Reseeding the Growth of the Xiangjiang Tycoon

Chapter 254, the impact of mobile phones

Looking at the next reporter, Rodel knows no longer say. What is the best, if the will give people a bad impression.

Rodel said with a smile: "Look at everyone should listen to what I said is a bit impatient, I will not talk about Hu. I still leave the chance to these 4 big men, you want to know what they will happen. thing."

"Next, I started to enter the advice, time limited, each reporter friend can only ask a question. I hope everyone understands that the talent I can ask, thank you for your cooperation."

As Rodel presided over, many reporters raised their hands. Don't look at the old age is not small, but it is favored to the beauty; the first choice is a beautiful reporter.

Blonde did not expect that he can actually ask questions, it seems that God is really giving yourself today. The beauty reporter said: "Siemens, hello! I am a Berlin Daily reporter, I want to ask Siemens, this smart home appliance system has been very good, other companies are difficult to surpass in a short time, your company has been leading in large-scale home appliances The market trend. But in other fields, especially small products, your company doesn't seem to be strong, do not comply with Siemens company's strength. I want to ask Siemens to increase the development of small consumer electronics, especially mobile phones! "

It must be a tribe of the Iron Allies. This is an inquiry. It is simply to give Siemens company songs and operate. Baozi Xuan listened to this beautiful reporter, and there were ideas for finding a good media. At the critical moment, the reporter will help you share the pressure, and if any of the enterprises, you can also pass this media, and there is no harm to the company. It seems that it is still necessary to do a good relationship with the media.

Listening to the problem of a beautiful reporter, Peter Feng - Siemens is very satisfied. It is still intimate in the national media, and it is not a US media that is not difficult to die!

Peter Feng - Siemens said: "Siemens can be said in the big home ever, the highest market share, is more obvious after we take the lead in researching smart home appliances. However, there are many outstanding companies behind us to catch up, for everyone's Siemens Increase investment, will not surpass any business. "

"Siemens who say that Siemens said in small appliances is really not good in small appliances, especially mobile phone. Siemens have no technical reserves, but these are not problems with Siemens. There is a market, mobile project Siemens will definitely enter. This is a big project that can lead the whole era, Siemens have no reason to miss. "

"And and we have absolute confidence in entering the mobile phone market, and have already got the door brick. Siemens have purchased the technology and patent authorization of mobile phones in Motorola, and believe that Siemens will quickly catch up with the technical reserves in electronic communication."

Many people didn't think Siemens actually bought a mobile phone technology and patent authorization from Motorola. I didn't expect this arrogant German giant to have a low day. This let Bunzi Xuan really regret, I know that I have to talk to Siemens!

Many of Siemens' technology black clouds are very important to get it. Although the techniques exchanged from Philips hands are enough, who can refuse better products!

A middle-aged reporter asked: "Hello, Galvin! I am a reporter of the Chicago Tribune, I want to ask you! As the world's first company, the company has developed mobile phones, why make the mobile phone to commercialize the phone! Motorola How long does it take for mobile phone commercial, when can we buy it in the market! "

Robert Galvin: "Motorola is a responsible company, although we are the first company that has developed mobile phones, but later black clouds have made greater efforts in mobile research and development. Temporarily let them lead. But everyone Believe in Motorola's strength,

"So please feel free to worry, Motorola's mobile phone will soon meet you. At that time, you will get more surprises than now, Motorola never let everyone disappoint."

I heard the black cloud phone chip is also Motorola, which makes everyone are interested. A reporter asked: "Mr. Bao, May I say that Black Cloud mobile phone chip is also a Motorola product, is this true!"

In fact, this is also the intention of Bao Zixuan, that is, the US business department knows the core technology to master in the American hand, and the black cloud is more assembled. It is that Galvin does not mention it, Bunzi Xuan will also say to the public. Now that big money has earned, there is no need to think that you are threats in the enemy and let everyone think that you are threat, and there are Motorola who has a military background company in front or a lot of potential threats to the black cloud.

Baozi Xuan: "Yes, the motherboard chip used by the black cloud phone is indeed produced by Motorola. As for what model, this is a black cloud custom product, I can't answer you. However, this chip performance is very stable, can be said in similar products The best, the most important thing is currently not produced in black clouds. "

I heard Bunzixuan to admit that the core of the black cloud phone is Motorola's production, which makes Americans very proud. Key technologies are still in Americans, what is worried? Even the US intelligence department thinks so, this saves a lot of trouble.

A reporter asked: "Mr. Calwin, Mr. Bao Zixuan said that Black Cloud does not produce Motorola for the chip to provide him. Can you refuse to supply the black cloud phone for commercial interests?"

This problem can be said to be very vicious, if not available. Then Motorola will become a shavity, and there will be people who will work with you after the business reputation. If available, then a serious threat is also a serious threat to the Motorola mobile phone you want to list. No matter how you do it, there will be good results, which requires Calvin's wisdom to solve.

Robert Galvin smiled and said: "I can tell you about this question. I will not do this in public. Motorola is a business reputation. We will not Make this violation of business ethics. This has the honor of Motorola, which is the denial of our past. "

"Mr. I and Bunxuan are very good friends. Our two privately exchanged. He is a young man who is very relieved and ideas, my daughter is already married, or I must let him do me. The son-in-law. "

"And you don't be deceived by his appearance. This kid is very embarrassing. Before the mobile phone is listed, Black Cloud will book 10 million motherboard chips to Motorola. And also clear the goods will be clear, if I dare to estimate it. Sales of Motorola to pay. "

"You now know why I said that this little child is broken! He put what is counted, it is to let you drill."

Robert Galvin's returning to Motorola's stock in the next period of time, less than half a month, doubled the stock price doubled.

Everyone is thinking, Motorola is so responsible and companies with business ethics now too little. The main thing is that the mobile phone chip has only Motorola companies in production, which can be a changing monopoly business, and the future of the mobile phone market is unimaginable. At this time, I don't take the opportunity to buy Motorola's stocks. I really can really do myself, so I don't hesitate to buy.

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