Reseeding the Growth of the Xiangjiang Tycoon

Chapter 482, Argentina's sanctions

The news of the Xiangjiang Governor's soldiers selling Mahaia War bonds quickly spread throughout the river. This garator is very hated at this time. You can't help us, but you can't let us pay together. We just do business in Xiangjiang, what is the relationship between Argentina and what we have.

However, it is the most important to let the reporters and Xiangjiang citizens, the head of the head is 1 billion to purchase the British war bond. This is a big hand, the average person is really can't understand the idea of ​​the bag.

Everyone feels that the bag must have a lot of effort, but the outsiders don't know. However, this practice is also the behavior of Runham, such as Argentine to have actions to him and Black Cloud Group.

The Republic of Argentina, referred to as Argentina, is a Presidential Federal Republican State, which is composed of 23 provinces and federal capital Buenos Aires, located in the southeast of South America, from the Atlantic Ocean, South and Antarctica North and Bolivia, Darraguay, Northeast and Uruguay, Brazil borders. 3694 kilometers long in north, 1423 kilometers wide. On the land border line is 25728 kilometers long, the coastline is 4725 kilometers long. The northern tropical climate, the central part is a subtropical climate, and the south is temperate climate. The area is 27.84 million square kilometers (excluding the Antarctic Territory of the Malvinas Islands and the Antarctic Territories). The population is 40 million +, the world ranks around 30.

The 16th Century Indians live here, 1536 became Spanish colonies, and the May revolution against Spanish colonial rule was burst on May 25, 1816, issued on July 9, 1816, announced independence, establishing the Federal Republic in 1853, 1994 The four revised constitution stipulates that Argentina is a federal system and implements democracy.

In the early 19th century, Argentina's economy was in the forefront of the world; before the Second World War, Argentina's economic growth rate was equivalent to the United States, and the per capita GDP even higher in developed countries such as British and France. Therefore, immigrants from all over the world have embarked on fertile Pampus grassland. After 100 years, "Pampas Eagle" is still rushing on the green field, and the economy in Argentina is stopping.

This is a player who is hard to play a good brand, and it can be seen that his leadership is governed. When I know that the Black Cloud Group purchases a $ 1 billion war debt, Argentine is ready to have actions.

At this time, in the Governor of the Argentina, the total picture of Leo Borde-Galtie is important to sit in the meeting room: "A company, a company, actually dare to buy a war between the British war bonds and the United Kingdom. I don't care Yun Group, in short, they must be sanctions. "

President of Gardri, Argentine politicians and military government. He studied engineering in the military academy in the early years, and he has been working in the army. He supported military and counset of overthrowing the democratic government in 1976, and he was promoted by the political government. 1979 - 1982 served as Chairman of the Military Ruling Committee and Commander Commander. December 1981 - June 1982 served as President of the Argentina Republic of the Republic of Argentina. In 1982, he declared the British battle for the sovereignty of Malvinas Islands. Resigned after the defeat.

It can be said that this is the most glorious time of the Argentine president, and it is also the starting point of the decline. However, there is no one dare to oppose his decisions, and it doesn't dare to confront people. That is, starting from the Mahau War, his life trajectory has changed greatly.

He chose to transfer contradictions in order to suppress domestic opposition tides. So I started against Ma Island, but I didn't expect the British to respond so fierce, even Americans did not stand in Argentina.

However, he also believes that it is difficult to organize large-scale expeditions in the current British national strength. After all, the strength is not allowed.

It can be in this key, think that when all the best, the iron lady actually organizes the special fleet to cross 10,000 kilometers. Think of the poor troops of the British Empire, as well as the aircraft carrier who is going to retire. Argentina is a good treatment, and there should be no problem in defeating each other.

It is said that the modern warfare is still a weapon equipment and economic strength, although the economic situation of Argentina is not very good. However, at home, it is possible to save a lot of costs, which is much less than the UK.

