Reseeding the Growth of the Xiangjiang Tycoon

Chapter 366 Last Campus Life - Graduation Speech

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On June 25, 1981, the Massachusetts Institute of Science and Technology in the eastern Cambridge City, USA, the crowd, as if there was a feeling of Christmas. Today is not only a student's graduation ceremony, and it is also a celebration of the 120th anniversary of the school.

Bao Zixuan wearing a doctoral suit appeared in the crowd, and every university is almost in this regard. Li Yulin also knows that today is one of the most important moments in his life, it is not easy to cultivate your son to doctoral graduation. It is a single order to override the close-up, not to mention the son into the rivers of Xiangjiang. I believe that in the future, the history book will be written into the synonym of the great mother.

As the world's top Polytechnic University, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology has cultivated many outstanding students; many alumni came over to graduate celebrations every year. In addition, this year is the 120th anniversary, making many well-known alumni back to the alma mater to celebrate.

However, so many well-known alumni came back, Li Yulin has got the highest. She is sitting by the first row of Johnsong, at this time, she has become the focus of the audience. Many people are guess who this oriental woman is, after all, some people haven't come to ask.

At 9 o'clock in the morning, the graduation ceremony begins. Today's host is also alumni of Massachusetts, currently serving as a news aest in ABC TV, and she knows that her mother's celebration is free to host. It can be said that this is this good, and the alumni resources are really no longer prolong.

With the introduction of the host, many well-known alumni students have greeted. The scene can be said to be very lively, everyone can feel the emphasis on this graduation ceremony.

Johan Smel Smelsen said: "I am very happy to see so many excellent graduates left the school. After today, you will not appear in front of the public in the public. You are about to be a society, the school can give Your education has been completed, the next path will go to you. However, no matter where you come, please remember that you have identified it, it is a student of Massachusetts. I hope that you will always keep in mind the teaching of schools. A person useful to the world. "

The words of John Smeales are very simple, and they have already heeded greetings in advance. The speech of everyone is as short, and the time will be left to Bunzi Xuan, and this Massachusetts is about to graduate a well-known alumni.

Next, several well-known alumni came to the stage, and the school was donated. Similar to the top universities such as MIT, alumni donations have been a stable income source.

Most of the people who graduated here have certain social status, even if they don't have their own bosses, most of them are top engineers, or you can don't do your alma mater.

After all the links are completed,

Finally, I was turned to Bunzi Xuan. As a representative of this graduate, the principal John Song also requires quality must be guaranteed, this is a good opportunity to propaganda school. It can be said that many media have come over, after all, Bun Zixuan is a topic in any place. And I heard that Massachusetts scientific research results should be announced, and the media of the United States is excited.

Baozi Xuan's brand new doctoral suit appeared in the center of the stage. At this time, the most exciting people under the stage are too much Yilin. A single woman finally worked hard, and she was able to stand in the world's highest school's speaker. She is dead tomorrow.

I started my speech at Bunzi Xuan in the following people: "Hello! I am Bao Zixuan, I am very happy to speaking on behalf of graduates. To tell the truth, I am really a bit embarrassed to give me this honor. In the school 4 years, I Because of the misses a lot of courses, the schoolmates will not learn me in the future. "

"But I really want to thank the school to my tolerance. In Massachusetts sciences, it is not just how many lessons you have. More things you can learn. This, our school has been in the forefront of the world, other schools I really want to learn to our school. "

In fact, he is more like a perfect reason to find a perfect class, and the students don't work in less than a glorious thing.

"Everyone knows that I am a single-parent family grew up, from a small and mother, I have not seen my father, but my mother is in order to grow up healthily, I have never married. I am very small. At the time, my mother had to pay a lot of small companies every day. She is fully able to get a big business opportunity. In order to better care, I chose to compromise to the society. Look at the same amount of book every day, I want Many people's heads are big. But my mother always said in my heart, and our mother is going to live. "

"It is the reason why I can stand here today. This is the reason I can stand here today. I am very happy that my mother can see his son's graduation under the stage. I must first say it to her, you have worked hard. I will never let you suffer again later, and I can't eat it. "

At this time, everyone slammed the palm of Li Yulin, and Li Yulin contained tears to continue to listen to their son's speech.

Johan Song: "You are a great mother, everyone must pay tribute to you."

Bun Zixuan continued: "Now I graduated from school, and there is also something that is more than 10 million people like my mother. In fact, the Black Cloud Group has already begun to sloping such a population, but it is not so obvious. This After graduation, you can put into business operations in your business, and you can also bring some changes to your mother. "

"So I decided to recruit a single-parent family staff, that is to say as long as you have a serious work, no matter what you are a single dad or a single mother, I hope you can come to the black cloud. Kid you can confuse it to the black cloud Children's school, where they will be able to get the best education, what you have to do is to work hard. If there is no engineer and technician ability; then the handlers, even the cleaning work can be considered, in the range of my ability I don't want to take a child and work while I see it. "

"You don't have to thank me, if you want to thank my mother, I will see her, I will see her, and therefore I don't want to happen too much."

Bun Zixuan didn't know that he was a good idea that made many people who had a fake divorce. The purpose is to enter the black cloud work, and later, with more and more negative news exposure, this resolution has to be stopped. Bao Zixuan has bought a single for experience, and it is to feel what is not too much; it is also a kind of progress, at least there is a lot of ideas.

Baozi Xuan continued: "I came to the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, I learned a lot here, now I am leaving. But I have to leave a gift for the schoolmates; I decided to donate 100 million to Massachusetts Institute of Technology The US dollar is a technology incubation fund. Any good research project can apply for funds here, the purpose of creating a scientific incubation fund is to hope that the schoolmates have something to do with merits. "

In fact, Bun Zixuan is to use the MIT to help the imagination of the genius students as the black cloud service. After all, the fund is created by the black cloud. Have a good project must have a priority investment right of Black Cloud.

Bao Zi Xuan: "Thank you for the teacher for 4 years, I have to say goodbye to everyone here. Goodbye, MAS, please accept me as the last name of the students. From tomorrow, I will leave here, from It will be aware of me, a student who creates me, a Massachusetts. "

After saying that Bao Zi Xuan, I got a bow, I left the stage, and the warm applause sounded. Many scholars in the market evaluated the speech of Bunzu Xuan, which is incompatible. For example, recruit a large number of single dad, mother; let a lot of original and beautiful families with beauty.

However, there is also a truth of truth, mainly embodies in a stage of childhood and childhood. But the impression is the deepest or let the world remember him, that is, you will be able to remember him after a few years after death. His shadow can be found in all books on economy, politics, and technology. This is a lot of business people who can't do anything, some are even more thinking.

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