Reseeding the Growth of the Xiangjiang Tycoon

Chapter 310 is ready to be in the north

Sure enough, in the second day, all major media were competing to report Apple's things, including Jobs and other scenes to work in the garage. The people see this company's young entrepreneurs still insist on their ideals and beliefs in a hard working environment. This is a typical representative of the American dream, but also allows the staff to walk into the field of view of the girl.

This report, most media chooses to ignore Bunxuan, after all, recently, there is too much about his news. However, as an apple's shareholder is still mentioned, everyone can only say that people are poisonous, making money for the black clouds never difficult.

Jobs, Woznik et al. Became a darling of the media, and I want to interview with his media every day to be in Apple. Apple's engineer team has received a concern from the United States, mainly the girl's letters do not want to send Apple every day.

However, these and Bunxuan have no relationship. He now considers the north. After receiving the phone, I went back to Xiangjiang for the first time. There are many things to prepare before the north, and I have to listen to the opinions of Huo.

When I discuss Apple and the computer industry in the United States, Bunzi Xuan has already taken the plane to Xiangjiang. This time I still choose a charter. After all, if he is now, if it is not a machine, there will be some troubles. And it is inevitable that the side of the side will meet the girl with the heart, this is not the result he wants. Although sometimes the flight attendants also give him a discharge, but at least pay attention to professional literacy.

Now Bunzu Xuan is like Tang Yan in the Westward Journey, and there is no woman to see it. It is not possible to finally, but the compensation is absolutely not less. If it is in this, it is not possible to have a child. This is the temptation of the majority of girls, and no few people can resist the changes brought by wealth.

Baozi Xuan is the painful return of Xiangjiang in the suggestion of the flight attendant. After all, he still doesn't know how to face women and feelings.

However, there are some women in Xiangjiang always face, such as their mother Li Yulin. Seeing his son, Li Yulin is very happy, after all, in a few days is Christmas then the New Year, the Chinese people are still relatively tradition, everyone wants to reunite with their families.

Li Yulin: "How did this suddenly come back? I didn't listen to you before. Is it coming back to accompany me Christmas and New Year.

Baozi Xuan: "It is the phone received by Huo Yingdong. We will invite me to be in the north. Christmas can be together, but the New Year I may have to pass in China, or you should go to the mainland with me. You should have no long time. Go back! "

Li Yulin: "You are all talk about the future development of Xiangjiang, I will not pass. I can't stand at the temperature of the mainland, I will not be able to join this."

Baozi Xuan thinks too, now the temperature of Kyoto is really not suitable for people who are getting in Liline. Still better in Xiangjiang, if you really have problems in the Turk of Lau, then your own sins can be big.

Bao Zixuan: "Also, but what you want, I will give you a point to the mainland."

Li Yulin: "You look at it! But I heard that the silk of the mainland is good, you gave me a point."

Bao Zixuan: "There is no problem, I will definitely bring you back."

After all, this is Li Yulin's first opening saying something to bring things, how can I not satisfy? However, Li Yulin didn't know that her words were the power of their son, nor did it know that Bunzi Xuan bought things.

After dinner at night, Bao Zi Xuan took a break. However, this time Li Yulin has fallen into the meditation, and the development of the son is getting better and better. If some things don't tell him, he is afraid of losing this son, and it is also afraid that the son is unacceptable between the son.

But now I can only choose to hide, or take a step! This thing is still better,

Early the next morning, Bao Zixuan came directly to Huo Yingdong. After all, every time I go to the mainland, Xiangjiang Rich is basically a collection here, listen to the chamber of the Ho's confidence, and what to pay attention to.

When Bao Zi Xuan came over, I saw the package, Hu Yingxiang, Li Chao, Dong Haoyun and others have arrived, so I am sorry: "I am sorry, I am late."

Huo Yingdong: "There is no time just good, I know that the small bag last night, this is already very difficult to catch up in the morning."

"This time, I want to invite everyone to go to the mainland. Now I have to increase the strength of reform and opening up. Many cities are welcome to invest, everyone can see if there is any good project, the small sea is in the deep sea factory I heard that it is very profitable. "

In fact, the black cloud in the deep sea toy factory can only be considered in the entire black cloud system. However, for the export of Huaxia, it has a huge promotion, so many Xiangjiang rich people know that the black clouds make money in the deep sea factory, now almost already Become a benchmark company that investment promotion.

But now Huo Lao has gone to him, it must be to speak himself. So Bao Zixuan said: "Fortunately, mainly the labor cost of the mainland is cheap, so that the labor intensive enterprise is constructed is very suitable, you can consider it."

Punning: "But our people are either engaged in ship transportation industries, or they are engaged in real estate industry. There is no good idea for small boys, or give us a map."

Bao Zixuan: "The boat king is the seniors of the business, so I am embarrassed, but I am interested in building a car factory in the mainland, mainly for responding to Asian sales. I can consider the relevant industries in this area. After all, Huaxia has the most abundant population dividend in the world. "

I heard Bunzi Xuan intends to invest in the construction of a motor plant, which makes Huo Yingdong feel very satisfied. After all, one of his tasks is to help persuade Bun Zixuan's construction factories in mainland, especially industrial manufacturing companies and plants such as automobiles.

Huo Yingdong: "It seems that the little birth is already idea. When you have a good thing, don't forget, we can, after all, cooperate, you can do your business."

"This time, we are on December 28th to go to the mainland, directly from Xiangjiang Fei Jing. Xinhua News Agency arranged special plane, please rest assured, but all the assistants, bodyguards, etc. At the past, after all, now the country is not rich, I hope everyone can understand. "

"As for more than a long time to stay in the mainland, there is a lot of exchanges. There is also a good time to spread, and this opportunity can enjoy the country's great river mountain."

Bunzi Xuan: "Huo Lao, this time we can't buy some property, after all, you must go to the mainland for business trips. You can't go back to the hotel! And I am interested in the ancient buildings."

After listening to the bunxuan, several big expressions of the real estate business have changed, but they will soon recover forgiveness. After all, no one can think of how horrible number of future housing prices will be.

At this time, Li Pedu said, said: "Mr. Bao is interested in buying a house in the mainland, just like what you say to go to the mainland, always staying in the hotel."

"We will never block the transactions that are recognized by both parties, and will ask the relevant departments for the first time for Mr. Bao and all the procedures."

Bao Zi Xuan: "I am relieved by Li Zimer's sentence. My mother also let me bring some specialty to her. It now seems that this wish and goal can be realized."

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