When I heard the words of Recell - Morgan, Baozi Xuan learned that this girl must see that Diana Rockefeller will have successful cooperation with his own cooperation, if you don't give her a satisfactory answer today, then it is likely to be sin. The entire Morgan family. This is a difficult choice, one is not good, it will make the black cloud passively.

Baozi Xuan suddenly became a move, said: "Miss Morgan knows the federal courier!"

Recel Morgan: "Of course, I have time I will use. Do you want me to acquire this company, I am afraid that I will disappoint, my personal fund strength is not allowed."

Bao Zixuan: "Of course, I didn't want M. Morgan to acquire this courier company. I want to say that we can be a courier company."

Recell Morgan: "Express business seems to be the main business of Mr. Bao, and the newly established express delivery company will compete with many companies, the competition in this industry can be very intense."

Bao Zixuan: "Black Cloud has to use a large number of aircraft to transport goods every year, and now a lot of direct charter. This will be very difficult to set up a home courier company."

Recel Morgan: "I want to come over with your establishment of high-tech companies to negotiate, don't want to enter the traditional industry."

Bao Zixuan: "This is not a problem, which industry is more promising and easier to make money. Again you talk about me to discuss the establishment of high-tech companies. Black cloud has its own research and development system, why should I cooperate with you? "

Recel Morgan: "But I did not operate the experience of the courier company, and I am not interested in the express delivery industry!"

Bun Zixuan: "I am not interested in many industries, but I still have to enter. That's because these industries can bring me a rich profit, I think you should be interested in making money!"

Recel Morgan: "No one is not interested in making money, is that there is no one in the rich people."

Bao Zixuan: "That's right, we now can make money, this is the most critical."

Recel Morgan: "This is what you said, if you don't make money, I will never let you go. When I can't return home, I will let you raise me for a lifetime."

After all, I suddenly felt some embarrassment, and I was very unwilling, after all, this is the first time between the two sides. However, Bao Zi Xuan is also a little strange. When she chats with this girl, I feel very easy, and maybe people have some special ability!

Bunzi Xuan: "I want to raise you with Miss Morgan's family and the appearance of you, this area doesn't need me."

Recel Morgan: "I can fund $ 500 million. This is all my family. I hope that you choose this industry to be disappointed, I just agreed to Mei Long brothers and sisters and talk to you to make them also into one; You won't be against it! "

Bao Zi Xuan: "I didn't expect Mslon Miss to get so much money! According to the reason, I should have some funds, but I spend too much recently, making funds not very sufficient, I can only see you."

I didn't want to pay for the Bunzi Xuan, which made Rayser Morgan anxious. After all, it is difficult to support things in the back of Baozi Xuan, just a courier feeling. And I heard that the planning of Best Buy is finished, how can such people take a program! It must be thought about it after thinking about it.

In fact, this is just an excuse. He doesn't know what the other party is holding something and his cooperation is that it is always able to squeeze out in the lack of money. It is no cash to find bank loans to easily.

Recel Mello: "Question of money, you can't get it, I can introduce the Morgan Bank to your loan. If you put the black cloud mortgage, I can give you a loaned $ 10 billion, how!"

Bao Zixuan: "Your kindness, I have a heart,

Recel Morgan: "This is privately borrowing $ 250 million, and does not have interest. Established a courier company, each of us accounts for 45%, and there are 10% of the shares to help Merlon brothers and sisters for $ 50 million. How is it? "

Bao Zi Xuan: "Isn't that you suffer too much, so that I am bullying you?"

Recel Morgan: "We can sign an internal agreement, I guarantee that it will not let people know."

Bao Zi Xuan: "Miss Morgan's looks like me, actually gives such a good condition."

Recel Morgan: "I am not optimistic, I believe my eyes. If you fail this failure is not enough to work, it doesn't matter."

In fact, this is Rayser Morgan's repeated investigation Bunzi Xuan after the results, that is, this person will not let the partner will suffer, especially will not let the woman lose money. Even some women who have seen a side can get the benefits on him.

Bun Zixuan: "I can't let you lose money, so! The shares will remain unchanged, but we have funded $ 250 million. Money is still you, but your money can change the shares of Bible at any time."

I heard the Le Chel Morgan know that I am gambling, it seems that the information is really no mistake. Bao Zixuan is really the same as you know. In fact, Bun Zixuan also has its own ideas, US Best Buy ourselves to control, although he is the largest shareholder. The introduction of the Morgan family is to achieve a balance.

Recel Morgan also knows that Bunxuan is likely to pull her against Diana - Rockefeller, but now I can't agree, although the project is very good, but it is not myself.

Recel Morgan: "This is what you said, I am at the time of 5% of the shares. I know that you may be you account for you, but the future will definitely you will suffer."

Baozi Xuan: "No problem, as long as the company is not listed, it is always effective."

Recel Morgan; "You can now talk about your plan!"

Bao Zi Xuan said: "Now we first buy a plane in the construction of logistics in the major airports in the United States, and cooperate with airlines, each courier will make progress according to the number of orders. It is a little bit of dry, the more salary Many, and do the loss of payment and damage. "

"At the same time, everyone must experience the life of the courier every month, including you. I will not serve as a position, this is only able to rely on you."

Next, Baozi Xuan combined with the advanced management method of express delivery company around the world and Rayser Morgan said it, the past generation is often deed with the company's engineers. Therefore, he can basically understand the success or failure of the courier company.

I heard the Bunzu Xuan said so detailed and said that each city and the established outlets are so in place. It seems that Bunzi Xuan is indeed a lot of effort in this regard, or it is impossible to have such detailed data and ideas.

In fact, like Rayser Morgan, Baozi Xuan does have the idea of ​​making express delivery. The development of express delivery companies around the world has developed well, most mainly with online shopping; the speed of development is more than a thousand miles away. If it is now able to lay out in advance, the future will absolutely occupy the opportunity in the future.

And many private documents and items have their own express delivery company transportation can also be relieved, after all, Europe and the United States is not a day two days to China. Many ming feelings also need to get on the joint, and find the Morgan family also has this consideration.

It is now able to work with the United States Rockefeller and Morgan's two families, then they will certainly improve their status in the United States and even the world, and then I will continue to enter any industry.

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