Reseeding the Growth of the Xiangjiang Tycoon

Chapter 414 Europe Nuclear Research Center

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At this point, Poland, Poland, has been in the past 2 days, and he is very satisfied with the harvest of Olshin. At the same night, all technical information took all the technical information and shipped from the new box. As for the German iron box, it can only be made from new cutting. Then copy the data left by the Germans; it is equivalent to three ways in the world to get these technical information.

The first part is the original drawings left by the Germans. They were transported back to Xiangjiang through shipping and agricultural machinery from the new seal.

The second is a photo stored in Bunzi Xixuan. The picture captured by the professional digital camera is very clear. After all, what is used is the latest customization, and the sales price on the market is definitely 20,000 US dollars. Moreover, Baozi Xuan encrypts the photo, except that other people are hard to find.

The third part is all the camera memory cards during the shooting, but he has compressed the content inside; no professional decompression software is also white fee.

It can be said that these three guarantees, at least he is not worried about loss. The only thing that made him unassured is the problem of leaks. For this security personnel who participated in the excavation, everyone will receive an additional $ 100,000 reward. After all, these are all heart, you can't get out, or you still dare to come out with you. .

After the Bao Zi Xuan arranged a good job next day, he left the Class of the Polish branch. Then let Zhang Wan bring the memory card from Ol Shin to Xiangjiang, and there are several security personnel who left together.

Also arrange people with drawings, take off the cargo ship to pull the agricultural machinery tool. To be honest, he doesn't want to go to the sea, but so many big boxes can open a self, but for the sake of insurance, the self-destruction device is installed in each box. Polish, if the Germans have left such a big wealth in the observatory, it is absolutely to you; it has nothing to do with him.

After Baozi Xuan left Poland, I came to the third destination of this trip, Switzerland Geneva European Nuclear Research Center.

European nuclear research organizations are usually referred to as Cern, which is the world's largest particle physics laboratory and is also the development of the World Wide Web. Its inside is hidden with an elevator, and the entire organization is located in the border of France, Switzerland Genevi. It was established on September 29, 1954, providing scientists with the necessary tools. They study how the substances make up and the power between the substances. Initially, the signature of the European Nuclear Research Organization has only 12 initiators, and the member has increased to 21 member states. Israel is the only one is also a non-European member state.

At the Los Angeles Electronic Technology Exhibition this year, the Black Cloud Group donated 10 large industrial computers to the organization. In exchange for the European Nuclear Center to help them develop and improve industrial technology simulation software.

Industrial software refers to software applied in industrial sectors,

Including systems, applications, middleware, embedded, etc. Generally speaking, industrial software is divided into programming languages, system software, application software, and middleware between the two. The system software provides the most basic feature for computer, but is not for a particular application area. The application software is exactly the opposite, and different applications provide different features based on user and service.

In the field of display, industrial software can realize industrial expression, making people more intuitive understanding of the various characteristics of products, equipment, and systems.

Although Black Cloud Software Company has the basic technical framework provided by Bunxuan, there is no reserve in terms of database. Large industrial simulation software requires data analysis in various simulation environments, otherwise it can only be theoretical data value, there is no practical meaning.

Since March, Black Cloud software engineers will enter the European Nuclear Research Center, after all, this is the original thing. So far, 300 engineers have been specifically implanted, so that this software has become more powerful. However, there is also a drawback, it is to be larger and larger. Now I have already run together with 3 black cloud GY1 machines, etc. I don't know how many computers to use when all end.

Kvil Deeley saw Bunzi Xuan and said: "The package is the brother, you can always bring surprises, but this time it is a bit of scared. How suddenly, between Poland is so big The movement, where the political and public security environment is very uncomfortable. "

The Black Cloud Group Invest in Olsh is a huge sensation in Poland and the entire Europe, and everyone thinks that Bunxuan is crazy. At this time, I dare to invest in Poland. If the Soviewer is not happy, is it complete!

Bunzi Xuan: "I originally just want to buy some agricultural machinery and recruit some technical workers, I didn't expect the location of the geographic location. In addition, the local mayor is also a person who has the ability and practical people. As for the security, you can increase the police force If the Soviets really hit it, I am afraid that Switzerland can not be alone! "

It is also very reasonable to hear the bunxuan, and the Soviets really want to attack the European continent. Then all countries are difficult to escape the fate of the country, although Switzerland is a neutral country, but in the face of such a huge wealth, the Soviet Union will not move anything. Moreover, armaments are the worst in all countries. The Soviets only need an infantry master to make Switzerland fall, or this is a thoroughness.

Kvil Deeli: "I still understand what you see, let me sweat this European. But I really admire your black cloud. There are now 300 people in the large industrial software project, of which we have 100 people participated in. "

"They can be found every day, but the employees of the Black Cloud Group take the initiative to stay overtime every day. Let the work efficiency have greatly improved, so that organizations and companies are really not comparable. Just single salary This piece will forget Dust, you have more, you will naturally get more. "

Before the software engineer deputched, Bao Zi Xuan gave them a fixed task to complete the one day, and each person collar will lead 1,000 US dollars bonuses. Time is half a year, that is, this month. At this time, it is an acceptance software to see if there is a design requirement.

Bao Zi Xuan: "If the senior wants to come over the black cloud work, then I can open the salary of 5 times for you. The research organization is mainly for the purpose of promoting social development, and the people here are not so many wolf, and companies need profitable If you don't win the customer, you will be eliminated, the company is likely to be closed, the real needs need to work hard, let the family life better. "

Kvil Deeli: "I haven't wanted to work, but the treatment of Black Cloud employees is really great. Many young people in the research center have some ideas. At the beginning, they should not account for your cheap. I am a wolf into the room, and I have been looking for it. "

In addition to the normal accommodation transportation, Black Clouds came from the normal accommodation transportation, which can also get 100 US dollars / day business subsidies. This era is very purchasing power.

This makes the European Nuclear Center researchers who work together very envious, see high salary, good welfare; see if they are doing the same work, I can't get the 3rd floor. It's really a death, and the goods have to be thrown.

At this time, Bao Zi Xuan's call rang. I only heard the voice of Zhang War there: "The boss, we have successfully reached the Xiangjiang, and things have been put in the safe."

I heard that Bao Zixuan finally relieved, it was a problem with his computer. There is no too much relationship with the original drawings, and there is already a technical information to successfully arrive in Xiangjiang.

Kerviv De Sley feels a little strange, how to get a good mood after picking a call. Is this kid in love, my girlfriend hit it. But now it is not good, after all, the relationship between the two is not so familiar, and now I still test the software, this is the most important thing.

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