.

The main content of the contract is that the black cloud group, the Hawkins family, and the Rockefeller family three jointly funded the formation of Best Buy Electronic Mall. The Black Cloud Group has funded 55% of $ 55%; the Hawkins family has funded $ 200 million to account for 20%; the Rockefeller family funds $ 25% of the 200 million US dollars.

Best Buy was operated by the President of Diana Rockefeller, which was responsible for employee training by Black Cloud Group. The Hawkins family is responsible for finding a store, in fact, their two are now together, this area is not saying anything.

There is also the tripartite and signed a gambling contract. In the 5 years, if the Diana Rockefeller can make the company grow more than 100% year-on-year 5 years later.

Bao Zi Xuan said: "Contract has been signed, you can implement it now. I will hit the company on a week, please rest assured."

"I don't have time today, I will not bother. I have to go back to Boston at night." I have left Fiier Hawkins home, and no matter how the other side keeps shake; do not hesitate to leave.

After seeing Bao Zixuan left, Diana Rockefeller said: "What is nothing, I must use strength to prove yourself, let you see Xiaoyu my end."

"But today, thank you for your brother-in-law. I didn't expect the key moments. I was more reliable. I don't bother you to rest, I will go home." Said that he left.

At this time, only the rooms were left in the room, and the two couples were Lockefeller. Dimi said to Phil Hawkins: "Dear, you are too impulsive today, I feel that you should not participate. Among the gambling of Diana and Baozi Xuan. "

Phil Hawkins: "Is there anything wrong! Diana is your sister, I don't say it, he is absolutely shameful today."

Luke Rock-Rockefeller: "She is my sister is not fake, but when I marry you, I will not belong to the Rockefeller family. It is the Rockefeller family earning more money and I have no relationship. This family is It is so cruel. If you are not indifferent, do you think may earn so much money! "

"There is also that you are sinful today. This section is estimated to unlock. Before he took you as a friend, now I can be very responsible to you, this friend, you have lost, just in your help Anna's moment. "

"And you look at the attitude of Diana just left, it seems that we should do everything. She is a family girl, we have to turn around her, listen to her instructions. In order to help a person Defenses are not worth it, I hope you will not be impulsive later, what can be discussed with me. "

After listening to my wife, Phil Hawkins really felt the default of today. But now wood has become a boat, it is difficult to recover. Said: "What you said is, I am too impulsive, dear. I am absolutely to discuss in the future, what should I do now! Just as you said, lose the package of this friend, our loss is very big."

Louis-Rockefeller: "Things are not so bad, you can't serve as a good friend and good brother. But doing business must work well. This person must be more manageable or smart, and there are too many people. As long as we don't want to There is no matter what the other party and the cheap, otherwise there will be no business partners can't do it. "

Phil Hawkins: "I know Dear, it seems that what is still going to discuss with you, or you will have a sinner and suffer, I have accumulated a lot of blessings in my life. Such a good wife. "

Dimi Rock-Rockefeller: "Death, now I know. But I will listen to me later, don't repent it."

Two people chat content Bunxuan doesn't know, don't want to know. At this time, he is going back to the road to Bosteon. Today, he is really angry. At this time, I think about drinking, I have to vent it, or I'm really sorry. You take people as a friend, but people take you as ordinary people, from this moment, he understands a lot, so pay for the previous ingredients. Business is a business, don't be involved in personal feelings, otherwise sadness is definitely yourself, people will only say that you are very stupid.

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