Bao Zi Xuan disappeared, this is the viewpoint of most Xiangjiang people. Since the development of the role of the moorius factory started the role of the role, the head of the bag did not appear within the public's field of view.

Not only in the routine meeting of the Black Cloud Group, even if Huo Yingdong, Huo Yingdong, I didn't see Bun Zixuan. This makes everyone don't understand. After all, the relationship between the bag and Huo Yingdong should not be not.

How can Hao Hao invited Bunxuan to eat, but it is found that it is not possible. It is the Zhao Tingting of the Black Cloud Group to contact him through bodyguards, but in the end, I will refuse the Huofu banquet invitation with the project research.

Although Huo Yingdong did not know what happened, but also known that Bunzu Xuan should do an important project. Otherwise it will not be like this, and Although Huo is not a learning science and engineering, it is also understandable that some scientific workers work really.

In fact, Huo Yingdong's banquet has a considering this problem, but it is critical moment when it is going to change. If he is leaving the duties, then how to let the engineers and technical workers look at him.

And will also lead to impetuousness, after all, everyone includes Bunxuan, have not experienced such high intensity. Workers from the rats have not had an office yard. On the day, only a few times in the yard; the clothes and smoking time must be fine. It is the most shameful behavior here here, it will be cast aside by everyone. If you are lazy, you can't put the entire project, then your sin is too big.

Many people have already persisted, but they see the boss, everyone is biting his teeth. Once the Bao Zixuan has a lack of lack, then the morale for the entire team is a huge blow, which will seriously drag the project progress.

From the end of September to October, the engineers of the weasel plant seems to be free. Only limited time per day can be able to act in outdoor activities, to the nearby workshop, to become their favorite things, after all, can breathe fresh air.

The high level of the black cloud gathering only knows the boss at the Yulin Institute of Technology, but all information is passed through the bodyguard. However, it is nothing to see if it is the owner of the boss. After all, Bao Zi Xuan made a handkerchief for many years. Enterprises can also develop rapidly, management can not say good, everyone is already used to it.

However, it is incredible for the people of the rivers. After all, the bag must report news about him every few days in the United States or in Xiangjiang. After all, the visibility is too high.

But the recent month, the reporter is not to shoot any news, even if it is just a gossip! Let people who are ready to get close to Bunxuan are not going to start, and you can't find it.

Everyone can't find Bunxuan, but let a person sees the opportunity. Jane - Lorri Hugs went to the deep sea from the last time, but took a lot of material.

After returning to Xiangjiang, he has been in the post-production. She is not a professional photographer. Many things that shoot shoots need to be processed later, this delay time.

Nowadays, I have not been showing these days these days, let her feel this is a chance. After all, the people of the Xiangjiang are still full of curiosity for the head of the head, so many days without the bag.

Just in this context, the tycoon of Jane-Lorri Hugs was broadcasted in Xiangjiang Lili TV.

The predecessor of Xiangjiang Li's TV is the beautiful representation opened on May 29, 1957, which is operated in the form of a paid broadcast.

It was changed to wireless free broadcast in 1973, renamed "Li's TV."

The radio service of the Radio Broadcasting Service in the April 2017 3, the company's more famous TV Co., Ltd. On August 10, Li's TV Co., Ltd. won the right to China and English TV. In October, the "Li Ying" broadcast of the patentee is the patent right of the "Li's TV Co., Ltd.". From the day, due to the transfer of wireless broadcasts from wired transmission, Li Yizheng Dock broadcasting, after a month after the transition period, the 12-year TV free start broadcast, Li's TV Chinese station officially broadcast. However, the original audience has turned into a TV, and the soil TV has been difficult to dominate in ratings.

Li's TV has been a free TV station in the history of Xiangjiang, the first TV station in Xiangjiang, is also the world's first Chinese TV station. It is also the main thing that this TV is a British Richmond, and the Times is a strategic partner.

At this time, Li's television is more difficult, according to historical trajectories. Next year, they will sell TV stations to the Far East Group's Cuntegen, so I feel that this is an important chip in the documentary of Jane-Lorri Hugz. At this time, the entire TV has nothing to take out the show. Although this documentary is a meaning of the head of the song, but the high-rise in the Lili seems to be able to improve the ratings, selling a good price is not important.

Li's TV station is the theme of "Tycoon", and Jane - Luoli Hugz accompanied Bunzi Xuan's deep sea tour. Volkswagen is very interested in this shooting technique, I want to see how these super rich is working, and there is something like ordinary people.

The opening is the car of Bao Zixuan, looking at the domineering model, luxurious, scientific and technological interior, but the first time I experienced 10 million US dollars.

Mainly, the modern style equipment is the first time that the original high-end car is used, which can only be seen in the movie; actually appear in their lives. The head of the bag is actually turning the movie into reality, which is really a great achievement.

Then I saw the car driving on the road of deep sea pits and the speed is not slow. It can be seen that the shock absorber system of the car is how good, and it will also make people feel a little behind.

However, when I entered the Shekou Industrial Zone, everyone was also very refreshing. When I came to the Black Cloud Industrial Park, I didn't think that the head of the bag is in the deep sea, and there is such a large-scale investment in the deep sea. The cost of the construction of these plants is an astronomy. digital.

When Baozi Xuan and Japanese employees conversation with skilled Japanese language, listen to the other party. Let everyone feel that the language is really important, and if the bag must not say that many foreign languages ​​can't control so many international employees.

The most exciting is the food of the black cloud deep sea factory, as well as workers' learning attitudes after dinner. Baozi Xuan and the conversation of ordinary women workers are also an embodiment of a boss responsibility, which makes people feel that the richest workers are really nothing.


In particular, Bunxuan is comparable to the solution of the printed part, so many people feel that learning is also a good choice. If Bao Zixuan does not have such a good science and engineering foundation, it is impossible to develop so many excellent goods.

It can be said that this is a perfect display of Bao Zixuan's personality charm, which can make employees have a sense of belonging. Always want to have the life and future of the employees. I would rather make less money to make money and also guarantee the accommodation standard for employees. At the same time, for employees, there will be better development, and even make them read college, but the boss is really hard to find.

No one thought that after these shots were passed to the UK, they would cause a big strike of local workers. I want to learn from the Black Cloud Group to meet their demands and improve their salary treatment and living.

When entering the black cloud production workshop, you see that the entire doll is produced in the workshop. In many people, this is not a production product, as if it is in printing. Black cloud products are very sought after by the market, and these products will be snapped up.

Although only a short day, the total length of the clip is more than an hour. However, the Xiangjiang people basically understand how the riche is working, and they have greatly satisfied their curiosity.

Li's TV fire, you can say that it hasn't been so red for a long time. They have created more than 80% of the ratings, which didn't want to think about it before. I didn't expect to be because of a person's documentary, defeating other TV farce programs that were released in the same time.

This makes many professionals not understand, after all, just a simple job of the head. There is basically no difficulty during shooting, or even unique art.

Bedding house

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