I didn't expect the British to issue war bonds in Xiangjiang, because of the analysis of the school. The British government is hard to make up a war fundament. After all, the so-called British Empire has been in the West Mountain, which can be said to be the weaker period of 300 years.

At this time, the small colony of Xiangjiang actually jumped out, and a single company, a single company, purchased a $ 1 billion war bond. In the Argentine, this is not 1 billion pound funds, but a 1 billion bullets that shoot to the Argentine. This makes them able to endure, now it is not only just the government to prepare the black cloud group, and the ordinary people have begun to burn black cloud products.

Argentine man uses practical actions to express their dissatisfaction with the Black Cloud Group, and people who continue to use black cloud products in China.

It is good to prepare in Bunzi Xuan, and I have prepared in advance when I know that I have to break out. And it is not large-scale investment in Argentina, and the products are sold through agents. Even the black cloud cars did not choose to establish a 4S shop in Argentina, or it would not make people can't.

With the order of Galten, the entire national machine in Argentina began to act. They want to give the brief sanctions in the Black Cloud Group, let other companies look at the defeat of the Argentine.

The Argentine Ministry of Foreign Agency first held a reporter reception, and they would announce the sanctions of the Black Cloud Group and Bunxuan in front of the world.

This time Argentine did not have a long story, just published an announcement. The Argentine Foreign Ministry said to the media in the world: "As we all know, the Malvinas Islands is an inherent territory of Argentina. As early as 500 years ago, the Argentine's first lives on the island. Just in the colonial period by British In the past, but where to be Argentina is an indisputable fact. Half a month ago, under the great Galtie's total map, the heroic fearful Agenmaster defeated the British. Make the Malvinas Islands from the new back In the arms of the motherland, it is unwilling to organize the fleet expedition. I can tell the British, you choose the wrong opponent, Argentine is powerful than your imagination. "

"The British may still be silent during the Empire, the Malvinas Islands is their burial. This time, the British will come back, victory will belong to Argentina."

"For the victory opponent Argentine, it is not suspicious, but some companies have made Argentina unbearable. The Black Cloud Group actually dares to buy a war debt volume issued by the UK at this time."

"They didn't buy bonds, but the bullets shot to the Argentine body. Therefore, the Argentine government decided to sanctions the Black Cloud Group from the beginning of the day."

"Before the sanction ban has not been released, the Argentine National banned the purchase of any of the products produced by the Black Cloud Group."

"Argentina has a private or use black cloud product in accordance with the crime of rebel, while freezing all the accounts of the Black Cloud Group and Bunxuan in Argentina."

"Argentine companies prohibit all support to the Black Cloud Group. Always let the Black Cloud Group completely lost the Argentine market, let them know the courtesy of the Argentine."

Economic sanctions refers to non-force mandatory measures other than the discontinions of diplomatic relations. It is generally believed that sanctions in the fields of finance, finance, trade are economic sanctions. In general, common ways include: implementing trade embargo, interrupting economic cooperation, cutting off economic or technical assistance. But economic sanctions are also a double-edged sword, and the sanitation country will also suffer certain economic losses. By broad sense, sanctions such as arms trade also belong to economic sanctions. In financial and financial management, economic sanctions refers to the punishment of the unit or individual in violation of economic regulations in the macroeconomic and microeconomic operation.

It can be said that Argentine uses all the sanctions that can be thought of to the Black Cloud Group and Bunzi Xuan, which makes many people. Although I know that I may have to be criminalized, but Bao Zi Xuan is still not concerned. It seems that it is too young, and many experience is still inadequate. When you want to build a team, do you want to make any mistakes?

Such a large Zhangqi's support of the United Kingdom, as an opponent's Argentine will definitely fight you. This country is weak and small, can be affected, if a strong country is a strong country, the loss of the black cloud can be too big.

Many times I still have to be low-profile, and the sullen is a big wealth is king, the ancients are not bullying.

But now things have happened, it can only be one steel, it is estimated that this life is difficult to enter the Pampus grassland, and it is a regret!

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