Mai Hao suddenly so enthusiastic when leaving, there is a little unacceptable between Baozi Xuan, and he didn't say anything, let him be so happy; heard the news of the wife's pregnant, but now I don't know these politicians.

I just wanted to crush you, and now I suddenly care about you. It is said that it is the best actor, it seems that they are born to perform artists.

After Mai Hao left, I saw that Bun Zixuan did not go. It is estimated that there is no so much thinking about making yourself first. It seems that this kid is not a arrogant person, and it is said that the number of gifts is already in place, at least he can't pick any problems. Now let Mai Hao's headache is to report to London, after all, whether it is a Soviet Union or military licenses, it is more troublesome.

Bao Zixuan stayed in the room for about 2 minutes, Mi Gao - Jia Dao is can't wait to come in. As the boss of the hotel, I have to send a governor, after all, I have a meal on my house. That's afraid that the other party is about to be unloaded, and it is not too cold. Otherwise, the competitors don't know how to arrange you!

After entering the room, Mi Gao - Jiaogao said with a smile: "I would like to ask the birth to go to the office to sit, but I am afraid to delay your time. I've been boy, I'm giving birth."

Baozi Xuan did not know what Mi Gao - Jia Dao is looking for him. After all, two people have no business. However, it should not be borrowed to yourself. After all, there is no time to make the situation, and there is still no money to turn around.

Bao Zi Xuan: "Mr. Jia Dao, how to say that we are also old friends, what is going on, you should know my character."

Mi Gao - Jia Dao is of course understanding Bao Zi Xuan's personality, or it can't look very urgent. Although it is not a learning science and engineering, it is also known that these scientific men are mostly acute.

Mi Gao - Jia Dao: "Banheng, how much you know about the situation in the Middle East."

I heard Mi Gao-Jia Dao, asked about the Middle East Topic; Baozi Xuan's head is beginning to think of a major event in the Middle East, and the Blackstone Fund also uses this opportunity to start doing multi-oil, just size is not very large. After all, although the war has a great influence on the oil exports of the war, other countries including the Soviet Union include oil production.

Baozi Xuan suddenly thought of Mi Gao - Jia Road, although Jews, it was also an Iraqis. Although it may not be particularly patriotism, but what is it is the motherland, it is also a matter of reaching for a hand, not to have a few friends in China.

Two Iraq, Iran called Iraq's invasion war, sacred anti-war, or Iranian revolutionary war, Iraq called Saddysia, is a year-on-year-old border war that happened between Iran and Iraq.

Iran and Iraq are in West Asia in geographic positions.

In February 1979, the Iranian * revolution successfully, the Shiistry * represented by religious leader Homei is governed. Iraq is the Shiite origin, accounting for 55% of the population * anti-government forces active, thus becoming the primary goal of Iran's output revolution. Iraqi national rich soldiers, actively seeking hegemony of the Gulf region, trying to fight against it when the Hover is in the end of the unopened, to eliminate the threats faced and completely solve the boundary dispute. The relationship between the two countries is becoming more and more tense, and the border conflict is intensified. War process can be divided into four phases.

The two Iravings broke out on September 22, 1980, the first phase, Iraq's comprehensive offensive, Iran's border defense and counterattack. In February 1982, Iran developed an anti-attack head, and Iraq was passively beaten. Start in 1984, both sides launched the ground to pull the war and strengthen the air and sea attackers. In the fourth stage, in 1988, Iraq was reager with the warfield initiative, once again attacked in Iran. On July 23, 1987, July 18, 1988, Iraq and Iran each accepted the United Nations ceasefire resolution, but both sides were officially stopped from August 20, 1988.

Iraq and Iran have been seriously lost in the war. In addition to the routine war, I took the city war in the war, hit the ship war, attacking oil fields, etc. to destroy the enemy logistics and economic facilities.

Bao Zixuan suddenly thought of this may be a chance, although two countries have lost heavy losses in the war. However, in how both countries have huge oil reserves. If Iraq finally invaded Kuwait, then there is no reason to attract Iraq. Although now, your strength may not affect so far, but 8 years later who knows what will be.

Bao Zi Xuan: "Mr. Jia Dao said is the war in Iran and Iraq."

Mi Gao - Jia Dao: "Bao life is really understanding."

