Bunzi Xuan didn't know, now I have become the fragrant in the mouth. After all, Kyoto and Shanghai, a construction automotive factory, a construction of an electronic factory. This is a considerable promotion of Huaxia, which urgently needs foreign exchange, now every city wants to get foreign or Hong Kong business investment. This will directly drive the development of the local economy, so as long as this opportunity must leave Bunxuan.

In fact, many people have seen Bunzu Xuan's two secretary talking to Shanghai and Kyoto, decided to build the factory here, and believe that Bun Zixuan is a very good person. A person who is easy to refuse a friend.

So find the relationship, people who pull the situation will appear in the Diaoyutai Guesthouse every day, and there is no such thing in this village. People who find Baozi Xuan these days have taken a headache for staff and national security personnel in the Diaoyutai. After all, there is a lot of discipline and security issues, but there is a secure task while ensuring safety. So many people come over to become a vegetable market, and they come over to institutional staff. No one is bad, so the security personnel are very headache.

More than these people still have a headache, Huo Yingdong, Huo Huozi helped the secretary of Kyoto introduced Bunxuan's understanding. Let them reach the intention of cooperation, now many people have found the door.

Baozi Xuan they are not familiar, but more or less know the father of Huo. Therefore, Huo is an important breakthrough. Many people who are not convenient to directly see Bunxuan will move towards the direction of Horn.

Huo Yingdong is forced to have no way, can only come to Bunzi Xuan in the evening. Seeing this young man working in front of the computer and changed his cognition again. Why people can succeed, this is not that other people who do not have external interference will not be available.

It is said that Huo Yingdong came over, Baozi Xuan said: "Huo Lao, how late is so late, there is no rest."

Huo Yingdong said: "The little birth is not sleeping! The age is big, sometimes I can't sleep. When you come, you still work in front of the computer so late; now you should pay attention to the body."

Bao Zixuan: "It's used to it, our people who study and workers are relatively true. It is necessary to complete, but don't do it, don't sleep."

Huo Yingdong: "I am also more realistic when I am young. Now I have no courage to be young. This time, I've been looking for you if there are too many people who want to know you. Now I really don't agree to Kyoto. Segment secretary. "

Bunzi Xuan: "Huo is a relatively wide range of people in the mainland. I haven't refused. I have said, this time, everything is dominated by you, I fully cooperate."

Huo Yingdong: "I know that your small adult character is easy to refuse. However, there are many things when I know, I don't have much money, how much money and project go investment. It is rich, and I don't have to every place. All right. "

Bao Zixuan: "Or you are old, I am also very afraid of telling the truth. There is not a matter of investment conditions in many places, and there is no suitable project. Although there are some prospects in the future, it is not the development space. It's too low, I am doing high-tech enterprises, and too many low profit industries will seriously drag the company. "

Huo Yingdong said: "Yeah! I also understand the difficulty of your small boy, but I am different from you. There are too many people I know in the mainland. Everyone came over to find you."

Bao Zi Xuan: "I understand, it's the most difficult time, let alone the relationship between your old and the mainland."

Huo Yingdong: "Yeah! Do you think I am doing? I didn't put it less than the Hong Kong and English government in the mainland.

Bao Zi Xuan: "There is nothing for mistakes, everything is good for national interests. If Xiangjiang does not return to we seem to be a little money, it is a second-class citizen.

Baozi Xuan's meaning is clear, do not want to enter all industries. Especially in the mainland now, investment has reached a peak. If you really invest too much, the market value of these industries will be an astronomical figure after decades. It's not going to be blamed, but now I can't say directly to Huo Yingdong. I can only say my fears, so that the other person knows that she is also difficult.

On the other hand, the RB and Soviet Union have stronger than the mainland in the financial investment sector in the next decade. And it is a very perfect thing that can go to other countries to cut the leeks. After all, this is now a chance to chance.

Huo Yingdong: "Your concern I know, but can be in the Shangjiang businessman in mainland China, I am worried that you will take my old road."

Bao Zi Xuan: "There is still a little, my current investment is indeed a lot, it is difficult to digest in a short time."

Huo Yingdong: "But finding it is not very good to find my head, you see how I reply."

Bao Zi Xuan: "This is very simple, and everything finds you. It will definitely meet. It is best to arrange it, you can."

Huo Yingdong; "Okay! But you have become a fragrant, this time the name of Xiangjiang is raised in Kyoto."

Bao Zixuan: "I am far away, and you really can't ratio."

Huo Yingdong: "Okay, I don't bother you. Now I am arranged, I will tell you after the time is determined."

After Huo Yingdong, Bao Zixuan fell into a meditation. It is really not a good time to expand in mainland investment, and some projects are very exclusive. Don't like to do business outside of technology, making profits are wool in foreign countries. And it is also in order to develop funds to fill it. Now it's too low to return to China, and the business of employment is really not much.

It seems that this time I can't let people feel good to talk, this is notrent, that is, the friends around me are following it. This time, Huo is very good, this problem is, can't find yourself. By 6 people can know one, not a hole in the wind. Everyone has their own social relationship, and many times really refuse.

I heard Bunzu Xuan to concentrate and meet you, although some lost in his heart. But this is not lost as a chance. After all, you can't see it.

This time, many coastal cities in the Beijing office, after all, Baozi Xuan wants to invest in the construction of a modern dock in Shanghai, and once they are implemented, they can join. As long as it is built in the pier, I am afraid that there is no ship to stop. At that time, the entire city and the surrounding economy will have to drive, many industrial raw materials do not have difficulty in transportation. There is no harm to investment in the investment promotion, and the city can also impact around and gather people.

In fact, Bao Zi Xuan became the fragrant, even Dong Haoyun and the boy, two boat kings, also faced this problem. After all, the state has basically basically agreed to Hong Kong businessmen to invest in the construction terminal, but the final share, the management problem is not finalized. The two boat king have a large number of flesh, and it is also a person with a pier. Now that the mainland continues to invest without any problem, after all, personnel and equipment are ready, just add more.

The country is very strong, and sincerely hope that Xiangjiang businessman can invest in to drive the local economy. Open a lot of industries for this, but some people are still very hesitant.

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