Reseeding the Growth of the Xiangjiang Tycoon

Chapter 269 Rare Earth Change Equipment 2

Looking at the 3 people of the family, Bao Zi Xuan knows that these people are white and the German aristocrats. Although there is no such expression now, everyone should think so.

There are many cooperation between the Black Cloud Group and Rheinland. The Knights fifteenth world is also part of the other auto parts, and it is also purchased in Rhinemone. Therefore, for the arrival of Bao Zixuan, Oliver-Lehard is very valued. After all, this cooperation project; can make the black boss come out and will not be small, otherwise Box Xuan will not come over.

In a hotel in a hotel in the Rhine River, the Baozi Xuan and the three German industrial giants met, this is his first time I saw these legendary family descendants in history books. Adhering to the Germanic people have always low-key character, these people rarely appear in the public vision, which is also a highly developed era of post-world. There are very few reports about them.

In Germany, these old family can say very low, which is also a big relationship with their losses after World War. After all, if it is not the rise of the Soviet Union, they may have to be replaced afterwards. The family who committed crimes in the war.

Oliver Lehard smiled and said: "Bao, hello! Welcome to Germany, I will introduce you."

It turns out that a high son around him said: "This is the President of Tysison Industry."

Then I said a slightly biased person said: "This is the Chairman of Ondt Krupp, the Krupp Foundation."

After Baozi Xuan is shaking hands with two hands, four people sit on the sofa and start chatting. At present, this room has only 4 people, others are waiting for news, including Huojia II.

Oliver Lehard said: "Pack, you told me that there is a big business in this way, I will not come to drink coffee!"

Bao Zi Xuan: "Of course, there is a mining company in Asia, I want to build a steel smelting plant in Asia. Germany's industrial system is very developed, and the steel smelting industry is more crowning. And 3 companies are even this industry. In a game, I wanted to explore and see if we could have the opportunity to cooperate. "

At this time, the other two people look at Rayhag Tessen, after all, Tyssen Industry is the most authoritative enterprise in steel. Rehag Tessen is a study of steel profession, which is a comparative authority.

I didn't want the first to talk to Rayhag Tessen to avoid can't avoid it, I had to say: "Mr. Bao, what are you ready to build a steel plant in Asia, how large."

Baozi Xuan: "Preparing to build in the deep sea in China, the place has been selected. As for the annual output to reach more than 10 million tons, and must have special steel production lines."

I have been built in this place, and 3 people are more worried. No wonder 3 people come together! This scale is not built in a short period of time, and it is a certain constraint in China's construction such a large factory. It is mainly necessary to have special steel production lines. This is a very spicy thing, and a solution is not good. Don't say that making money is that the factory is not necessarily possible.

Le Hagger Tyssen: "Mr. Bao is really a big hand, but this requires a lot of money, and we have to take great political risks. If the profit is too small Tysis, it is not interested in this project."

Bao Zixuan: "All, I think this is a thing that is good for us. You have a large number of free steel smelting equipment, as long as you renume me, you can use it. Germany's industrial quality Will not doubt. "

Germany has built a lot of steel manufacturers in the early days of the Cold War, with the aim of supplying the needs of NATO military in the first time. Later, it was later found that if the Soviets attacked Germany's garrison, it was launched in other regions, and in other regions, many of the same companies were built in the last decade,

Ondt Krupp: "We have built a lot of factories. Now it is not used in the future."

Bun Zixuan: "When can I use, 10 years, 20 years or 50 years, it is estimated that the equipment has long been eliminated, and now I sell it to me is definitely the best choice. And I still don't pay for the purchase, I use you most needed How to exchange things! If you are not satisfied, I can pay cash immediately. "

I heard that I can exchange what they need, 3 people dismissed. After all, they don't think this little young can come up with things that make them feel moving, but see it.

There is only Oliver Lehard and Bunxuan's most familiar, so he said: "Pack, there is something we are interested, I want to see, but don't let us down, this is really no Talk. "

Baozi Xuan said: "A few are the handsome hands, how can I dare to sell the Chief in front of you!"

After I finished, I took out the previously prepared report, I saw just a few blank sheets, and the first few people didn't care too much. But when they see the content, everyone's expression is very exciting.

Baozi Xuan is a rare earth test report issued by Professor MIT, which has detailed data and analysis of quality.

Rayhag Tesse said: "This is your synthetic! How can naturally have such a rare earth resource in the natural world, and it is impossible to believe."

Baozi Xuan: "This has detailed data, and there is a signature of 3 professors of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Not only these I have brought a ton of rare earth samples, you can test in your own laboratory, good things are not afraid of any inspection. "

"German industry has been sought after by the public because the quality of basic materials is better than other countries. Now if there is a rare earth metal to go in so that the equipment can produce only God know. It can be said that the best rare earth resources on the earth are in my hand. On, if I go to find other corporate cooperation than Germany, it is not impossible. When I have to face competition, my foundation is very weak, at least in steel. It is also used to use rare earth resources to catch up with German quality, but RB, other countries in Europe are not necessarily. "

Oliver-Lehard: "Pack, we are friends, this rare earth you must buy me. Our new tank project If you add rare metal combat power, it is absolutely not only a grade, this is the raw materials I have been looking for. "

In fact, it is not quenched by Oliver-Lehard, after all, these reports are too amazing. Leopard 2 tanks are now all constitutive. The only place that is lacking is the problem of metal strength. The future is until rare earth large-scale application is improved. Now I see such excellent materials how to not let Oliver Lehard excited.

Looking at Oliver-Lehard brightens the bottom card, let Lehag Tysis and Ondt Krupp very depressed. This is simply a pig teammate, before talking, I have passed the brain, this is not waiting for people!

However, now wood has become a boat can only wait for the other party to first, and see the opponent's appetite.

Bao Zixuan said: "Oliver, can get rare earth resources to deserve you. As long as Rheinbell can provide me with equipment for building steel companies, then I can use rare earth to exchange these equipment. And after you use 5% discount on market prices Provide you, this agreement has been valid unless the resource is exhausted. "

Oliver Lehard wants to promise, but see the two eyes that want to kill people. Taking it immediately, saying: "Pack, I have to confirm this question. You don't bring a ton of rare earth? I want to call the engineer to test it, it should be no problem!"

Bao Zixuan: "Of course, I have already put it well, just outside. You can take away the test, but I can only give you 3 days, if we don't talk to me, I will go to Luxembourg."

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