() "Rebirth of Xiangjiang Tycoon Chang ()" Find the latest chapter! Zhao's deputy gave a long time after I had a work meal after the Black Cloud Factory, after all, as the deputy director of the competent industry, I can squeeze out time to participate in the black cloud factory to start the celebration. However, after seeing the food of the black cloud factory, the view of Bunxuan has changed again. This kid is really surprising. This is the heart of Zhao, and he doesn't know how to change the young people several times. Kyoto has been approved, then the rest of the situation will be negotiated to the people of Shenhai City and Baohuo's mining company. Mayor Zhou can say very excited, this is the biggest investment estimate since the reform and opening up, it is impossible to surpass in the next period. Baozi Xuan is directly called and remembers Huangpu engineer and Black Cloud German engineer responsible for the construction of the terminal and the design of the steel plant. Black Clouds have dug a lot of German steel engineers in Rheinland, which is responsible for the construction of steel mills. These people have stayed in the black cloud for a long time, always engaged in the processing of titanium alloy, and now he heards from the new construction of the steel factory, all very cool and fast come to the deep sea measurement and design. Seeing Bunzi Xuan so efficient, the staff of the deep sea is the happiest, and the steel project in Shanghai is still in the negotiation phase. It will definitely be very fast with the character of Bao Zi Xuan's character, it is absolutely able to exceed the Shanghai-Shanghai steel project to become the first modern steel enterprise in China. In the arrangement of everything, Bun Zixuan took Huojia two masters to go to the plane of Germany. This time, he wants to use rare earth to exchange the steel plant equipment you need. The other three are not very good to see the bunxuan to exchange equipment, but there is a backbone with black cloud credit, they can only choose to believe. Huo Ergong is named Huo Zheng, 31 years old this year. Nowadays, at the general manager of the family company, it can be said that one of the most core people of the family. This time I can go with Bao Zixuan to the German business trip, making his heart very happy. After all, this is a chance to give yourself, although I am older than Bao Xuan, but I can succeed in the age of age. This is a rare opportunity to learn. The rivers and buns of Xiangjiang also have such a few, and the family second generation of the family who can chat with Bao Zixuan is basically no, after all, the bag is the richest, but the rivers. Huo Zhen said to Bun Zixuan said: "Banheng, I have heard of your name. I finally have the opportunity to ask you." Bun Zixuan: "The second son is polite! Your age is bigger than me, don't Say. "However, Bao Zi Xuan's kindness, he can't be true. Otherwise let the father know very bad, after all, Bao Zixuan is now there. Huo Zhenyu: "Banheng, we can really use the soil of steel soil in Germany to change the steel smelting equipment. Can you tell me the doorway, after all, I am really a line.

Bao Zi Xuan: "German technology leads, but they have weaknesses. There are steel smelting technology in many countries worldwide. Although they are somewhat than Germans, they can be used. The price is higher, and the German does not agree with us. The country is obtained. "

"But rare earth resources currently have the most in our company, here we have absolute pricing power. Germans need many industrial raw materials, rare earths are the resources they dream, and now they can be used, what else is there? The role of rare earth is too much, and you will know slowly. "

Although listening to the clouds, the Huo Zhen is still chosen to temporarily believe Bunxuan. After all, this business trip can be mainly in the first rich, he is only helping.

Two people chatted on the plane, during which Bao Zi Xuan asked a lot of Xiangjiang's recent interest. Huo Zheng has always asked about the knowledge of rare earth and steel, and he has to know more about these before negotiations.

At the same time, the inclusion has just come to the office of HSBC's heavy duty. This is an early access to the task, which is responsible for negotiating HSBC loan.

Seeing the incubation just came in, Shen Wei stood up and said: "How did Boheng have time to come here, you haven't come over for a long time."

The incubation is just a person who has not had to make an appointment and report, which fully reflects HSBC's attitude and recognition. However, the incubation also knows that this ghost is proud, always thinking that he is a sundending of the Empire, now not 100 years ago, the British ranking.

The package is just: "This time, it is mainly something to find you to help."

Shen Wei: "If you have anything, even if you say, as long as I can do it, I will never be postponed."

Punning: "That is to thank Shen Sheng in advance, this time, it is mainly going to loary, the amount is somewhat big, this is to find you help!"

Shen Wei: "How much is loan, the amount of gossip is large, then it is absolutely not small."

Punning: "3 billion Hong Kong coins."

I heard the incubation, I have some silence. After all, this amount is really big, that is, this HSBC big class also has to discuss the board of directors. After all, this is a huge loan. Once the problem, I can't afford it.

Shen Wei: "How to suddenly need so much funds between Hangsheng, I don't know if I do someone. I have to know the use of funds, otherwise I have no way to convince the board."

Punning: "Huo Yingdong, Bao Zi Xuan, Dong Haoyun and I don't have a mining company! You should know this matter. The first batch of investment has all spend all spending, now Baozi Xuan has went to Germany to buy equipment, this is not needed Amount. I knows us, so I will let me hate you discussing, and letting it. "

When you set up a mining company, you can say that you can say the entire Xiangjiang. After all, the sales of these four partnerships have a lot of things that everyone can't imagine. There is also the registered capital to reach $ 1 billion, this is the largest registered company in Xiangjiang, and now I don't reach $ 1 billion in registered funds.

Shen Wei: "This company is mainly in mainland China, some troubles. But I will try my best to make this, please rest assured. If you can, HSBC wants to enter a share, don't know if it can be."

Punning: "Then thank you Shen Sheng, but if you enter the share of the shares, Bao Zi Xuan will only do it. After all, this is what you said, as long as you persuad Bao Zi Xuan, there is no problem with me."

I have heard it here, I have a little hesitant, after all, Bun Zixuan will never talk to the breeding. This person looked at no political tendency, but in the last period of investment, I know that my heart is definitely not in the UK. It seems that only the loan can only be put down, wait until the company's individual shareholders are not late.

Shen Wei is also an action party, the next day, organized the bank's loan request for Baoyo. There is almost no obstruction, and the loan will be approved quickly. This is the purpose of making money. As for where the money is used, as long as it doesn't illegal, it will manage so much.

Huo Yingdong has been viewing rare earth mining in the Mainland. Looking at massive rare earth exploits every day. If you really can reach 10 US dollars per kilogram to Bunzu, how much wealth is not thinking about this place. However, since the promise of Bunxuan fully organizes the mining of rare earths, Huo is a person who must do it, and the thing that promises must do. However, people who grow up on the beach have long been a lot of suffering in the inland area.

Dong Haoyun's work can be said to be relatively relaxed in several people, it is mainly responsible for monitoring the construction of Yantian Terminal. In this regard, as a boat king, he is an authority, and the old man is also quite very powerful. It can be said that the four bosses of this Bao Huo's mining company can be their duties, and the three tycons of the tycoon seem to have returned to the era of starting business.

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