Bao Zi Xuan: "According to Mr. Mr. I know, although it is Iraqi nationality, but you should be a Jews!"

Mi Gao - Jia Dao: "Although I am a Jew, Lilak is also my motherland. And many people in the family are still doing business in Iraq, and some things are not refused."

Baozi Xuan actually admire the Jews, these people have been seriously persecuted in World War II, and they have disappeared in the world. However, it is such a national war hard to lay a site in the Middle East, and the land is getting bigger and bigger every war.

In addition to the enemy in the Middle East, they did not have a friend. Not just single and Arabs for generations, Persians have a deep festival with them. Now the Persians and Arabs will conduct war, and Israeli is the most happy country in the world. However, the words come back, compared to Iran, Mi Gao - Jia Dao's heart is definitely on Iraq.

Bunzi Xuan: "Mr. Jia Dao Zi is too lifted, I haven't access the war of two countries! And I don't dare to join, that's the same as the difference. After all, we are all business people, and I I don't like politics, and I don't like war. "

Mi Gao - Jia Dao: "Although the roofer of the Black Cloud Group is a means of transportation, but it is also a strategic transportation tool. This is also in the case of any weapon system. If you add weapons, it is definitely A killing device, although I am not a military arms expert, but I know some from the little ear readite. "

Bao Zi Xuan: "So, Mr. Jia Dao Zi is ready to buy the role aircraft in Iraq."

Mi Gao - Jia Dao: "There is this idea. If you are interested in this matter, we can talk about it."

Bunzi Xuan: "Not I don't want to sell the role aircraft, but it is still in the phase of the test flight. There are also raw materials to import from the Soviet Union, and the top two aircraft must be sold in the UK. You I am in Xiangjiang. Some things are not refused, no one can find trouble for yourself without reason. "

Mi Gao - Jia Dao: "I heard that the birthday bought a lot of waste tanks and armored vehicles."

Baozi Xuan didn't know how to suddenly ask this thing, but still replied: "Yes, I want to open a military museum."

Mi Gao - Jia Dao: "The strength of the Black Cloud Group should easily let these weapons form fighting power!"

Baozi Xuan said some angry: "Mr. Jia Dao is meaning."

Mi Gao - Jia Dao: "The Black Cloud Group can produce the products of the same role aircraft so anti-day, and some tanks should be a light and easy to mention!"

"You and the Soviet relationship is very good, you can easily get the waste tanks and armored vehicles that are piled up in their warehouse. I think we can work together, I have some relationships in Iraq, and you have the strongest technology in your hands."

Bao Zixuan I think this may be a chance, an opportunity to connect with Iraq. However, in Xiangjiang, this is certain, it will not work, the place is too small, the British can easily discover.

Seeing Bunzi Xuan hesitated, Mi Gao - Jia Dao geni said: "We can put the modified location in Baghdad, all the costs are all come out, you can send people to do technical guidance. However, the pre-modification experiment needs black clouds. Completed, I think this should be very simple for you. "

"You don't have a black cloud, I know that you are worried that Iranians will retaliate. You only make a technical guidance, and there is still a penny."

I heard these to make Bunxuan very heart, after all, this is simple in black clouds. And it is also possible to practice the armored vehicles in the future, and he has many tank technical workers and engineers in the year.

At the same time, this is still a long-lasting business, the battlefield consumes great consumption. There are still several years in the war, and it is also good use of waste. It is a big risk, and it is difficult to turn back once it enters the military field. But always think about what you can't do, it's not to modify the tank! I thought I secretly touched it, and since I have this opportunity to hesitate.

If you want to make the Black Cloud Group more great, you must dare to adventure and try. He is not dry, and many people will do.

Bao Zixuan: "This thing is not dry, you can see what you can get."

I heard the door, Mi Gao - Jia Dao feels that this kid is also ambitious. About the role aircraft, he knows that Iraq has not played at all, at least 5 years, is definitely the wheel, and the modified tank and armored vehicles are relatively simple.

Bao Zixuan: "Let's not be in Iraq. You can build a factory in Jordan. I have a few partners there; let them join this successful chance."

Seeing Mi Gao - Jia Dao geni hesitation, Bao Zi Xuan knows that this old kid may worry about bypass him to do this. So smiled and said: "No matter how you will have a shares of Jia Dao, I am not over the river."

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