Today is a simple meeting, but let everyone think that Bunzi Xuan actually invested in a car factory. This did not think of the Kyoto's high level, it can be said to be an unexpected surprise.

In fact, the investment vehicle factory has this idea early in China, and it is just a determination at this time. It is a top-action to take the lead, and it is also an episode for Xiangjiang merchants.

However, when Zhao said, Bao Zixuan said: "Zhao's deputy general, I want to ask you to help!"

Zhao said, said: "There is always a lot of busy to help me, as long as it is absolutely no problem."

Bun Zixuan: "I ordered 3 satellites in the United States. I hope that the national space department will help me launch. After all, our country's space technology is not bad, but also save some funds for me. The US launch cost is too high, our domestic It should be cheaper. "

In fact, Li President Li has already reported this issue to the relevant departments, but because there is no precedent, there has been no unified advice.

Zhao Deputy: "I know this matter, and I also agree to launch the satellite by the rockets of our country. Some people will arrange for you in the past, see the relevant personnel."

In fact, Zhao's deputy has received the highest leading instructions, which allows the rocket to be used for commercial launch, which can increase experience and earn foreign exchange, this is a two-day thing.

When I heard the general words of Zhao, Bunzi Xuan was safe. In fact, whether it is in the United States or in the Soviet Union. However, he is trying to do something about the development of the motherland.

Huaxia has attached great importance to this rocket launch. After all, this is the first time for commercial launch. If successful, the future meaning is huge, you can continue to receive new orders. It is possible to occupy a place in the international satellite launch market, which is a picture that many people can't imagine.

Early the next morning, a car came to pick up the Kyoto Institute of Aerospace. Come to this slightly shabby office location, who can think of it is in such a simple environment, the people in the summer can make two birds. This can be said to be the miracle in the world industry and technology, will always be praised by the world.

Bao Zixuan came over this time, it was said that this research was first received by outsiders, and he was absolutely created. After the study visited a circle, Bunzi Xuan came to the institute meeting room. I saw a person who didn't want to dream, it was waiting for himself, let Bao Zi Xuan watched out, excited heart overflow.

Looking at this year, in order to be able to return to China, it still waives the US super-heating and welfare, and the country also said that 15 pilots in the United States will be successful, the country is the most important thing to say: "His people can arrive. The troops of the 5th division, this is a legendary figure. "

Bao Zi Xuan quickly stretched out and said: "Hello, money is old. How can I let you wait for me here?"

Lao Lao: "Primary School, Hello! We are graduated in school, you don't have to be so polite. You are not only a researcher, the winner of the Tu Ling, or an entrepreneur with a concept Next, don't look like this next time, but I am embarrassed. "

I heard the name of the primary school, Bao Zixuan thought of money and herself graduated from Mirace. They are alumni relations, so there will be so called. In fact, the country has this consideration. Originally, the elderly qualifications and prestige are not easy to see outsiders. After all, his safety is also the top priority, can't have a half-point tiger.

But one listening is the alumni of Bunxuan, and is still the winner of the Tuling Award. Let the money have been interested in hungry, this time it is arranged.

Bun Zixuan: "Everything you can give up the United States is a great achievement, and you can make the rocket project into this is a great achievement in a tough and difficult environment.

Lao Lao: "This time I heard that the young brother wants us to launch the satellite on the day and can think of the motherland for the first time. This is a recognition of our scientific research work, and it is also a chance to give us a practice. I don't know you want to launch. What is the specific parameters of the satellite, the data brought by Xinhua News Agency is not very detailed, I know some of the commercial secrets, now I can take it out! "

It is only the data brought back by Bun Zi Xuan to Li. This is also for confidential needs, it is impossible to get satellite data easily.

Bao Zi Xuan said: "I am ready," So I took out the laptop and started to explain the specific parameters of the satellite and what I want to achieve.

Seeing Bunzi Xuan's laptop, the money old heart, said: "This is the laptop produced by Black Cloud, actually can achieve this effect, watching the drawing on the computer, whether it is zoomed or shrinking so convenient. And The drawings of a satellite actually be able to install it, it seems that it is a matter of being able to keep up with the progress of the times. "

Bao Zi Xuan: "You must not say this, this is just a simple tool. Compared to the air power you study, just give you a day I premise you to learn."

Qian Ya: "Are you really true!"

Bun Zixuan: "I know that I will give you a single affected, I am going to take 100 computers to donate to the Aerospace Research Institute. I hope that I can use it, it is my heart."

Money is not a matter of a substance, after all, I can give up the US high salary, and those who have returned to China at that time are the great people in the times. However, this is about work efficiency and the changes brought by the latest scientific research results, so I said: "Then I represent the research institute thank you for the primary school brother, with this computer, our operational efficiency will increase a lot."

So the two began to discuss the specific launch of the satellite, and the money is always the greatest rocket expert in human history. The Bunzi Xuan's past life is an aviation engineer, which has a deep understanding of the Rockets. It is to know the direction of the rocket in the next few, two people can say that the opponent, will meet good materials.

From the morning, I have been talking to the evening, and the staff came to call them to eat, but they refused by them. Qian You know that Bunxuan is limited in Kyoto, so he hopes to exchange this opportunity to communicate more. Although you are the top rocket expert in the world, there are not many exchanges in these years, and Baozixuan has learned in Michuo in recent years, and it will definitely be able to exposure to the latest scientific research results. Money is not a self-seating person, not to listen to Bao Zixuan said that it can open a new window.

Baozi Xuan did not expect that in the case of scientific research conditions, money is still so superior to the rocket. It seems that gold is glowing, there is no need to reputation.

Ten o'clock in the evening, the secretary personnel really can't see it. This interrupted the conversation between them, Baozi Xuan did not expect this time to talk about it for so long, it seems to pay attention to time, especially people who have a big man.

Qian Lao said with a little: "Xiao Li, go to me to prepare for Mr. I and Mr." "

Then, the Bunzi Xuan said: "Primary School, just here, you can!"

Bao Zixuan: "No problem, I have nothing to eat this person."

After a while, the secretary called Xiao Li took the nightnaba end. Baozi Xuan looked at a few simple small dishes, I didn't know what to say, this is the top expert in all Chinese. It is so simple to eat, it seems that this time is really not good.

Bao Zi Xuan said: "Money is old, you will eat these."

I haven't waited for the money to talk, Xiao Li secretary said: "This is to see you, have added two dishes. Money is the same as us."

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