Reseeding the Growth of the Xiangjiang Tycoon

Chapter 290 Zheng Yong's gut

Today, I came to the Black Cloud Manufacturing Center, a day Bao Xuan, who stayed in the engine engine. After all, he always likes this workshop, this may be related to the work of the past, after all, he is most familiar with him.

However, he had to leave when he got off work, Zheng Yu met her in the peninsula hotel. I don't know what happened. Everyone is here, the shark is different, and some are different. Actually at the hotel just accidentally, is this not difficult to pay attention to people!

Although Baozi Xuan wants to develop low-profile development, business is now unobeding at this level. It is better to face it in this way, and it will often appear under the spotlight in the future, and now I can only adapt to this environment in advance!

Seeing Bunzi Xuan, Mi Gao - Jia Dao is hurry to come and say: "Banheng, the last time is really sorry, but please rest assured, I have strengthened the security management of the hotel, and it is absolutely no longer in the future."

Bunzi Xuan: "You just want to explain the king of the boat. After all, it is the bureau of his group."

Mi Gao - Jiaogao heard that the buns Xuan said that he was very uncomfortable, he had long said to the incompetence. However, this matter allows the boat Wang Yan to sweep the floor, it is exactly that the inclination of the buning just this time makes many people don't dare to meet and negotiate him. Especially some foreign customers, they are very paying great attention to privacy. Fortunately, there are many people who have a lot of people in Bao Huo's mining company, or the rivers and lakes are high, and wealth has more cooperation and you will be 100% peace of mind. After all, this is a very big in business negotiation. Loss.

Fortunately, I just talk about some topics that have no violation, or if you really have a bowl to drink a pot. After all, there are many commercial negotiations that it is impossible to completely don't have problems. Sometimes it will inevitably use some way not to properly. Nothing is not exposed, if the exposure is the law can't be cured, but the moral level will not be good.

Mi Gao - Jia Daoji, of course, knowing this truth, so I will find a boat king to apologize for the first time. However, this thing is too big, and the incubation is now no forgive. I saw Bunzi Xuan today, and of course he thought as a life-saving straw. However, Bao Zi Xuan can not sell this face, after all, he is also a victim.

Mi Gao - Jia Dao Ge said: "This is indeed because of the mistake of the peninsula hotel, I don't ask for the boat king, as long as the old man is not angry, see if the birthplace can help me say and say, I am grateful. "

Bao Zixuan: "This is not a good way, we have the two talks about the exposure to him, you need you to communicate. If you are not Zheng Sheng, I really don't dare to come here, you Let you feel slowly! "

Looking at Bunzi Xuan to Zheng Yu, the same room, and the rice height - Jia Dao is not thinking about what is the meaning of Baozi Xuan said. But many things can only be conscious, no one will say.

Seeing Bunzi Xuan, Zheng Yu stood up and said: "Banheng, hello! We haven't met for a long time, but recently always heard Jiajia mention you."

Bao Zixuan: "Zheng Sheng is polite! I still have to thank Miss Zheng, he is my mother's forgotten year. I often don't live in Xiangjiang, I am accompanying her, or my mother must be very boring, so what is going on, package There is no resignation that can be done. "

I heard that Zheng Yu is still hesitant. After all, if you use this layer of relationship, then Zheng Jiajia's efforts are likely to be in full. The daughter will be used by himself in this trading, but there is no intersection of myself and Bunxuan. In the end, it is sacrificed a daughter or sacrifice himself. He is somewhat unclear.

The most important he felt that Bun Zi Xuan did not feel it, just treat his daughter as a friend. It seems that it is really like his son that Bunzu must have a woman in the United States, and it will not be less. If you really let your daughter die, it is difficult to control Bunxuan with Zheng Jiajia's personality and ability.

Have a decision of Zheng Yumi said: "Then I will be polite with the birthplace.

Bao Zi Xuan: "Others can't, you speak Zheng Sheng, I am sure. I don't know how much Zheng Sheng wants to buy, there is a number in my heart."

Zheng Yusong: "4%, Banheng as the largest shareholder of this company; these shares should have no problem!"

In fact, Zheng Yu took advantage of Yunzi Xuan at Huo Yingdong at the end of Huo Yingdong. HSBC has already said that it will be approved as long as it is used to buy a loan of Bao Huo's shares. This is the command of the British government to them, which is related to the national strategy.

In fact, the British wants to get the company's shares as much as possible, but now all in the hands of 4 Chinese people. Bao Zi Xuan did not lack the money, couldn't pay attention. Huo Yingdong can't get in touch, at least in the eyes of the British, this is the army of Huaxia. Dong Haoyun and RB have a lot of cooperation, and there is almost no cooperation with British banks. The rest of the bracketing is still a man who has been rushed in Xiangjiang, and it is not to start.

They can now only lure several people to use Bao Huo's equity mortgage loans, and then return to the bank after the force majeure factors. Now I know that Bao Huo Dong has let the Chinese rich to make the shares in order to draw more allies, how can they be able to miss it.

HSBC has become the main force of this loan, as long as it is about Bao Huo's Mining Company, you can say all the way green.

Bao Zi Xuan said: "This is of course no problem, but Zheng Sheng will not be divided into red in the past two years. And you can't sell the shares to foreigners. If you don't want me to repurchase according to the market price. I hope you have a heart to prepare And 4% shares are a small amount. "

Zheng Yu is not divided into anger in two years, but I don't think this is not jewelery and real estate. The profit will not be high in the short term, saying that the investment industry is going slowly, it seems that the rumors are true. After all, the previous investment is too large, and the production capacity has not released all release.

HSBC promised him to provide a five-year loan, so these things are not afraid. It seems that I have to fight, Zheng Yu has reflected the temperament of sharks: "There is no problem, as long as everyone's conditions are the same, but 4% shares want how much money."

Bao Zixuan: "4 billion Hong Kong coins, or you can get rushing for a new world stock."

I heard the stock of Baozi Xuan wanted to have some of their own stocks, Zheng Yu thought for a while and agreed. After all, some investors who can make the bags that look at the bag will be sought after, this is a win-win thing.

After two people, I talked to some details, and then I have been separated from the Peninsula Hotel after eating a dinner. After all, they are not deep, and Baozi Xuan does not know how he faces Zheng Jiajia and sharks. Now the mother is not forced, this thing is enough to pass, and this person is not a lot of people, it is a compensation for Zheng Jiajia to accompany her mother!

Sitting in the car Bao Zixuan is also very admired by Zheng Yong's guts. It seems that the outer number is true, even if there is some underestimation, after Baohuo's problem, the shark is at least more than ten years.

There is also the most important to further deepen HSBC's lending, and now let HSBC crazy. After all, they believe that loans will definitely have no problems to Baohuo, and the loans are famous in Xiangjiang.

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