Bao Zixuan didn't sleep well last night. The next morning, I went straight to Li Hui tea restaurant. The number of pieces that have been more than one, can not forget, how can I let Huo Yingdong and Dong Haoyun are waiting for themselves.

Li Hui tea restaurant owner is also extra early today, yesterday, he received two big telephone reservations. Dong Haoyun and another big he can't afford it, you can only arrange it. At the same time, I told my two buildings on the second floor, and other business didn't do it.

After seeing Bao Zi Xuan, Li Boss knew who Dong Haoyun is about. After all, the relationship between the head and Dong Haoyun is now known, and what happened yesterday, he is a clear, it is definitely important thing to talk about it.

Lao Bo smiled and greeted: "Bon birth, hello! I haven't seen you for a long time."

Bao Zi Xuan: "Li Bo is polite, Dong Life has not yet. If you didn't arrive here, I was waiting here."

Lao Bo said: "Dong Lie has not arrived, but I can have it here. You can stand at the door, and there is too much people who come over, it is not convenient!"

Bao Zi Xuan wants to come out of the past, so I said with a smile: "I still think about the thoughtfulness of Li, I still go up!"

When I said that Bun Zixuan was so good, Li Bo said: "Thank you for your understanding," I quickly sent people to lead Bunxuan to the second floor.

After a while, I saw Dong Hao and Huo Yingdong, and Li Bo has already greeted the two to the second floor. At the same time, I started to arrange today's breakfast, after all, he learned that every tycoon likes food and taste. This may also be the key to Liji Tea Restaurants and is the key to it.

Seeing Dong Haoyun and Huo Yingdong came to him, Bunzi Xuan did not dry. I quickly stopped and got up: "Dong, Huo Sheng is good morning, I am sorry, because my things have remained so early."

The two did not expect Bunzi Xuan to say this, this matter is that Huo Yingdong is called north, Dong Haoyun is surrounded by people in the airport. Now Bunzi Xuan actually takes things on himself, it seems that this young man does act. If this is more embarrassed, the boat king will give them a problem. However, as the two people who hope that Hua Shang's unity is that there is no boat king to go to the door, and it will advise the Bag Xuan not to have a tribute.

After all, it is the bureau of Dong Haoyun, so Dong Laozi first opened: "Don't stand, let's take a chat."

After the three people landed, Bunzi Xuan started to serve the two. Forced tea, I know that the three must have to talk about things, so the second floor has not left the waiter in addition to Li Boss.

Dong Hao Yun: "Small bag, I know what we will say will be a little unfair to you, but in order to have a full of rivers, you can hopes you."

Bunzi Xuan: "Dong, I'm nothing. But Su Haiwen must pay the price, otherwise I will still be in the Xiangjiang River in the future .. There is a boat king can't say that there is no homage, it's okay! I I think that it is right, but now I have something to give all the employees who follow my employees. I believe I will sell the Kowloon Cang stock to the boat. I didn't have strength to buy Jiulong Cang. are you coming!"

Huo Yingdong: "Bao Shi Wang found two years old, he means that Su Haiwen will not participate in the Bao family's affairs. And resigned from the chairman of the Jockey Club, it is for everyone. But this thing is the biggest The victim is you, so I want to hear your thoughts. "

Bao Zixuan did not expect the ship king to be a killing and decisive person. As a top tycoon in Xiangjiang, it is very difficult. Now, Huo Yingdong, Dong Haoyun said from the middle, if the stone under the sunset is that there is no tolerance.

Bao Zixuan: "I only ask one, give up the board of directors of Bao Huo's Mining Company. This thing has passed,

Dong Haoyun: "Huzon, is you playing this phone or I am playing."

Huo Yingdong listened to something, so he said: "I still play!"

So I picked up the phone to give the bag jade, and our ship king has never been out last night. I have heard the phone rang, and it is still so early, I want to be Dong Haoyun, Huo Yingdong, and Baozi Xuan negotiated. He has been thinking last night. If Bunzi Xuan proposes excessive requirements, how to deal with it.

Huo Yingdong: "Banheng, small bag means you withdraw from the directors of Bao Huo Mining Company, you can retain shares. This is not less, just when you open the board, you can't participate, while you want to transfer the shares We all agreed. "

I heard that the bag is really wanting to get angry, but it is still not the time. Thinking of yourself a few decades, today I have to apologize for a young person who is still small than my daughter. Is it going to go back and then go back, how to make this way.

Bao Yu just biting the tissue: "I agree, I will not sell the shares."

Since the boat king has promised, and these things will definitely spread throughout the river. Bunzi Xuan can force the boat king's Zhixiang rushed to this, so so that so contending to find a field.

Just these things don't know, after a night's overtime. All newspapers have increased layout and space today. After all, everyone hopes to see the head of the head of the rich and HSBC, the battle of Taikoo, and I want to see which camp in the boat family.

Although the Oriental Daily has a good relationship with the Black Cloud Group, it is very disadvantageous to Bunxuan now. And there is HSBC to participate, and only neutral reports can be conducted.

It is mainly to introduce the help of Su Haiwen and Shen Wei, Shi Jaja family can say that it is no longer from the victory. Next, I will see how the bag is rich, after all, it is not a lot of money to solve the problem. In addition, this time, although Bao Zi Xuan's acquisition of Taikoo Group did not reach, but the stock of Taikoo Group is still high. If the sale will be able to make a pen, it is not possible to earn some money for the rivers' richest. The purpose of strategy is not achieved, and it cannot be counted.

The Sing Tao Daily is mainly from Bunzu Xuan, so many enemies have been reported, and he has seen his wolf ambition with his nice ship king. Abandoned DDT, indicating that he is not kind, and it is not related to the personality of usual flying. It is also reasonable in the Taikoo acquisition battle, who makes him always want to eat alone!

Jin Yong's father's Ming Pao is still in the case, but it is only introduced that the first bureau is indeed a victory. But thinking about Bao Zi Xuan's horrible financial resources, no business is staring well, York - Shija Ya has not yet caught a light level. Next, you must have a good business. Once any wind blows, it may be a bloody hurricane.

All the media in Xiangjiang is reported, but most of them tend to Taikoo, HSBC. After all, there is HSBC's support is that Strong Justice will have no way to get too ancient times. At this time, many experts scholars are running out three four. It is a sense of brush, which is an excellent opportunity.

However, I am looking at the movements of the double bags, and the buns Xuan is so young to make the knife how to make a good break. The last time I heard that the people in HSBC's knife on him, not only in the prison, but the hands and feet were interrupted.

The boat king has been famous for a long time, and in Xiangjiang friends. If the double package will fight the Taikoo, HSBC, Dong Hao Yun, Huo Yingdong will go to the beginning of the throne, I want to see the lively. Some people have begun to find business opportunities, and they must first be in the stock market.

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