Reseeding the Growth of the Xiangjiang Tycoon

Chapter 334, the press conference held in HSBC

At this time, the buns are organizing people to increase fund mobility, and the purpose is to use hard strength to fight each other. With the promotion of mobile phones, the profits of Black Cloud this year are too horrible. If the tax payable to pay is also an astronomical figure, it is better to let everyone look at their strength, and there is also a hearty play.

The acquisition process of the Taikoo Octa to the Governor's government, and the ordinary citizens are paying attention. Huo Yingdong went to Bao Zi Xuan to call the phone to express himself, Huang Shang did not come out. After all, the good play is just beginning. When you don't have the most critical, it is not much more meaningful, and the other side does not necessarily remember.

Of course, I certainly know that the financial strength of the black cloud is, a lot of money is from their hands. However, he has no guts to freeze, so HSBC will definitely fall into the territory. However, everything will share with Shija family, in fact, not just like this;, even if the slag, the bank also intends to disclose some of the burns of black clouds.

Slag playing this one is the request of Governor, but more importantly because the family's internal struggle is caused. As the most important asset in the family, the Xiangjiang Branch is the top priority of internal competition. Baohaus Sanderson has never fully controlled the Xiangjiang Branch, and the family will take this opportunity to create trouble.

Baohaus-Sanderson Tongbao Xuan's relationship has made the black cloud a lot of international settlement business to the slag hit bank, which makes him rising straight lines in the family; there must be recruiting resentment, only this disclosure of customer information violations operating. But now Baohaus-Sanderson is also difficult to ride, how to say that the slag is deliberately leaking. Although there is no unhealthy wall under the sky, it is possible to conceal for a while. It is best to wait until you can be positioned. At that time, Bao Zi Xuan knows that there is no big deal.

These cases don't know, but as the people 's report. The York, who said that Taikoo Behae - Shiwei Ya wants to hold a press conference in HSBC Headquarters to make him feel some can't understand.

People in Xiangjiang know that Black Cloud is fully acquired to buy Tai An Yangxing stocks, this mingyin time to hold a press conference you want. The most important is to convene in HSBC Headquarters, which is an unusual thing.

York - Schwing Ya can say that it can be said to be a lot of money this time, and all the three major TV stations in Xiangjiang will come to join. Almost all newspapers are notified, that is, HSBC headquarters banquet hall is large enough. If you still can't put so many people in the ordinary place.

Everything is ready, watching the hall is full of reporters in the hall; York - Schwing Ya and Su Haiwen are very excited. Schwing Ya is because who is playing too ancient pays after today, see if there is this appetite. The crisis can be said to be basically released, but also defeat the sharpness of Bao Zi Xuan, which will make his reputation spread throughout the world.

Su Haiwen saw so many reporters, thinking about the opening of Wu Guangzheng's head when she acquired the Kowloon Cang. Today, I finally be forwarded to see if anyone else said. I am not white, you don't give it to me, I can also fight.

When the time arrived, the three came out of the background. Shen Wei is actually do not want to appear, but here is HSBC, since it is decided to go to black. You can also let the domestic people look at it, and he is a person who resolutely maintains Britary interests. Helping Hua Ya is only a matter of power, and the key moment can be absolutely relieved.

However, the reporter saw that Su Haiwen came in the beginning of a foggy, but it was excited after a glimpse. The boat king and Bunxuan relations are not always good, how can I now make my big son-in-law? In the end, it is a retaliation after the buns Xuan rushed to the family, or it is still for the benefit to abandon everything. There are too many news in this, it seems that it will be able to be full.

There is no single reporter on the spot, and there are representatives of all major companies in Xiangjiang. These include many funds and financial institutions are looking forward to it.

The people of the boat king saw that the grandfather was somewhat inexplicably wonderful, and the boat king had clearly stated to support Bunxuan. Nowadays, this time is still mixed with the Taikong Beach, what is the situation? Does the east have a special explanation who does not want to be guilty. But how can this be able to make friends, Bao Zixuan can help the family. Now who can knew the knife behind people, who can make friends with you, this is not a little thing.

The more I want it, the more I don't have to take the mobile phone to the boat king. When I heard Su Haiwen, I haven't heard a little wind before I have held a press conference with York-Shija. Although I don't pay great attention to the big son-in-law, what is his trend also represents a family. At this time, I have already been into a boat, I can only see the situation, I can only arrange the situation to report on myself. The boat king also sailed toward HSBC Headquarters, he wants to see how it is.

Baozi Xuan also received the report of the people, but now I don't know if the specific situation can only wait until there will be coming. What's wrong with the boat king, although it is good, but there is no affiliation. People are also the predecessors for the famous business community. It is not necessary to report to him. It is only the same to cooperate, and the outsiders are not right to interfere.

However, at this time, I will arrange my big son-in-the-Joint Jie Ke - Shi Wahaya to open a press conference, Bunzi Xuan is still very uncomfortable, but how can this?

Shen Ya, York - Schwing Ya, Su Haiwen three people sit down, the host of this reporter will start speaking.

Pu Weishen said: "Dear ladies, gentlemen; everyone is good. I am very happy that today can witness this historical moment today, our topics are only one."

"But this should not be revealed by me. Here is the protagonist of today's conference, York, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Taikoo, give you a speech."

York - Shi Waja said: "Today is very happy to meet HSBC and everyone. In recent time, some people deliberately target the Taikoo Group, making the group's share price volatility in nearly a period of time. This is not conducive to the development of a group, but we The feelings of the Schwing Ya family's relationship between the Taikong Google are cut off. It is also to pay a big price to see the group to develop in a good direction. So we repurchase some shares to increase the proportion of the family in the group. In turn tells Those who want to play Taikoo Group, you have missed the abacus. "

"At the same time, I would also like to thank all the important partners, just in the" Soviet Mr. Su Haiwen ", I have just reached an agreement. I repursed the 0.8% Taikoo Group shares from him, and at the same time, I also repursed some shares in HSBC. Thanks to Mr. Su Haiwen and Mr. Shen Yizhen out of the critical time, thank you very much. "

"Through this thing, give me a deep thing. The more you go to the crucial moment, the more you can reflect anyone who is a real friend, who is unconditionally supporting you, who can be for you Partner of the guidelines. "

"I want to thank the two for the support of the Shija family. Our family is already the fourth generation in Xiangjiang to me. I have been doing business on this land in the past 100 years. I believe in the future. People will continue to pioneer in the predecessors, so that the development of the family can be sent to no. "

It can be said that York-Shija Ya's voice is still attracted to a large part of the person's identity, yes! How can I be so easy to be beaten so easily? Now if everyone wants to be robbed, people have returned to God, not to retaliate, let alone HSBC and the boat king support him. What are we waiting for? Baozi Xuan is rich, but there is a problem that money is not necessarily solved; it is also very afraid that the flowers are not.

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