Dong Haoyun, Huo Yingdong is born as a running boat, staying in the boat, occasionally playing poker recreation. Ye Shili is the origin of the casino. Ye Han is not more useful for gambling, so a few people are purely to relax; soothing, and there is nothing to talk about. After all, a few personality is too large, and it is also a way to avoid embarrassment.

The typo is really less than this level, and it is not the opponent of Yehan. It's just a picture, and didn't do much more.

Ye Han: "The birthplace is not involved!"

Bao Zixuan: "I don't have to play this thing, and I have no interest in gambling."

Ye Shili: "A Han, the small boy is not interested, don't be difficult for him."

But now Baozi Xuan is not so embarrassed, and several people are just a way to mate. It should not be too long, everyone doesn't have so much time.

Although Huo Yingdong is a director of the Casino, but it does not participate in management. And there is no interest in this, but it is rare to be interested today. If you play, you will be as a pleasure.

Bun Zixuan looked at several people next to him, but everyone can answer when they can't think of the card. I don't know all the details. It is not surprised that Bun Zi Xuan knows that his terrorist memory is not surprised; after seeing Bunzi Xuan's performance, it is to make Ye Han excited.

Bao Zixuan This horror memory If you use it in your gambling, it is absolutely unfavorable, and Ye Han, who has been worried about, I have been concerned about the hope.

Ye Han: "How do you remember every time, I still say that I have not played."

Bao Zixuan: "I just have a good memory, not interested in gambling. This kind of playing card is just a simple probability game, really nothing."

The more excited Ye Han didn't care about it, but said directly: "You can get you a hundred years. I want to accept you as a disciple, teach you my life. I do. This is a chance to dream of many people. "

Mainly Ye Hanmai wants to find a shirt, and forget the identity of Bao Zixuan. However, these words still let the other three people next to them are stupid. Even Dong Lao, who has always stabilized, has exposed an amazing expression. Ye Han is doing what is going to do, what is dare to say.

Bao Zi Xuan said: "Thank you, Ye Sheng's kindness, I am not interested in these."

In the heart of Ye Han, can tolerate this refusal, and you want to burnish him every day. Just can't see it, now he seems to be rejected.

Ye Han: "After making my apprentice, it is absolutely walking in the spinach industry."

Ye Sili finally couldn't help but say: "Are you not awake yet last night! How do you start talking, what is the identity of Banheng, you can't figure it out."

Ye Shili's reminder will let Ye Han have come back to God, yeah! People are the rivers in Xiangjiang, if you worship him Ye Han is not a joke. And he didn't have the ability of Bao Zi Xuan Master. If this is really effective, He Hongsheng is not so simple.

Ye Han: "Banheng, I am very sorry! Just excited, please forgive me."

Bunzi Xuan: "Nothing, Ye Sheng is also in the temperament. However, the gambling is not a correct way, and the loss is not a bad thing."

I heard that Ye Han didn't seem to move, yeah! Gambling is the ability to make people break, and it is not a brilliance. It is not a hammer from your own hands.

"Thank you for the reminder of the birth, I am too persistent, sometimes it harms others." Ye Han said to everyone.

Huo Yingdong said with a smile: "Small bag! All Xiangjiang is probably only Ye Han has this courage to be your master."

In fact, this is also for a certain extent, Ye Han solizes,

After a small episode, several people did not continue their minds. After leaving each other, he left Li Hui tea restaurant, but Ye Han had different past ideas.

If Ye Han, who returned home, the more I thought it was feasible, so I went to Bun Zixuan to call.

There were some accidents that were received by Ye Han telephone bunxuan. After all, it was just polite. How this old man contacts yourself so soon, although he doesn't like it. But what is it is also a senior in the business, see one side or is going.

In the evening, Baozi Xuan came to Ye Hanjia. In fact, Ye Han people think about the problem simple, I dare to be so easy to get a guest.

Bao Zi Xuan is still in Xiangjiang time, and it is rushing every time. I have only been to Dong Haoyun, Hong Kong, Communications, Huo Yingdong, and other people have not reached. There is no active about buns Xuan to come home, and our head is rich and there is no habit of the family. It is difficult to think that Bunxuan doesn't like communication. If you are refusing to see everyone, and Yehan wants relatively simple, let alone Bao Zi Xuan did not imagine that it was not so none.

Since it is not good to come to the home, it is not good to pass, bringing some small things produced by the black cloud as a gift. Let Ye Han's family feel a bit surprised. After all, no one thinks that the old master is actually close to Bao Zi Xuan, if you know that two are just today, I will be shocked by the chin.

Although Bao Zi Xuan's gift is not very expensive, it is entirely enough for Ye Han and his family.

Ye Han: "Take the liberty of the birthday is really an embarrassment, saying that the truth is overcast, I will regret it. But how can I try it, or I can't sleep."

Bao Zi Xuan: "Ye Sheng is polite, I just usually in Xiangjiang time, so there is very little communication. There is no media report, some reporters are inendable, but it is ubiquitous."

Ye Han's reputation is more than the gambling, so the reputation is better than anyone, and the reporter has no positive reports about these people, in fact, this is a big relationship with the industry. The way you choose is to take responsibility yourself.

Ye Han: "Some reporters are a group of guys who are unrest, I am also deeply suffering. This time I want to ask, you are interested in the shares of the casino entertainment company."

Bao Zi Xuan learned that he would sell the shares to Zheng Yu, and then operate the racing market business. But I don't want to understand why now sell the shares to yourself. Is it impressed with each other?

Bun Zixuan: "Ye Sheng may not know, I am a businessman engaged in the technology industry. I am not interested in unfamiliar with the spinach industry. If you want to shoot or find another person. The shares of the casino will not be ignored what!"

Ye Han: "In fact, I also have a selfish, you buy He Hongsheng, don't dare to have anything else. One move, I am afraid that it is not his opponent, but I can't let him be good. But I didn't expect you to refuse. Ask! "

Bun Zixuan: "Ye Sheng may not know me very well, I do this people only buy interested companies. And when I buy something, I never ask how much price, my feeling is better than anything, I can give you A idea, can also make He Sheng headache a while. "

I heard that the old face is not good, this makes Ye Han interested. The two sides have douted for so many years. Every time they suffer, they are self-satisfied, and the smart talents of the bag will definitely be a unique idea. He is interested in this time.

Looking at Ye Han listened to the appearance, Bao Zixuan continued: "You can do not quit, you can express it on the board. 90% of your dividends are used to make charities, and all of them must be all redecisive, if you don't honor these dividends can be free Return to the company. And the horse carrier will only keep the racing car business, and the rest is cut off. Sign up a contract every three years, please supervise. "

After hearing the advice of Baozi Xuan, Ye Hanmouth is open. At least three years will be smooth transition, and you can accumulate some customers in your carriage.

In fact, Bunzu's original intention is to return these money to the money to give the child. I didn't expect Ye Han with a large number of donations, the title of a charity.

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