Reseeding the Growth of the Xiangjiang Tycoon

Chapter 438 Last Simulation Test

When I saw McGao Hao Guo Zhen Sheng, the face was not very good, but it was so happy that Huo Yingdong was very happy. It must be the result of satisfying in Guo Qisheng, which is likely to be affected. It seems that sometimes you can't make old people, or you have to talk more about it.

The charity auction is a full-time, everyone is just a description of the heart. After the end of the dinner, McGao portally deliberately fare to everyone to participate in the banquet at the door. This situation is not very common within his term, it seems that McGare Hao also knows the importance of making Xiangjiang Hua Shang.

Just at the Government House held a Christmas charity dinner, Tianshui Waituan Black Cloud Group Zoo. Everyone makes the final test work on the computer, if the expected effect is achieved on the computer, then the next step is to prepare for the test flight.

On the surface, there is only 200 people, but about 20,000 people on the role of the role aircraft projects and cooperation. Purchasing people purchasing parts around the world; ordinary workers in workshop processing parts; engineers who refine titanium alloy materials in the steel plant. It can be said that these people are the participants of the project, but they still don't know the specific situation now.

Baozi Xuan sat in front of the main control computer screen, listened to the situation of each department. Although it is just a computer simulation test, but the effect of the actual test has not been different.

Bao Zixuan on the drawings of the Germans, only changed some content. It is mainly to modify the engine, and the black cloud three-rotor scroll engine has long been set. It is only partial changes to the design of some British fighters, so that the engine has a certain upward force.

There is also a improvement in the material, so that the metal strength is more warm, and the weight is also more lightweight. This is mainly due to the purchase of a large number of titanium alloys in the Soviet Union, as well as a large number of rare earth resources provided by Huaxia. Let this land effect aircraft has a qualified leap than the original version, after all, Germans can not have so many excellent resources. Otherwise, the Soviets are opponents with their industrial and scientific strength.

Engineers entered the data of each component to the computer, in combination with the powerful computing capacity of the black cloud GY1, as if there is a feeling in front of everyone.

At this time, the buns Xuan beat is very long, and it is estimated that it has not been organized for a long time. The hair is long, which may be because of the past. If you are not particularly familiar, you must not recognize him. After all, this looks like Xiangjiang's feelings too far, it is not a spiritual guy who thinks.

Baozi Xuan said to everyone: "All the colleagues, after 3 months of hard, the first role of the black cloud, the monster, the monsters, the monsters, will meet with you, although we have already assembled, but no one can guarantee him before this. no problem."

"Well, we have the most complete industrial computers and large simulation software in the world, otherwise you may have a lot of risks in the previous actual test. Now we have to do it is to find out the shortcomings of each component, and there is Any risk that may be facing during the flight, the more you preparatory, you can make the people used safer in the future. "

Looking at everyone is a serious expression, Bao Zi Xuan said: "Everyone doesn't have to be too nervous, believe in yourself and our teammates."

"Now I announce the first integrated simulation test of Xiangjiang monsters, and everyone is implemented in accordance with the established plan."

At this time, I saw that all engineers enter the instruction on the keyboard, although this is already the most advanced computer in the world, but it is not fully automated.

Need a lot of engineers to operate.

I only heard an engineer: "The boss, the engine request is turned on."

Bao Zixuan: "You can turn it on, take care of your data."

After a section, the upper ground effect aircraft has passed out. The sound can be very large after the 8 vortex engines start, after all, where the thrust is put.

Started to gradually detect various devices on the aircraft. Although it is done through computer instructions, it is also moldy.

After Bao Zi Xuan entered a key, the aircraft began to sprint quickly. The aircraft of the whole metal body is like a whale, which is like a whale, and the overall feels very spectacular.

After the sliding is less than 100 meters, the aircraft finally flew. When I was on the scene, I cheered if I can fly in my computer, then the physical object must have any problems. After all, it is all like a one more imitation, but there is a more real thing.

Baozi Xuan also observed the flight attitude of the aircraft, and the speed continued to accelerate. The gestures of the entire aircraft have changed some changes, and engineers have been checking in the computer. Looking at such a powerful simulation software, everyone feels worth this research and development.

Not only can you save a lot of experimental costs, but the problems that occur during computer simulation can also be analyzed in the first time. This allows engineers to modify the product in the first time, not in formal testing in a similar problem.

The speed increases at a point, from 100 km per hour, to 200 km; there is 500 kilometers per hour, and the aircraft is still a problem. The most important thing is that the output of the engine reaches 30%, which fully meets the design standard. After all, the simulation is only equipped with 200 tons of goods.

When the engine speed reaches 800 kilometers per hour, everyone is nervous. After all, the engine should work at full speed, and this has reached the peak value of theory.

Seeing the engine also has the ability to continue to speed up, Baozi Xuan fruit has entered the stiffle force instruction. Now just simulate test, if you really try to fly, he dares to do it.

Sure enough, when the speed reached 836 kilometers per hour, the instrument panel began to appear various problems. Many signal indicators start alarm, and the response scheme given by the computer is to reduce the speed and quickly land.

Bao Zixuan did not pay attention to the increase of throttle output. When the speed reaches 890 kilometers, the engine has a stopping phenomenon, and the speed will naturally fall.

After the aircraft landed in the sea, engineers were watching the data analysis of the computer. This can be the first-hand information, which is important for the future improvements of the aircraft.

Bao Zi Xuan said: "Very good, very powerful. Our first test has been completed, can be said that it has exceeded the established goal. I hope that everyone can make persistent efforts. After all, the victory is in front of you. Seriously check the data, after all, once entered Actually trying to fly, but you can't help but hurt. "

In fact, let Bunxuan are really surprised by the Germans left to be useful, have not heard that they have produced such products at the time. Is it just that the product is so perfect, the real strength of this designer does not dare to imagine. In the absence of any data support, he does not have to guarantee better. The German scientist is a group of people in the Second World War II, and if you can find a few, it will be better.

In the next few days, the weasel factory began to simulate test around Xiangjiang monsters. Whether it is in the desert; or in the hills; and to address a variety of complex ocean situations, it is said that this aircraft is very good.

Now simulation test Bunxuan's participation or no significance, engineers are quite skilled in software. His task begins to detect the effectiveness of the aircraft, and the Xiangjiang monsters are in the black cloud factory.

Engineering technicians are doing the last , estimated that you can test it up to one week. At this time, engineers know that dawn is in front of you, no one wants to fall out at a critical moment. That is too sorry for these months, and there is also a miracle that belongs to them.

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