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Huo Yingdong with a satisfactory answer returned to his own chamber, the package is really not easy. After all, how to say that the boat king is also the rivers, wealth and status are the same.

When the time arrived at noon, Bunzi Xuan sent people to inform all the Xiangjiang Tycoon in the cafeteria. There is nothing else to eat, as long as it is enough to eat. However, these famous business tycons have seen the black cloud all employees, the dishes are still very rich, so they can earn money.

Everyone is very curious to look at it, watching the workers' confident smile. The neatly and orderly queues are unlocked, this is the normal normal of people. The Japanese in the rules and regulations are indeed under hard work, so the management tunnel of the deep sea factory is mainly Japanese. Bao Zixuan also wants to convert the management team to the Chinese people, but there is not so much talent reserve.

Ye Shili's famous flower son suddenly said: "Little boy, you can't do it here!"

Everyone is very confused, and if you speak, you can't say it, you are now in people's sites! The speech also has to be mainly inserted, but it doesn't know how to explain it.

Huo Yingdong wanted to explain what, I saw Bao Zixuan said: "Ye Sheng means that there is too little girl here!"

I heard the buns Xuan said that everyone smiled, even the old man was laughed; I didn't expect Bunxuan's humor.

Ye Shili: "It seems that the little boy is a person who knows me, why don't you trick a few beautiful, I heard that you have more than 20,000 workers here."

Bao Zixuan: "Not to prevent Ye Sheng, I am starting factory; not to ask my wife. The more women are more beautiful, and if you spend it every day, you will have less time. And It is also easy to make the male employee, after all, beautiful women like, if you see a beautiful woman, you can work well. "

"There is a way to avoid love, this will cause corruption to breed. If you work together, if you have a little bit of actions, you don't respect human rights, there is always endless people. Most of the male employees of the black cloud are. Senior technicians and engineers, they have a high demand for girlfriends and their wife. The woman must go to her man outside, after all, the black cloud man is not bad. I can wait until they come to the company to see my husband or male Friends usually work with this helper, and they will be confident that it will be reflected. "

"And every day, it is a woman who is not very beautiful. I saw my wife is still in the same way. This is also a way to improve the derailment of work efficiency, it seems that the effect is not bad."

Listening to Baozi Xuan's theory begins some identity,

The father of the bag smiled and said: "Our run boat seems to be recruited in accordance with the method of the small bag, so that the carrier can rest assured."

Dong Haoyun: "They can't see a wife a few times a year, and it doesn't matter if it is beautiful and ugly."

Everyone did not expect two old men and the other words, it seems that Ye Juli will become unfair.

Ye Shili: "Little boy, our casino can not be like you so recruit, or who go!"

Bao Zi Xuan: "You are doing an entertainment industry, the beauty itself is a weapon. Don't talk like us, who will pay attention to the production of this product."

Bao Master: "Packet, I see that the staff here is very good; every day is this still prepared today."

Bao Zixuan: "It can be said that every day is almost."

Bao Master: "Can such a high food standard company make money!"

Bao Zixuan: "If a company needs to save money from employee meals, I am not as good as I don't make this money; I will not make money and will not be happy. As long as you are happy to improve the production rate of qualified products, What money is back. "

"My factory belongs to the least profit of all the systems in Black Cloud. It has a long time to earn about $ 200 million. Mainly, the product profits are too low, there is no added value. Now there is a scale, etc. It should be better to make the higher-end line assembly should be better. So it is really nothing to eat, the factory is still a profit. "

I heard the least profitable money, I can earn $ 200 million, and if you make money, you will not be envious. Is the industry really doing, this is a lot of people's ideas.

The father of the bag looked at a lot of black clouds to read books while eating, and most people have a book. Curiously asked: "The small bag, I see how the employees here are reading books, this is why!"

Bunzi Xuan: "The mechanical penetration rate here is getting higher and higher. Everyone does not want to lose their work. It is not that they don't learn, but there is no learning conditions and environment. Now I come to black and I always have to be responsible for them, so in the factory The library has been established, which is ready to set up the night school to help you learn. And I also give this factory 30 places, allowing them to have a salary to study the university just established. "

The father of the father is satisfied: "You do it very well, but don't you afraid of leaving it after you learn!"

Bun Zixuan: "The sky is raining, the mother wants to marry, I can't see it, I will go with it! But there is a contract constraint, just don't want to stay in the people here, it is useless, his mind is early I don't know where to fall. "

"Enterprises are going to do this, and it is necessary to invest in the long run. It may have a failure. This is nothing. It is nothing to invest in technology talents. As long as there is a value to create value, you will earn it back."

The father of the bag: "It's still a small bag, let us do these people who have a lifetime of people. But can we don't have your intelligence, or concentrate on running boats!"

After that, everyone started to open the topic, try to talk about some relaxed topics; it is not easy to get so many people.

After lunch, I started to enter free time. Many people want to go to the production workshop to see the work status of the black cloud employee. If there is any magical.

The father of the package was taken back after a circle, and he had completed half this time. Next is the board of directors and watching the opening ceremony in the face of tomorrow.

Zheng Yu is so making money with the toy factory, so you are also a good choice to move the Golden Processing Factory. So I said that I said to Bunxuan in a file: "Little boy, you see that there is no head in the mainland to start the gold factory."

Bao Zixuan: "This is really hard to say, after all, gold is a precious metal. It is an important strategic reserve in any country. The mainland seems to have not let go of such a policy. You can find Huo Sheng consult, he is more understanding related policies, I It's not a lot of time over. "

Zheng Yu's same thinking is also, gold can't make you exported a lot, if the procedure is too trouble, what is going on.

Dong Haoyun looked at Bao Zi Xuan said: "Don't I heard that you bring a beautiful reporter! Why didn't you see people."

Bao Zi Xuan: "You can not joke, I will be sent away."

Dong Hao Yun: "Sometimes pay attention to it, female reporters are not simple roles."

Bao Zixuan: "Thank you for your attention, I will leave this reporter far."

Two people smiled and walked to others, and Baozi Xuan did not deliberately arrange it. All people are all dining in the villa at the villa. It is mainly to take into account some people who have been bodious.

The boat king's father is dining in the villa, and the grandfather said with a smile: "Is it uncomfortable."

Bao Ship King: "After all, we have an error in our family, and you can take a rescue when you are dying."

Master of the package: "You are the name of the boat king, now there is a lot of things now. Tas well and face, Bun Zi Xuan is stronger than you this point. He knew that after the basic purpose I came over, I can still Facely. I have to give your shares to be grabbed like him, and you must also take it out. Otherwise waiting for it to give me a matter! But people don't do this, then Because he felt that the package did not have done a matter of ancestor. "

"Our respects from Huo Yingdong is from the heart, Dong Hao Yun is second. As for others, it doesn't matter, what kind of people don't know, so Bunzi Xuan is strongly hoped to return."

Before sleeping, everyone was thinking about Bunxuan, and the industry really had a head. In the mainland, you can indeed build a factory. It seems to ask him to ask him.

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