I heard that Xiao Zhou said, the old man is constantly meditation. It seems that what I have to do, and I don't want to go. It can be said non-contradictions. However, the soldiers who came over as a bullet, the ability to do things is very good.

The old man said: "Now the whole world is reported to the Black Cloud and Bunzi Xuan. The British government will definitely draw each other. Your job is more meticulous, you can't pick out the problem."

Last time you said that Bunxuan is still preparing to increase investment in deep sea, how this is said.

Zhou surnamed: "In fact, it is not only Bao Zi Xuan. Other Xiangjiang businessmen have wanted to invest in investment. However, in addition to being alone in Shekou area, other places still pursue 51:49 principles. This makes many businessmen in Xiangjiang are not very relieved. If the country can let go, the deep sea can be used as the first pilot, so that our investment work will be better. "

"It's not very interest to invest less than 100 million US dollars in Bao Zi Xuan. The investment in deep sea may have more than $ 200 million. But he has not been there once."

"Listening to Black Cloud Company, it may come over when the factory will start. There is a lot of money in our opinion, but it is not possible to be a billion billion."

"The sales of Black Clouds may exceed $ 30 billion, after all, the first quarter has sold $ 13 billion. The tax payment in Xiangjiang is about $ 15-3 billion. This is a lot of number, if black cloud Some companies are placed in the deep sea, then part of these taxes is our, most important to increase employment. "

I heard the old man silent, a company actually has such a high sales and tax. And everything is calculated in dollar, how horror is a number.

The old man said: "I will talk about it when I meet next time, you can rest assured that it will be implemented in accordance with your own ideas. Some can be changed, after all, the reform and opening up, we are touched the stone crossing the river."

If Bao Zi Xuan sees, it will be more surprised. After all, a man called a small week is actually the Mayor of Shenzhen, visible, the level and prestige of the elderly.

In Moscow Soviet, the Bunzi has produced a strong interest in the Klimlin, and Britgenev said to Andropoff: "Although the Americans like to exaggerate their words, but for us. The partner survey is still very detailed. What is the status of Black Clouds in the Soviet trade, and now it is now. We also need foreign exchange. This has no relationship with the national strength. Many materials need foreign exchange purchases. The Soviet company is not enough. "

Andropoff returns to the way: "Comrade General Secretary, our cooperation with black clouds is mainly used for the use of waste steel and titanium alloys."

"As the titanium alloy is used, the titanium alloy can meet the 20% food import share of the entire Soviet Union. And this share is still increasing, and the future titanium alloy can even be able to travel on our oil exports. After all, oil Every country has, and the titanium alloy is only a great Soviet Union to export, and there is not much metal in other countries. "

Sherrynev: "I heard that Bun Zixuan's young people do business or very fair. You have a person who thinks this is what kind of person."

Andropoff: "We made a detailed investigation against Bunxuan, this young man did business with science and technology and innovation, never dismissed in the interests of pressing partners."

"Previously, many companies and my doors are doing business to try to compress our interests, but the black clouds have never been. The most purchased products, but the price gives the price is higher than the price in the international market. Bunzi Xuan is not only one Capitalist, more time is an engineer, he has its own unique measure price standard, he believes that titanium alloy is the world's best metal, which is also the price of selling it.

Bremeniev: "Yes! Many people think that the Soviet property is not worth much money, but now it is very good. We can increase the trade with the black cloud, let Bao Zi Xuan as some of our products in the world His products are not cheap, don't you solve this problem! "

"There is also the next time I have the opportunity to invite him to the Soviet Union, I can invite him to participate in the ceremony of the October Revolution."

Baozi Xuan did not know that he had been paid attention to by the two biggest big in the Soviet Union. This is not imagined.

The report of all major media in the world is too horrible. After all, this is the news hotspot that has never been there. Baozi Xuan is now gradually become an idol of the world, and many young people regard him as the first idol.

When the world is discussing Bunxuan issues, the Rockefeller family in the United States is no exception. Phil Hawkins was not qualified to participate in such a seminar, but Lao Luke Philler felt that he was familiar with Bao Zi Xuan and called him.

Lao Luokfeller said to Phil Hawkins: "Phil, you and Bunxuan are most familiar, what kind of person is he listened to Diana, if a person is all negative news It may be so big to make the company, and it is impossible to succeed. Don't have any estimates, the truth, I want to hear your most real idea. "

Phil Hawkins knew that it couldn't escape. I thought: "Bun Zixuan this person does not eat hard, is very strong, but it is very fragile. This sounds some contradictions, but his character is such a person. "

"He is very accurate for the location of the product, and it is very recognized. It is a large number of market research at every research and development product. Every time I have to study what is going to study the results."

"At the same time, we hired a large number of retired soldiers and intelligence personnel throughout the world, the two futures trading have been a lot of intelligence analysis and preparation in the early stage."

"As for the smart brain, the world is estimated that no one is opposed, and the mechanical and computer has a deep foundation, it is recognized in MIT."

In fact, this is also buns Xuan deliberately, or how do you know how this industry makes money, and the futures will fall. If there is no intelligence analysis, how can it be so accurate, it is really active.

Lao Luokefeller looked at Diana Rockefeller: "Diana, you are a smart girl does not fake, but always think that you are most smart. This world is not lacking, lacking people can see yourself. "

"Your intelligence is not lost to anyone, but your self-contained is a fatal weakness. Don't always be good, this is easy to eat."

"You feel that the resources have been moved to win Bao Xuan, but you think about it. 100% of the annual growth rate Best Buy will reach a scale after 5 years."

"It can be said that you can't imagine. It is the loss of 5% of the shares. How much can you earn? But you don't have the agreed growth rate, then you will lose 5% shares. Bun Zixuan still earns This is the real businessman thinking, not suffering from the horizontal vertical, but also look at you in front of hard work. "

In fact, Diana Rockefeller has long thought of this problem, but it does not want to admit it. It is now a bit unacceptable between people to say that there is some difficult to accept, this after all, has stabbed her scars.

Baozi Xuan does not know now that as the media reports follow-up influence in constant fermentation. There may be a good thing in some places, but in some people, I don't want to watch him well.

Now the wood has become a boat, what is needed to face it. The urgent urgency is to solve the good customer supply problem. After all, although the tower equipment produces a lot of production, it is still a lot than if the customer's order quantity is.

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