After Anton, after Morgan, Baozi Xuan sailed toward the black cloud production base of Kowloon. How to fly from the United States, how long is it, even if the private plane is the same. And I have long seen Rayser Morgan's tired, this is related to the current aircraft environment, and it is also very excited to sleep.

Since Yulin Institute of Technology is well built, Bunzi Xuan has not come over here. At this time, I saw that the black cloud production base has been completely larger, and it can be said that the expansion work has never stopped. However, everyone understands that the expansion here has to come to the end, and there is no land nearby to make the black cloud construction plant. In addition to the return of the sea is to expand to the business district, the cost will be high to you suspect life.

It can be said that most of the black clouds are still here, Baozi Xuan is still waiting for opportunities, waiting for Huaying negotiations. At that time, Xiangjiang housing prices would have a very big diving, and the impact is that the land price line in Xiangjiang is declining. At the same time, the real estate market will be seriously shrinking in the next few years, and the cost of building will also be reduced accordingly. At that time, it was a great way to develop the heavens, and this opportunity is getting closer.

After coming to the Black Cloud Production Base meeting room, you see that all managers have arrived. Today is the 1981 summary meeting. All the executives of the Group have come to Xiangjiang, including Japanese Miyazaki, the United States, John Chambers, and European Bridge Bottaro also appeared in Xiangjiang Headquarters. I have been going to open, but Bunzu Xuan has been studying the role aircraft and dragging the meeting to the present.

After Bao Zi Xuan came in, laughed and said to everyone: "I am sorry to be a little bit."

At this time, everyone laughed, after watching the expression of everyone, Bunzi Xuan did not look at the face in front of her computer monitor! What happened today. It is reason to say that it is a person who has a steady, it should not be like this!

Still John - Quebus guts, there is a humor with the inherent Americans. Laughing: "The company's successor is more important than anything, the boss has reached the age of marriage."

Bao Zi Xuan: "John, which one is this! Don't stay."

The crossings said: "Boss, about you and beauty hugs have spread throughout the river, it is estimated that there will be a whole world will know. For many girls in the world, it is unfortunately a day, but for the black clouds. The new starting point of the future can continue to develop, prove that our company will usher in successive. "

Today, I have already set out the things that have been fixed, and it has been determined after the success of the role aircraft is successful. However, it is good to get into the Xiangjiang this morning, and now you need to borrow the head of Le Chel - Morgan's identity. You can only choose to pick up the plane, so it will delay the time of the meeting.

Bao Zixuan: "Okay, I don't talk about private matter now. I have seen the data submitted by each company. There is no outsiders here. You have introduced your respective results to all the colleagues, and let everyone be happy.

Start from anime company, only the general manager of Anime Company Miyazaki holds a smile shares, and other management is a procurement professional manager. Only can enjoy management dividends, which makes it easy to fight for you, but everyone will give faces. Even the Bao Zi Xuan will make him the first to speak when meeting.

Miyazaki: "Then I will of course not let, and I would like to thank the President's chance to give me the first report."

"As of December 31, 1981, the anime company has 5,200 employees; a total of 139 comics, 43 cartoons are continuously updated and serialized, and there are some other supporting industries and anime mutual cooperation. In 1981, the whole year Received $ 1288 million, profit of 330 million US dollars, the largest part of the overhead in the anime staff, accounting for 35% of total sales. "

I have been unbelieving this figure, no one thinks that a child industry can achieve such high sales, it seems that the child's money is still good. There is also an innocent person's income is true, you can make your friends who are interested in relatives and friends learn related majors.

Bao Zi Xuan: "Very good, as long as the talent, we will spend more money. This year can examine the theme park project. I heard that Disney is preparing to build a large amusement park in Tokyo. You can negotiate with them. All profits don't need to be paid, but the group will not fund you to build a amusement park. "

Miyazaki: "Disney has contacted us, I want to decorate Tokyo Disneyland with our anime image, it is still negotiating."

Bao Zi Xuan: "Very good, I personally look at this project."

Bunzi Xuan is known that the past Best Tokyo Disney is one of the few Disneyland that makes money in the world. If you don't have to pay yourself, you can take the project or take you some shares is also a good choice.

Future Anime companies will not be his focus, after all, this is an early morning, there is no much technical content. Now his mission has been completed, then the animation company is free to develop. And Miyazaki is also a person who has the ability, and there is a child's heart; the enthusiasm of the animation is still the same, it will be assured.

Bao Zi Xuan has reached out, John Chambers nodded and said: "Black Cloud Motor now has 3 production bases, and there is also a production base in Shanghai is under construction. At present, there are 300,000 employees, if the construction of Shanghai base is completed Workers will exceed 400,000. The annual sales in 1981 were $ 18.9 billion, lost $ 1.2 billion. "

I heard that sales have so high, and many people say they don't understand. It is very high in everyone's quality, and I didn't insert the mouth at this time. I wanted to listen to John Chambs.

John Chambers: "The main reason for the loss is that the first phase of the Brazilian factory has just been completed. This year did not completely release production capacity. The subsequent expansion project has been continuing, and there is also the factory in Shanghai, also opened, These consumers are too much profit. If you keep the existing sales size can do not lose this year, you can achieve a profit next year. "

I heard that everyone feels a lot, after all, it is not because of the loss caused by a bad sales and the cause of chaos. There is also a need for new and expanded factories. Once the construction is completed, it is harvesting fruit, and it can also be understood by difficulty.

Bun Zixuan: "If I want to build a car factory in the Middle East with the fastest speed, the car company can not follow the talent elevator."

I heard the new and expanded factories is not enough, the boss actually goes to the Middle East. What is this situation, where the security environment is not very good.

John Chabor: "Talent training has been continuing, but the car company can't support the project. There is also the Middle East is fighting, this is not suitable for production facilities such as factories."

Bao Zi Xuan: "Money things you don't have to worry, I will solve. About management of talents to speed up, we should built the factory in the first time, so afraid of slowing down the schedule of Shanghai, Shanghai, China, factory progress and Brazil factory The second phase plan also prioritizes factory construction in the Middle East. After going back, you will take a feasibility report first. After a week, we will find this at this time. "

Bao Zixuan has no way to explain with everyone. After all, this time it is the war product. There is also this opportunity to pass a little, and I don't dare to delay.

And the source of funds is already awkward, let the Middle East help out; help them develop industrial don't you have a penny!

Just when everyone is still very understanding, Bao Zixuan continued: "This factory will not build black clouds, but all equipment and technical support must be completed by us."

Baozi Xuan now has no guts to produce tanks and armored vehicles in the name of the black cloud. Even if you are the Morgan's female son-in-law. Buying used tanks and armored vehicles from the Soviet Union is a modern modification is a 5-year business. Wait until the situation in which other civil vehicles can be produced in the Middle East. When it is authorized to make this factory to produce black clouds Middle East market. At this time, it is not too bright, even if everyone knows that this factory is yours, it is not recognized.

I heard the boss, everyone understands what is going on; the boss wants to engage in military products, but I don't dare to say, I don't know if it is a good thing or a bad thing. After the root aircraft, everyone found that the ambition of the boss became more and more, and it was not satisfied. Just turning to make some money.

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