Just when Huo Yingdong, Baozi Xuan et al. To board the plane, in the Hong Kong Crossing government was also held an emergency meeting. After all, this time, the invitation of Huaxia's large-scale, the Xiangjiang entrepreneur is an obvious signal. It is not only to invest in investment, more is to understand their attitude towards the return.

Nowadays, the British Division does not say that it is much more different than the World War II. The national strength of Huaxia is much better than before. In this regard, the UK will continue to report on Xiangjiang. The only opportunity now is to persuade Xiangjiang citizens, let them know that the UK will continue to govern here. However, most of ordinary citizens work in a company company, and if they can persuade Xiangjiang, the Chinese is more simple, and more simple to persuade ordinary citizens.

Especially Bunxuan is now 200,000 people in Xiangjiang, of course, this is to add and remember Huangpu companies. If he is resistant to returning, it is absolutely a huge driving role. So each time Bao Xuan goes to the mainland or has large-scale investment in the mainland, in the mainland.

Although Mai Hao's tenure is coming, it is the most popular Governor in the history of Xiangjiang. He hopes to be more perfect. The most important thing is to leave a rotten stall, a situation in which there is no way to reverse.

Therefore, he now has a good relationship with the Xiangjiang Chinese business tyrants, so that their tendency is closer to the UK. But today I saw so many riches to Huaxia Kyoto, especially in which they also have double bags. This makes our governor very depressed.

Mai Hao said to the secretary Joyian: "To pay close attention to these rich rivers in the continent, I want to know what they all talk about."

Joante said: "This mainland's reception level is very high, we are hard to know what they are talking about. At present, the most effective way is to learn through the media. In fact, it is also very helpless. In the Soviet, Huaxia and other countries. People really can't play, as long as they may be caught, "

Mai Hao: "You can start with their people, see if you can get useful news."

Huo Yingdong looked at the embarrassment of the beauty flight attendant, knowing that he had to come out, after all, this time he organized the mainland inspection project. So say: "Miss flight attendant, you have a cup of water!"

Liu Wei heard someone talking to him, and suddenly had directions! Down a glass of water to Bunzi, and left the water to Huo Yingdong.

Baozi Xuan saw Huo Yingdong looked at him, so he smiled and said: "Let Huo have smiled, just a time to work too much, it has been forgotten on the plane, but also drinking."

Huo Yingdong: "Who is younger, I can also have a lot of wine to you. Now I can only drink a little bit, but I still have a lot more than the small boy. I see your hands not stopping the computer. What is it? "

Bao Zixuan: "I am writing a new application software, mainly about software applications."

At this time, the incubation just said: "It is no wonder that these people can make money, can't catch up with the small boy. When we chat on the plane, you are already working, this efficiency is really more than. However, your Christmas activity is harmful. Enough, you don't know if the black cloud has sent so many red envelopes to the employee family. Let us do these people, we can't compare your wealth. "

Bao Zi Xuan: "Mainly, I am often not in Xiangjiang, and I have made some money this year, just think about how to improve the treatment of employees, I have to do this opportunity."

Dong Haoyun said: "You still say that since the small bag puts the company, Xiangjiang's employee benefits are improved, and some people have said that you are the first person to break the shackles of Xiangjiang staff."

In fact, this is also Dong Haoyun reminds Bunxuan.

Baozi Xuan is also facing the issue of Huangpu employee when he will enhance the welfare of the black cloud, if you don't have a bonus, it seems to have a statement that is a child and a statement. But if it is unified, you will have a complete controlling, how to consider other shareholders' opinions. There is also the most important thing to say that the Yellow's profit is too much relative to the black cloud, and it is not worthwhile.

Bao Zi Xuan fell into a contemplation, it is difficult to think of a good way. It seems that you can only sneak actions in the future, don't shoot, but there is no propaganda effect to trust outstanding talent joining is also a problem.

Bao Zixuan said: "It seems to be a lot of communication with your seniors, mainly what I have no experience. I don't want to waste time with money, I really don't think too much."

Joy just said: "All said that your little birth is a big money this year, we are also very curious. How much is you earning, if it is not convenient, I don't ask."

Baozi Xuan is in a contemplation, but this problem is also a good time to keep Xiangjiang Tycoon to pay attention to industrial and technology. What's more, you can calculate a black cloud profit with this person's energy through your own tax. No need to hide. It is better to say it all aspect, so that everyone is more confident to enter the industry.

At this time, the machine suddenly silently, everyone is very curious to make a lot of money. This is the topic of all in Xiangjiang, everyone is very curious. Not only single, the Zhizheng River, even the Xinhua News Agency Li President Li, the crew is also curious, this young man has a lot of money. Among them, Liu Wei, who knows that Bao Zixuan identity is also very curious. From colleagues, I learned that this is the first rich in Xiangjiang. It is no wonder that I can talk to this old man, and people have this strength.

Baozi Xuan said: "Since the boat is asked, I don't have to answer; but now I can only be a probably number, after all, it is increasing every day."

"Black Cloud this year's revenue is $ 32 billion, taxable should be around 1.3 billion US dollars. However, there are many big projects that are started. Now every month, the research funds have reached more than $ 500 million, and it is still increasing."

I heard this number is that it is shocking that the Xiangjiang Tycoon is also shocked. What is the concept that is in a timely, Bunzi Xuan actually pays more than $ 1 billion.

In fact, this is also a small newspaper, and the US black cloud is an independent accounting unit. Black cloud software, the black cloud computer is currently in the United States, after all, in Xiangjiang is not very convenient, but Bao Zi Xuan knows that it must solve these things before the Soviet Union.

Huo Yingdong said: "It's a way to make money, you are not like us. All of them are in Xiangjiang, you can make a dollar. You can say that there are business in any country in the world, industrial and scientific technology is true. What is good in the future? But I want to think about us. "

At this time, Dong Haoyun said: "Yes! Small bag, there is a good factory in the future, but you have to take us. The shipping business is now getting harder and harder, this is a deep understanding."

Punning justice: "Yes! Dong Lan said it is right, now the business of the running ship is really not good, or you can come back from German transportation equipment every day, it is estimated that I haven't lived with Dong Listing."

Bao Zi Xuan: "In fact, I am also thinking about this problem, just like Bao Huo's collaboration. Waiting for the project, I must notify you in advance, you can prepare money when you get it."

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