On the 4th day of arriving at Kyoto, I saw that this Zhilong Tycoon was basically adapted to the weather here. And this time the health service doctor tested the small cold, there is no problem.

Therefore, Baozi Xuan et al. Starts to enter and meets the high-level meeting. This time, the Xiangjiang businessman who came over Huaxia is the elite in the respective fields, and there is a huge influence in Xiangjiang. At present, when Huaxia has to reform and opening up, every official thinks how to add bricks to the country's economic construction.

It can be said that this Huaxia has given a lot of attention to Xiangjiang River, which can be seen from the specifications of negotiating characters. Baozi Xuan saw a few of the national leaders who could only see in the influence of the dust.

The front world Bao Xuan is Baba, and it is also an orphan. It can be said that these older generation of proletarian revolutionaries have passed, and it is really excited now.

Huo Yingdong and the people here are very familiar with you to introduce you. Although Bao Zi Xuan is the strongest, but where is the young, where is it, it is impossible to put him in the first place. However, Huo Yingdong thinks that the British is the most important person, and then arrange him in the last one.

With the introduction of Huo Yantong, everyone is familiar with each other. Moreover, Li Chao, Dong Haoyun and others are people who are good at communicating, and the atmosphere of the scene is very warm.

When everyone exchanged to half, he suddenly sounded warm applause. It turned out that the old man came over, for the general designer reform and opening up, Baozi Xuan knows that the people of the country will thank him. Not only the reform and opening up, this is a person who has set up Hummer work when new China is established. If it is not a lot of political cadres, there is no participation ceremony. Taking the qualifications of his old people, prestige, and achievements have not been issued.

The old man began to say hello to everyone, it should be coming soon. Just have an emergency need to handle it, so delay, but now it is not too late. After all, as a leader in a country, many events are not able to arrange.

When the old man saw Bunzi Xuan, he said: "This is the first rich in Xiangjiang!"

Huo Yingdong said: "Yes, this is our Xiangjiang Bunxuan. You should haven't seen it yet!"

When Bao Zixuan, I didn't dare to hold it. I said: "You must not say this, what is the river in Xiangjiang. Or call me a small bag, or a small package comrades."

The elderly said that he is happy with the language with Bar Tsaki: "The small bag commented is still quite good, it is kind."

Baozi Xuan also returned to the Tao tone: "As long as you are happy, we are all Chinese people, it is a yellow feeding. This should have a relationship, so you must be with me."

I heard the buns Xuan's so authentic, the old man said, "" The small bag of the Baba is so standard, who is the same. "

At this time, Bao Zixuan has some regrets, and it is ideal to close the relationship. Forgot how to explain how to talk about such fluent, this is not a foreign language, no one will go to learn.

Bao Zi Xuan said: "I have some language talents, which you like Huaxia's four cuisine. Sichuan cuisine is always ranked first, so there is a lot of exchanges with Bayui, whether in the United States or in Xiangjiang, China. Black Cloud There are several Sichuan cuisine chefs in the internal cafeteria. "

This explanation is still reasonable, because everyone knows that Bunxuan will have many languages. Certificate Language Talent is definitely no problem, learning a dialect should have no problem for him.

The old man said with a smile: "If you don't say that I thought we were a fellow! The language talent of the small bag is not usually good. It is not difficult to learn a foreign language. It is difficult for the pronunciation of the Bayu dialect and Mandarin.

Bunzi Xuan: "Your old man must don't say, just more people will live with the accent." The old man's family is limited, although Bao Zi Xuan is more important, but it is impossible to communicate with him. Colding other Xiangjiang tycons, which is very rude. Therefore, it will be that Bunxuan is brought to Huo Yingdong to meet other people, people who come to this occasion are national leaders, the worst is also a department leader. Therefore, Huo Yingdong also intends to bring Bao Zixuan to meet some people and broaden some people.

Huo Yingdong is now a heart of the Bun Zixuan to cultivate the Xiangjiang merchants like him. There is no selfishness here, after all, his age is not small. Many things have been hard, cultivate a Xiangjiang people who can be in the hearts of Huaxia, but this person is not influential, then everything is white.

Bunzi Xuan's financial, prestige, and other aspects in line with Huo Yingdong. It is the right son without Bao Xuan, after all, his impact is too deep, and his son is very difficult to play space.

However, Bunzu Xuan is different, he is a local road of Xiangjiang entrepreneurial businessman. And it is the most successful entrepreneur in history. If he can keep him maintained contact with Huaxia, this is definitely a good thing to return to Xiangjiang. Baozi Xuan is now the headman of Xiangjiang's largest enterprise, and the number of employees exceeds 200,000. And it has a huge influence in the international, how to look at the object worthy of cultivation.

In fact, that day, the Side of the day I hope that Bunzi Xuan can consider building a car factory in the mainland, and it has been guaranteed by the other party. Kyoto City and Shanghai, I want to get this project. Now I have a strong investment in Xiangjiang merchants, earning a lot of foreign exchange, and there is a lot of words on the national level. This makes Kyoto and two old cities in Shanghai, and they can have a large number of young people who need jobs.

Now I heard the news Black Cloud car hopes to build a plant in these two cities, if it is not to win, it is definitely the mistake of the leadership.

Kyoto City can be described as the first month of the water building, and now Bao Zixuan is here. If you don't take this opportunity, you will keep your project, you are really sorry for yourself.

Kyoto City can be said that the level is high, so it can participate in the occasion of this meeting. At this time, the paragrana in the capital is waiting for Huo Yingdong to come over.

He and Huo's relationship are very familiar, that is, hoping to let Baozi Xuan will land in Kyoto through Huo. Now I don't want to take it, I can't get anything.

Huo Lao said that the buns said: "Little boy, this is the secretary of Kyoto."

Then, the secretary said: "The old section, I will bring you over, next you are talking about it."

When I heard the old segment, I was called, and Baozi Xuan is in the heart. After all, this is very formal, Huo Yingdong can call it, prove that the two relationships are very familiar. In fact, this is also interested in paragraphs. After all, this is a bridge that is close to the relationship.

Bao Zixuan quickly reached out: "Hello, secretary!"

The secretary of the paragraph also reached out: "Hello! Little boy."

Bao Zi Xuan: "I don't know what to find me this time. You and Huo are friends, what's the matter can be said. You can celebrate the chat."

I heard the secretary of the paragraphs here, and it seems that the previous survey information is right. Bao Zixuan This person is an acute child and is very paying attention to feelings. For him, it may be the same, but it is very unfavorable to invest in Shanghai, Shanghai. Now, now we must pay the project to settle the project to Kyoto.

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