When the Governor Yude came out, the mood was not particularly good. The good mood after the exchange of Bao Xuan was sinking a lot. However, today's banquet is he organized, no matter how many guests will be laughed, after all, there will be asking them.

Just when Bao Zixuan chatted with Hu Yingdong, he was still chatting with the first co-coverage; the Governor Yude and Shen Xiao chatted, the topic is also a question about war bonds.

Youde started to exchange the heart and exchange after sitting down, and Yid, who has been in the official, knowing yourself for the Governor. But after all, I just came over, I can say that life is not familiar. The sinking and his situation are completely contrary. This person is in Xiangjiang for many years, the people are deeply rooted, and energy is much larger than they imagined.

Although due to the rise of Black Cloud Group, HSBC has a decline in the past, but what is the existence of the Central Bank of Xiangjiang. Single is an investment and loan to make it a lot of money, sometimes it is really not necessarily given the face, especially when it damages the core interests of HSBC.

Yude said with a smile: "Mr. Shen Yizhen can come to the Governor's government, what do you have for the current situation."

Shen Yizhen is very good for some high-quality mentality, although Youde feels that he has already put low gestures; maybe more is the role of my heart. At this time, Yude is really high. What I can't stand it is that the old kid of Youde actually invited Bun Zixuan, and he still had to be in Bunxuan, which made him very unhappy.

Even if the Black Cloud Group is in the first of the Xiangjiang River, HSBC can control the existence of Xiangjiang's economic life. Now the government wants to issue war bonds, Youde actually invited him to ask him, but instead of Bunzi Xuan, this stinky boy is rude, which makes the sinking heart is very uncomfortable.

Many people think that although the economic strength may be more competitive, the people of Xiangjiang know. Their life can have no black cloud involve, but they must be separated from HSBC. This leads to many people think that HSBC is still the most influential company in Xiangjiang, and the black cloud is still behind him.

At this point, I have an idea in the heart of the heart, I must give Ude a next Mawei. Let him know who is in Xiangjiang is a person who needs looking up. Don't think that he is a governor to control everything.

Shen Ya smiled and said: "Don't you have to find Bao Zixuan to solve the problem? I believe that the strength of the black cloud will be able to easily solve the difficulties in front of Xiangjiang."

Ude: "Mr. Shen Wei said, Xiangjiang is not only a black cloud group. It is not only a person of Bao Zixuan. He More than the Basic Empire raised war fundament, HSBC should say it. ! "

Shen Wei: "The Governor has the same buns Xuan Xuan communication should be good! I think this bond is nothing wrong with the Black Cloud Group, and it is not a problem."

According to the reason, I will not say this, after all, this is not a banker that should be said. But today I don't know which string is not pair, it is to see Yide and Bunxuan uncomfortable.

Yude heard that he was a bit angry like this, which is not the first to ask him. What is now, it is related to the moment of the future of the Empire and fate, how is it still?

Youde: "Mr. Shen Yizhen, now is to raise war funds for the Empire. Not that I personally find you, so you have to pay attention to your words."

Shen Wei also knows that there is some excessive words.

But now you can't show you, or you can see it, how to make it in Xiangjiang in the future, who will take you seriously.

Shen Wei: "The Governor of Youde, you don't have to take the big British imperial war fundament. Whether it is the big class of HSBC, it is still a old warrior who has been fighting for the empire; I believe that no one is more patriotic than me. Empire war The fundraising work HSBC is not resigned, it will not be backward, you still care about other companies and people! "

Youde: "So, Mr. Shen Yu is the representative HSBC prepare for the purchase of war bonds. I don't know how much HSBC is ready to purchase."

In fact, the reasons why Shen Yu is still dissatisfied is because London has not underwinding war bonds to HSBC, but directly over to the Governor's government. This is also one of the reasons why his state is not right today. It is not just that he is, Huifeng's other directors are not very satisfied. This is a contempt for HSBC, and it is also an embodiment of HSBC. Everyone believes that although the country of Argentina may lose a heavy loss, but if the bank or business is indeed earned money, these bonds are a chance to make money.

War bonds can not lose money in Yide hands in the Governor, and it is very accurate that you can say that Shen Yu is still very accurate.

Shen Wei: "I know this time London is preparing to release 5 billion pounds of war bonds in Xiangjiang area. I repayd HSBC banks to purchase 250 million pounds. HSBC will never hold back at the British Empire."

"To be honest, if HSBC wants to be the underwriters of these bonds, it is estimated that there is no light. Even any so-called banquets, this is a thing that can be done."

I heard the sinking and arrogant answer, in combination with the small gas and cautious when buying bonds. Yude suddenly smiled, at this time, he didn't know how to describe Shen. It is reasonable to say that it is so horizontal of the job in HSBC's work. It is not like it. what!

Youde: "Mr. Shen Yizhen may not know! Just, in this room Bao Zixuan bought 10 pounds of war bonds on behalf of the Black Cloud Group, now HSBC is only equivalent to the quarter of the black cloud purchase. Don't think you can't afford HSBC! "

"The same is the national" of the British Empire, but now we must consistently, now I know why London does not hand over the debts of bonds to HSBC! That is the contradiction between HSBC and Baozi Xuan, you think if you think if you think if you think Is HSBC underwriting, will the Black Cloud Group buy a penny! "

"I still have to think about what I have done in Xiangjiang. Otherwise, everyone hates you. This time is different from the past, the British Empire will really lose the rule of Xiangjiang. Now, we also said more times. Give some interests to the Empire, don't always think about it. "

Although there are some truths, it is still uncomfortable in Shen Yid. Baozi Xuan is a boss, he is just a senior work, a lot of things is a board of directors. For example, this purchase of the purchase of war bonds this time.

The banker is born, of course, of course, the British government's reputation and financial situation knows that this money will basically play.

Now I have heard the Bunxuan, I bought a $ 1 billion war bond, and I also had a worry while I am happy. This seems that the strength of the Black Cloud Group is getting stronger, and HSBC is around the Xiangjiang acre three times, it is time to let the company go out.

Shen Wei: "Since Bao Zi Xuan is so big, then you will find him well. If you need HSBC to transfer the money to the bond to the Governor's account, if you don't need it, even if you don't need it."

If you finish your head, you will not leave, you can say that the whole process has not given a face.

After I went back to the lobby, I saw the head behind Pu Mei. It can be said that the performance of Shen Yizhen is put out, how can his level?

When they were prepared to issue 5 billion pounds of war bonds to Xiangjiang, they got news and know that this is not a good thing. Xiangjiang Rich does not necessarily be able to buy, and this is 5 billion is not a small number.

This may be a hot salamose, and it may be a chance to make a fortune, just see how to look at this problem.

I know that HSBC will focus on, so there is only a performance that has just been in the study of the Governor's book. It is to make Yude feel very simple, and the bonds after HSBC can make money after the bonds after HSBC packaging, but You can do not have such an economic mind.

At this time, the sinking mentality is to be a cancer of war bonds, but you can't buy it yourself. To put it bluntly, I want to do village. Most of them will be in my hands after I purchase.

However, the underwriting will not have this problem, and can not be returned to the British government. For how to refund, there are thousands of reasons, now buy it directly, it is very difficult to draw money.

If you do too much too much, there is no difference between the rebel country, so everyone does not want to take this risk. It can be said that everything is a routine, a routine that doesn't want to pay, is unfortunately awarded a trophy to Shen Yu.

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