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After processing all the issues of the United States, Bunzi Xuan is ready to leave here, return to Xiangjiang. It is half a month from the mother to go back to the mother, and it is short to say to the United States. The next time I came back, I am not a monkey year, Black Cloud has established many laboratories in the Xiangjiang in advance, and the future is the focus of Bao Zixuan.

On July 20, 1981, Bunzi Xuan took a special plane from New York to the Xiangjiang. As for why I went to New York, I just wanted to see Leber-Morgan side, many things still have to thank you. When leaving, two people became temporary men and women, but now the power and situation do not allow them to announce this news. And said that the truth is not optimistic from the Rehel Morgan expression, and now you can have a try now.

Baozi Xuan, of course, knows this truth, she also knows that Recel Morgan is likely to take yourself. And where he has no such idea, the purpose of together is not simple.

Thinking that the age is still not particularly urgent to marriage, and time is not waiting for people, I don't think about it. It is difficult to develop an estimate of the Soviet Union. Americans must be compressed in China, and there is a more incentive in addition to the presence of black clouds.

Bao Zi Xuan returned to Xiangjiang has a lot of things to do, and the first phase of the University has been built. Reach enrollment requirements, plans to start school in August this year, enrollment work has now been fully opened.

In addition, after more than a year, the first phase of the Iron and Steel Plant project, the first phase of the steel plant, which can be completed. It can be so rapid to depends on the work of Huaxia workers is not afraid of hard work, overtime, this work is enthusiastic to have a demanding German. Admire. There is also all devices are ready, and there is no delay in the case of the two boats. At this same time, Nikiite also negotiates contracts in China on some details in China, which reflects the speed of Bao Huo's mining company, and high efficiency.

Bao Zhen Xuan wants to be low-key, but there are too many accompanying people when I start in New York Airport. Although it is a dedicated channel, it is still discovered. And so large from the United States returning to Xiangjiang is definitely buns Xuan personally going back, others can not have such a big drain.

When I arrived at the Xiangjiang Airport, it was 5 o'clock in the afternoon, but there are still many reporters to come to the airport. Waiting for this Xiangjiang river from the United States, everyone wants to interview him and the Jimorganism in the first time. This is related to economic benefits. If you get heavy news is to sell it to the United States, you can make a big profit.

Although Zhang War is ready, the boss's peers are mostly on the one hand; there is a very unpleasant last airport incident, this time he dispatched more than 100 security guards. However, it is like this to blocked the reporter, and the security guard does not dare to make the reporter, which will bring a lot of negative impacts.

When Bao Zixuan came out of the plane,

Zhang Wan belongs to protect him. The people arranged by Zhang Wan is only responsible for the most peripheral. There are four security personnel to follow in Baozi Xuan, after all, there is only one.

But everyone still underestimates the enthusiasm and persistence of the reporter, directly put them in the middle. And there is a moment you don't answer the problem.

I saw that Bao Zixuan suddenly had an idea, so he said to Zhang Wan: "Arrangee people to send me back to the company, I will accompany the reporter here."

With Bunzi Xuan and Reachier Morgan, it is very important to pay attention to this matter and Huaxia in the United Kingdom. After all, the Black Cloud Group settled to the local economy. Bao Zixuan himself or recognized genius is that MAS science workers in genius is the most outstanding figure. Such a person is very needed, and if it is really like the gossip media reports, it becomes a Morgan family's door-to-door, that is, the loss of the entire country.

Bao Zixuan also wants to pass this reporter to pass his own point of view, the future development is mainly based on Xiangjiang. Will not immigrate the United States, nothing to do, what to do. This will also make the country to rest assured and let employees peacefully.

Zhang War quickly arranged people to escort the people and equipment brought back from Bao Zixuan, which brought back many Chinese professors from the United States. Bao Zixuan had a heavy supply to them, and supported its research projects agreed to come to Yulin Institute of Technology. As for the device, some components of large switches chips and multi-protocol routers.

At this time, Baixuan is ready to accept an interview at the airport hall, thinking that the last time is not cool; this time you have to make you uncomfortable. Then arrange the security guard to take a few stools, where he is sitting. Although it is a bit hindered from pedestrians, the problem is not big.

Baozi Xuan sat on the stool and said: "Since everyone is so curious, I also meet your requirements. I have two stools next to me. I will invite two reporter friends to come over, you want to ask questions can be People ask questions. In addition to their two I won't answer anyone, the time is limited, I hope everyone can understand. "

It turns out to a British beauty: "You can come over and ask questions." Also pointing to a Xiangjiang reporter: "It is also a matter of you; good, I have been very clear, you have any questions, you can pass them two I ask, I will give you a 5 minute time. "

Bao Zixuan This wave of uncomfortable operation is shocked by everyone, and some people sit in the airport hall. This is the airport as my home, it seems that there is a good show. But now is not to consider where the problem is, or first write the problem quickly, let these two lucky people ask, go back and have a confession.

Everyone didn't expect Bun Zixuan to break the sky today, everyone can only write the problem with envy eyes, hand it over to Bunzi Xuan's point.

The two people were not reacted once, no one would think that such a good fortune fell to his head. However, good professionalism is also allowed to listen to the question of the surrounding reporters, summed up to Baozi Xuan.

After five minutes, the security guard made a passage. Two reporters came over with exciting mood, sitting next to Bao Zixuan.

Bao Zi Xuan said: "If you start with this beautiful woman!"

The beauty reporter smiled and said: "Mr. Bao is really a gentleman's style, thank you very much. I am a Thame reporter Jane - Lorre Hugs, I am very happy to interview you. My first question is your photo of Miss Morgan. Already spread throughout the world, many evidence shows that you are in contact with her, don't know what you want to say. "

Bao Zixuan: "This is my private affairs, we have cooperated a courier company. But men are not married, women have not married is normal, I think there may be this possibility in the future. After all, I will appreciate each other, this is able to interact Prerequisites. "

I didn't recognize that Bao Zixuan did not admit, but the answer has been basically clear. It may not be a male and female relationship. In the future, this possibility is very large. It is estimated that some details and interests have not been tangually good. After all, if they are married to the world economy is huge Impact, when the two are not ready to get married, no one can recognize it.

The male reporter said: "Hello, I am a reporter of the Oriental Daily Dai Shuhang, now many media are reporting that you may become a Morgan family, do not know if the report is true!"

Bunzi Xuan: "Dai Journal, you are also Xiangjiang people, I want to ask what kind of Xiangjiang people will do the door."

Dai Shuhang wanted: "The young people who are poverty at home, parents can also work, they can work hard; people are not diligent, there is no ability to see it in the woman's home."

Bun Zixuan: "You have helped me answer this question, my mother is still, I can't be poverty! As for what you said, you can meet the requirements."

Bao Zixuan's words suddenly smoked around the reporters, and did not expect the head of the bag. No before, I didn't find it!

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