Reseeding the Growth of the Xiangjiang Tycoon

Chapter 286 Effects of TV Report Seven

I heard what a gambling said that I didn't get the shares in my hand, let Li Chao and Li Zhaiki are very anxious. They have not convinced the incubation, but people have done four people's joints. This is a strength, which is related to relationships and the strength of the person.

It seems that He Hongsheng and Huo Yingdong's relationship is indeed uncommon, and there is still a non-other family of other families. According to their knowledge, people who have been able to successfully get the shares of Baohuo Mining Co., Ltd. only in front of them. Baozi Xuan This general person is indifferent. After all, he does not lack the money, and there is nothing to make with many people.

Li Zhakei said: "He life, how do you persuading Bunxuan agrees, I don't have anything else. Just want to learn some experience to you."

He Hongsheng: "It is Huo Sheng called to help me to persuade Bun Zi Xuan, I have nothing to do with him."

When Li Zhakei and Li Chao did not see the boat king, meaning that you can see if you can come out. After all, there is only you and him.

The boat king of course understands what it means, saying: "I have communicated this matter before I have a small bag. He didn't oppose it. However, the result will be decided to decide after the Huo Hao will be opened tomorrow, you can find it. Zheng Yu is the same. If this thing has sharks to participate, you can say ten nine stable. "

Li Chao: "How to Zheng Sheng and Bao Zi Xuan have to have a situation, have not heard of what they have to cooperate."

Punning: "Zheng Yong's daughter and Bao Zi Xuan mother relationship is very good, of course I just heard. At last time, Zheng Jiajia is taken care of, I think this face Bunxuan will give it."

Li Chao said with a smile: "It seems that this thing we still have to pull the shark, otherwise people will not necessarily give you face."

With the result you want, and several people who have been satisfied by the boat king family have left. Li Chao and Li Zhai have been with Zheng Yu with Zheng Yu, and meet in the other family.

Baozi Xuan is not no one comes to him. Hu Yingxiang to Huo Yingdong home knows that the old friend has already given some shares to gambling kings and Ye Deli. I know that he is late, he thinks that he is still aware of himself, and everyone has seen a few faces and is the background of American famous schools directly to the Black Cloud.

Hu Yingxiang wants to get some equity of Bao Huo's mining company, at least give yourself a quota. Bank of the United States, the bank of Xiangjiang has promised him to pledge loans as long as you get the equity.

Hu Ying, who took the phone to Bunxuan at Huo Yingdong, did not let the past, Hu Yingxiang said: "Is it born! I am Hu Yingxiang, I am in the industry, I don't know if there is no time, I want to ask you."

Bao Zi Xuan: "It turned out to be Hello, hello! You will have time, Ho Sheng can come over the Black Cloud Manufacturing Center to come to me."

When Hu Ying was coming to the Black Cloud Manufacturing Center, he can be said very surprised. This is his first time. Seeing the internal construction of the black cloud and the state of employees, don't say in the Xiangjiang, it is only a very small number of large enterprises in Europe and America to achieve this standard. Let Hu Yingxiang, who study abroad, feel that this kid can be called Xiangjiang's richest, which is a general person in this industrial park. It seems that Bunzi Xuan is more excellent than everyone, is just a unrequited industry in Xiangjiang.

Come to Baozi Xuan office, see this young man is doing a document on work. Seeing Hu Yingxiang came over, Bao Zi Xuan stood up and said: "Hu Sheng came, please sit."

Hu Yingxiang: "Take the liberty to disturb, please don't want to see it, this time is something that is more."

Bun Zixuan: "Hur Sheng is not polite, we are more familiar, what is going on,"

Hu Yingxiang: "This is not to see the future development prospects of Baohuo's Mining Company. I want to buy some shares, it is also a discrete investment. After all, the risk of a single industry is too big, and I can't care about it."

Bao Zixuan: "I have no problem here,

Hu Yingxiang: "The other three shares have sold some, so I hope to buy some from the hands of the birth. After all, these 4 people are the most shares, I know this requirement is some, but I can take the shares of and industries. You exchange. "

I heard the shares that can be used in combination with the industry, Bao Zi Xuan is interested. Now the strength of Xiangjiang Real Estate Five Tigers and the strength of Hu Yingxiang is the strongest, especially the Hall and the building is the first high building in Xiangjiang. The future of the future can be said that it is very broad, it is a high-quality project worth investing. However, if you use Bao Huo's shares and exchanges to exchange true. However, I think the established strategy is to pull all the tycoon of Xiangjiang, which can share the pressure brought by huge profits.

Bao Zi Xuan: "So how many shares are prepared to invest in Hu Sheng!"

Hu Yingxiang: "I am going to invest 20 billion in intelligence shares, or the corresponding cash."

Bao Zixuan: "This, I don't take you cheap. You take a part of the intelligence shares, some cash adds a total of 2 billion Hong Kong coins; I sold you 2%."

Hu Yingxiang did not expect Bun Zixuan so much, it seems to be more contact. I quickly said: "That is too grateful, please take care of you later."

Bao Zi Xuan: "Hu Hang is welcome, this is a business. But what I want to say is that you have no opinions in stock mortgage. But you can't sell Bao Huo's Mining Company's share to foreigners, if you want to think When I sold, I will use the market price. I have to accept this condition I can sell the shares to you. "

Hu Yingxiang knows the concerns of Bao Zixuan, Huo Yingdong has already greeted him in advance. Rare earth is strategic resources as patriotic business people do not want this company to have foreign investment, which will be restricted by various aspects.

Hu Yingxiang: "I know the meaning of the birth, I don't do such a thing. I will not let foreign companies refer to our country's rare earth resources."

Bao Zixuan; "If you can do it, I have no problem. After two people, after a few words, Hu Yingxiang smiled and left the Black Cloud Manufacturing Center. When I was walking, I didn't see Bun Xuan young but very well. The principle of the interests. "

At the same time, Li Chao and Li Zhai came to Zheng Yurong's home, and although there were some intersections in these two orders. However, I haven't come to find my own vision, and Zheng Yu said with a smile: Two came here, I should have anything!

Li Chao: "What is the matter, this time, there is a matter of trouble. At the same time, it is also called Zheng Sheng to make a fortune. This business is noticeable."

Zheng Yusong: "Two, I will not be small, listen."

Li Zhai: "Zheng Sheng knows Bao Huo Dong Mining Company!"

Zheng Yusong: "The TV and newspapers reported every day, Xiangjiang I am afraid no one doesn't know!"

Li Chao: "We are for this thing, now the boat king has agreed to make a part of the shares. We are ready to eat, but now the card is in Baoxuan, he does not agree with us. Zheng Sheng your daughter It is very familiar with Bunzi Xuan and his mother's relationship. So I want to ask you to coordinate, do we make money together! "

I know that Zheng Yu, who knows the matter, I think, I said how good is to come to me. It turned out to make me contend, but this is also a chance.

Zheng Yu: "I don't know how much shares can be sent, and I want to allocate two."

Li Zhai: "The ship king can make 3% shares, if Zheng Sheng Joined is of course average allocation."

Zheng Yusong: "Is it too little."

Li Chao: "Zheng Sheng, one point is 1 billion Hong Kong coins. There are more we can't afford it. Now the most important thing is to enter the field. I have learned that the future development prospects of rare earth will definitely be a broad."

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