Reseeding the Growth of the Xiangjiang Tycoon

Chapter 471, Xiangjiang Monster Driver

This time, the purpose is to investigate the Xiangjiang monster role aircraft, and now the appearance has seen. Then, internal structures must also be understood, after all, but use this guy to fight, please wait for it.

Baozi Xuan took several people to the inner river monster, when everyone came to the cab. Even if you see the governor and the commander of the governor, the commander is shocked by this scene, although I have seen the internal situation of Xiangjiang monster role aircraft from the photo, but the photo is just a plane, there is no three-dimensional effect. Impact.

Xiangjiang monster is full of technology, and all of the places where digital display is required to use the LCD screen. In fact, there is an alternate instrumentation system, after all, once the electronic component fails to machine, it can be on top. However, the usual can't see it, which makes the entire cab appear essentially clean and neat.

Yude said with a smile: "Banheng, the feeling of coming here seems to be an alien spacecraft. This is not like the product of the Earth, more like an extraordinary civilization."

Richard: "I feel almost like the Governor, so it seems that the Xiangjiang monster is higher than our cognitive technology. Single is that the company's general company can't produce, even if it is possible to produce the software. "

Bao Zixuan: "Now the progress of science and technology is very fast. When I was studying in Oxford, my personal computer just started. Now that developed countries have begun to popularize, the liquid crystal display technology is also the same, and the future will be mainstream."

"However, Xiangjiang monsters also considered the special case after the electronic components were destroyed, so we also have a set of instrument panels as a spare, and the purpose was to allow the aircraft to adapt to various environments."

"Since the two are already arrived, do you want to fly a circle to test it. It is so embarrassed to let ordinary soldiers ride.

Baozi Xuan also took a few times a few times before, but it can't be called. The basic test flight has ended, and it has been told that there is no experiment only in the special environment. Therefore, it is not as good as the flight training in Xiangjiang.

Soon the staff started the aircraft, this time did not let Mike Bridin command. Germans and British people can not understand others. Seeing the British eating, Mike Buryfin's firecrackers, how can they help them try to fly the river monsters.

At this time, I hope that the British will lose in addition to the Argentine people, it is the strongest of Germans!

Although Richard is not young, it can be a soldier after all. It has been watching the data during the entire flight, but in contrast, although Youde has experienced the military experience, it will be taught to the World War II. Therefore, in the entire flight, it is sitting on the chair, and the armrest next to the seat is not very tight, it can be seen that this old boy is not tight, if it is able to refuse to participate in the test flight.

Today, there are 3 heavyweight characters, no one dares to make mistakes. So this time the test fly is just a simple circle around Xiangjiang, but this also makes the Richard can't shock. He has the whole process to watch the flight process, know the comprehensive performance of this aircraft.

The feeling of giving him is still shocking, it is definitely a big weapon for the military fast assault. If there are hundreds of this aircraft, I can't imagine how much materials and personnel arrive at any place to reach.

But it is strange that the entire aircraft operator is all English, and the language fluent is unlike the second language. It's all the British, if you are so good, you can make them effective for the motherland.

After the aircraft stopped, Richard Can't help but ask: "Banheng, how to see these operators are like British."

Bun Zixuan: "They are not like, it is all British. There is some from Scotland; some from Wales.

I heard that I can skilled the river monster is the British, and Richard said: "Can I temporarily borrow them for a while, I will give them a better return after the war is over."

Bao Zixuan; "This is not what I said, if they want to be the Lord, I can say that they want to go to the country, I don't object, and after the war, you can come back and continue to work; after all, everyone has patriotic and for the motherland Effective rights and obligations. "

Richard said to the person on the main driving position: "What is your name, what is it before?"

I heard Richard asked himself, the people in the main driving position stood up: "The report will be the general, my name is Ma Houz, once in the UK special air group service for 5 years. After retiring, join the Black Cloud Group Security Department. Because Will drive a helicopter to be toned as a monster driver in Xiangjiang. "

I heard this name called Ma Xu Youth Answer, not only Richard, and even the beside the Governor is two eyes. After all, the name of this army is too big, and it is famous in the world.

The British Special Empty Troupe and the airborne special group is one of the world's most eligible special forces, and is also the world's first formal combat force. One of the tops of most modern special combat tactics is a model in the modern special forces to complete the task in a short period of time. It is the highest in all special forces, strong combat power, is a famous world-famous expert special forces.

There are approximately 900 teams of special air doctrines, with an average age of 26 years. The Command and Training Base is located in 130 miles of Herryford in the west of London, close to Brekens.

According to the task needs, the special emotional group is affiliated to the British Army, commanded by the British Army's local command, including 3 groups, a total of 6 combat, and an anti-riot command.

As the world's first special forces, only 900 people. It has always been the most elite troops in the UK, which can be said that people here are the most elite soldiers. It can be used as a ten, it is called the presence of the soldiers.

Richard is excited: "Ma Houhes, driving the Xiangjiang monster with you is from the military!"

Macouas: "Basically, there are some engineers who graduated in domestic colleges. There are 3 comrades who have come to black clouds, and they can be skilled in the Xiangjiang monster role aircraft."

"There are also a few from the Royal Air Force. They are all pilots, better than our driving technology."

In fact, Bunzu Xuan has a plan, and the Mike Brryfen does not understand why there are so many British people to participate in the test flight. Some people clearly show that the British is better, but did not give them a test plane at all. Because the boss has given a valuable test flight to the British, this makes many people don't convince.

Bao Zixuan is to let the British owe him a human condition, and there is also to do a good relationship with the British army. For future production of military products, it is necessary to recognize it in good things.

Military products are different from others, not anyone eligible. Even if this thing is your production, it may endanger the lives and property safety of the people in the experiment.

After entering the war, the British government will only believe that the country citizen, especially this British who have experienced experience in the army, and now Bunzi Xuan can take care of them to let them participate, then it is to prove his open-minded.

If Bunzi Xuan does not agree, they can only leave in the form of resignation. Many people will be reluctant to work. After all, Black Cloud is not to enter the enterprise.

Although it is suspicious, Richard does not dare to say. It is too much to exchange anyone in this area, and things are really clever, and people can't believe it.

It can be said that this batch of Xiangjiang monsters are like preparing for the British government, and the heads of the headband know to fight. But thinking that the Black Cloud Group has a global intelligence network, everyone feels not blame.

Now, even if you want to take away the person, you can't take it away, because the black cloud has not yet acquired military license. There is no eligibility to produce military products, so the monsters of Xiangjiang can't go to the battlefield; there is no need for a driver. If these people are only used as an ordinary soldier, it is too wasteful, there is no extravagant to that point.

The British military looks at them because they have served in the troops, and they can skilled the role aircraft. This time I am preparing to recruit them from the new, the risk can be small, but there is no precedent.

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