Reseeding the Growth of the Xiangjiang Tycoon

Chapter 253, the impact of mobile phones

Busy a day, ordinary employees have taken a break. However, as a boss's bunxuan is going to go to the banquet, Shengtian Zhaofu is already waiting for him. For this Sony President, he can't say anything, but every time I want to have a cheaper, I'm too difficult. This old man is too embarrassed, and now Bao Zixuan is not an opponent.

Still last Western restaurant, telling the truth, RB, is also a little strange. Every time they are sitting on the same seat, I don't know what the purpose is.

Seeing Bunzi Xuan arrived, Shengtian Zhaof stood up and said: "Bao Sang, hello! Please sit, want to eat something."

There are several customers who have continued to discuss problems with Bao Zixuan, so I have been 5 minutes late. This makes the time conceptual Bao Zixuan is very embarrassed, this is not a big brand, this is a principle of a person, no matter who faces. You hate it or you don't have a relationship, but it should be on time.

The apologency said: "I am very sorry, Mr. Shengtian Zhaof. I don't want to explain what this is my fault, I apologize for late."

Shengtian Zhaof didn't expect this young person to do this, if you are investigating, you don't understand the transformation. Laughing and said: "Bao Hulu is not too careful, I have just arrived for a long time; I still have a chat while eating!"

Still last time that service, this time I saw two gods came over. It can only be careful, these two people can be can't afford it.

Tita Zhav did not choose red wine, but took RB to wine. He also knows that Bunxuan likes Huaxia liquor, but as RB people still like wine. RB people like domestic wine, as if all things like to use national production. It can reflect that there can be produced in China, and there is an increase in sales and strength of domestic enterprises.

Bunzi Xuan: "Don't know what is Tiantian about me?"

Shengtian Zhaof understands Bunxuan character, knowing this is a relatively direct business big man. Laughing and said: "Sony is very interested in mobile phone projects, I don't know what price for Sony has to get mobile phone and signal tower technology and patents."

Bun Zixuan: "You know, I am doing business likes to booth. The mobile phone project is Black Cloud to buy from Motorola's hands. At that time, each company can authorize 4 external places. Yesterday, I and Panasonic fortune have reached a cooperation intention Sony wants to get technology and authorization to find Motorola. So Mr. Shengtian will have a small price. "

Bao Zixuan just wanted to get more chips, in fact, Shengtian Zhaofu is clear. Now, Black Cloud mobile phone technology is at least 3-5 years of Motorola 3-5 years, making other companies in the hands of Motorola also need to be experimenting in the laboratory. If you want to trade at least 3 years, waiting for your mobile phone research and development, black clouds are negotiating.

Shengtian Zhaov: "Thank you for your kindness, but Sony and Black Cloud cooperation are very good. No need to find Motorola, after all, their technology is not very mature. Sony is to buy a lot of things, it needs to be developed, so too waste time."

Bao Zi Xuan: "Mr. Panasonic yesterday has paid a lot of costs to get technical authorization. I am afraid that you will not agree, you will say that I am not a friend. Instead, I will affect the friendship between the two companies. This is not what I am willing to see. the result of."

Shengtian Zhaov: "It doesn't matter, good things will have no relationship. I know that Baosang does not lack the money, I like technology exchange and RB room."

"Sony has many technologies that meet your requirements, and there are also many properties and properties in RB. These are Sony is willing to pay, only for mobile technology."

Bao Zi Xuan: "Since Mr. Shengtian Zhaof is so sincere, I don't say much. I set up a university in Xiangjiang. I hope I can get Sony's full support. Sony can ask for children to study in this university.

"In addition, Black Cloud is interested in Sony in electron showing tubes, photosensitive components technology, I hope Sony can use these technical exchanges. We can use the value of both technologies, and deficiencies can be bored with RB."

Shengtian Zhaof didn't expect Bunxuan to begin to Sony's basic technology, this is the real core of a company. Sometimes I look at a business surface very beautiful, and the people who know know how to know this is just a table. The core components do not produce themselves. Most of the parts will choose from purchases. Once the supplier is shipped, it is really when you cry.

Bao Zi Xuan did not want this thing to happen to himself, and now it is costly, and the basic technology must be mastered in hand.

Shengtian Zhaov thought for a while: "No problem, my door Sony will work together. However, Black Cloud is now actually set up a university, which is very spent."

Bunzi Xuan: "The current top-level institutions are all in Europe, in our Asia, the RB is not very valued for sputum. Now many young people prefer financial and apparel design. No young people like boring scientific research, this is A very dangerous thing. I don't know if you understand the Xiangjiang, where business people like real estate and shipping business. "

"Leading young people don't work, if you have other things that have no job. I was the only student in 75 years, and there were nearly 200 students in Xiangjiang to study in the UK."

"I estimate that RB is also almost, if we don't develop. Then, our Asia is difficult to progress, this is not two places in RB and Xiangjiang, which is about survival of all Asian companies."

I heard the Bunxuan said that Shengtian Zhaov also wanted to meditate. RB current house prices also make many young people don't like research and development disciplines, which is indeed a dangerous signal.

Shengtian Zhaov: "I help the black clouds have no problems, but I hope that Sony's children can return to Sony. Tuition is paying, and when Sony wants to build a university, Black Cloud has to give support."

Bao Zixuan: "No problem, this is a win-win strategy."

In fact, the reason why Bunzi Xuan and Shengtian said that so much is to let the other party know that his own brand, and there is a lot of RB companies to end. The children of employees are very obedient, and the first batch of the first batch of black clouds can use them to play a famous gas. In addition, Sony engineers can be a good team of teachers, which are currently required.

The big direction has been determined, and the rest is the evaluation of the patented product below. These don't need two big-class characters, so two people have begun to talk about some topics.

Shengtian Zhaov: "I heard that Pan Xiaoxue is going to engage in Sanjing Fengwen, which is a sensational event in RB."

Bunzi Xuan: "My Miss, Miss Pan is just aware of it, has not yet developed to special relationships. This is really not interested, but I still want to thank Mr. Zhaofeng."

I heard the Bunxuan said that it is not a fake, is it really thinking too much. If you really lose money, Pan Xiaoxue marry to Sanjing Fengwen or Tiantian Zhaovs, which is afraid of Panasonic and Black Cloud. If the two people are really nothing, get the son-in-law of the three wells, isn't it to enhance the strength of Panasonic?

But can't be deceived by this kid, after all, I don't know what the specific situation is.

For those who mentioned the second link, Song Shi Xuebao Xuan has some speechless, it seems that everyone really feels what they have. But one party is married, so there will be no other troubles.

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