Reseeding the Growth of the Xiangjiang Tycoon

Chapter 462, the busy bag is rich

From home, go directly to the Kwun Tong production base. This evening, where the bridge Hao will hold a wedding, and now many black clouds will hold a wedding in the company. Everyone does not collect molecular money, mainly the market is very low. It is only necessary to buy some tobacco and alcohol, and the remaining is available free of charge.

Bao Zixuan also does not know how to manage the company, after all, the past is just an engineer. Without experience, you can only touch the stone over the river, so that the employee is more belonging is the first thing he wants to do.

Recel Morgan still came to such a huge industrial area for the first time, and no one thought that Bunzi can build such a huge industrial zone in the area where there is no industrial soil in Xiangjiang. This is a miracle. It is not just that Recel Morgan so much, even if Leon, it is also very sensible.

This is an incredible basis for this boy in this boy. Now I have to evaluate the strategic value of the Black Cloud Group, I heard that their industrial park is also very large in the other side of Xiangjiang.

Once the emergency is entered, only these places can play a role, quickly convert to any factory. Any item that produces countries need, this is the war potential of a country.

The feeling of in Xiangjiang is very prosperous, financial and shipping industry very developed. However, since the rise of the black cloud, the industry became another economic growth point in Xiangjiang. The per capita GDP can already be ranked in the top ten levels in the world, and the rise moment is very obvious, you can say that the buns in the buns are not. This is also why all countries welcomes the reasons for his past investment, and it is a company that can bring very great promotion to local economic development.

Recel Morgan: "This is your industry."

Bao Zi Xuan: "Yes, it is only a shareholder of the black cloud until there is a place where I started at the time. At that time, I just took over a normal small factory. And I still have the same work, I have developed my own game. I got the market recognition. This has this scale. At that time, the R & D game was gambling. If the failure can only be old and the university is going to the factory to be an ordinary engineer. "

In order to be able to spur yourself, Bao Zixuan did not dismantle the old factory building of the year. He doesn't just spur yourself, more is to educate your own descendants, although it is not yet. But it is necessary to prepare, can't let the future people forget that he is not easy.

Leon suddenly said: "Mr. Bao, can I visit?"

Bao Zi Xuan: "Of course, you have a good visit to Mr. Leon, the Black Cloud Group does not have a confidential place."

This is an evil word of Baozi Xuan and ancient city, if if you say: "This is not confidential, then you can go where you can go." But now, "The Black Cloud Group is not confidential, it can only take him with a public area that is not strong." Of course, Mr. León is not known.

I heard the Bunzi Xuan said this, I really thought that I was relieved to myself on the face!

Leon: "Thank you very much, saying that I haven't seen how technology products have been produced, this time I have to study."

Ancient Turogo started an inspected factory with Leon riding a battery car, Bao Zi Xuan tried to Rayser Morgan to his office.

In the past few days, he would accompany Leber-Morgan, and it is estimated that it will not come over for a few days. Now you can have a time to handle your company, or it is always not a matter.

It is very simple to see the decoration to the Bunzi Xuan office, and it is not like a business place to be a million people.

Reapel Morgan: "You are usually working here, very general!"

Baozi Xuan: "This is the first time this year. There is no use several times after this office is built. It has been studying in the United States. After coming back, it will be on the side of the sky, and the future headquarters will be. So here There is no good arrangement, mainly the arrangement is not too wasteful. "

Recel Morgan: "There is still a secretary here, then the work classification and handling are not very troublesome."

Baozi Xuan: "I am responsible for making a big direction, others are handed over to the professional manager. As soon as possible, it is also a waste of work. Now it is time to consider this thing."

Recell - Morgan really wants to recover just, this is not to find yourself! However, I think a secretary is still not a threat to myself. What is the relationship between the two is now not completely fixed. It is not too much to care. If this will be very tired, it is really hard to have a good time Bao Zi Xuan's friend.

Bao Zixuan: "You take a look, I will handle the work. If you want to drink, you will take it. These Tianzhu is too much to have no deal, or it will delay production and research and development progress.

In this way, Rehel Morgan looked at Bunxuan at work, but she was strange that Bunzi Xuan watched documents can be described in a very ten line, basically after reading it. If those have problems, they will be labeled next to it. If there is anything serious, or is perfunctory.

Bunzi Xuan did not pay attention, Recel Morgan was watching the document he was applying. When Reachier Morgan saw the data in front of him, it was shocked by the data in front of him.

This is a computers' financial statement, which has always been Bao Zixuan and the general manager of computer company. Now Yengjing is still handover, and there is no taking office, so anything about computer companies also needs to be processed.

When you see computer company sales can reach more than 20 billion US dollars, the profits also have billions of dollars. She is really somewhat mentally embarrassed, and the computer industry is really so making money.

No wonder Apple is listed on the market to create so billions of people, the original high-tech product forms size production is really making money. It seems that it will also be transformed into this regard, and the industry of the Morgan family is too tradition. Looking at the stability of benefits, it is at all about the market trend.

The more you look, the more you feel that Rayser Morgan is really incredible, and the Black Cloud Group is not a listed company. No obligation to publish financial status to the outside world, today I see it is definitely the company's core confidential information. If you publish the outside world, you will not believe that it is true. Many people will think that you are deceiving the public.

But this is true, exactly, Bao Zi Xuan really did this. It is necessary to have such a score from a new position to be a new position. This quality is very rare. Mastering high-tech products is more dreams, and now they are very simple, and if they marry, it is not weaker than the Morgan family.

In the development of Bao Zixuan, the father did not dare to oppose. Recel Morgan is very heartbreaking, this is an opportunity to be able to carry out the history of the history. It seems that he has to fight.

It is less than two hours, Baozi Xuan finally handles all documents. Reachier Morgan looked at the previously stacked documents have been handled, "I don't have to worry, anyway, I have to participate in the wedding this evening. I can wait for you here for a while, the company is not negligent."

Bao Zixuan: "It has been processed."

Recel Morgan: "So fast, I don't believe it."

Bun Zixuan: "You can take a copy, I am estimated to be back."

If you don't believe in the evil Reche, Morgan, began to test the memory of Bunxuan, and see if he just worked hard. But let her feel magically, no matter that the document is, the man is really a stream in front of the man. Memory is really horrible, she has never seen such memories such as memories.

The Morgan family will recruit a large number of geniuses every year, and there is no shortage of memory. But the same buns is not a star half of the comparison, and people can succeed. This sentence she finally understood what it means.

I have always tested a dozen points for Bunxuan's reaction, and the other party is not a company executive. It is even more exclusive. Some information is not available to the outside. Good guys have seen a brain now. Now this thing is to retain, it is a very distressed problem.

Bao Zi Xuan: "Today, I will see what I am doing by Mr. Leon; By bringing you to the black cloud production base."

After understanding the worry of Bao Zixuan, Recel Morgan said with a smile: "Reassure, I am not a big mouth. I won't reveal to anyone, including my father."

After hearing this sentence, Bunzi Xuan has a lot of rest assured. Seeing Recell Morgan standing in front of himself, he did not hesitate to hold the other party.

Recell, which has not reacted, has some resistance, but soon began to respond quickly. Two people hug together, waiting until someone knocks the door to separate.

There is a little inise from Bao Zixuan, but Reher-Morgan said: "Now we are the relationship between the official men and women, you can't do anything to me."

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