After everything on all, Baozi Xuan has moved to a Arab building next to it. Looking at the building has a typical nomadic characteristics, it is estimated that this is the home of the Middle Eastern Royal Course to return to China. How do you think outside? But back to China must keep an Arabic tradition, this is a hard requirement, and each royal family must follow.

The Lotus Guest House is different, and the Bao Zi Xuan finally saw the food that can only be seen on TV, and is also the most vibrant cuisine in the Middle East - Arabian roasting.

Grilled is the most common cooking method of camels, the outer coke tender, but the crisp is delicious and keep the food of the food, the unique flavor is a delicious taste that is often eaten in the desert region.

It is worth mentioning that the Arab banquet and even the nomadic tribe will be called the most spectacular taste in the world, which is used to entertain the most distinguished guests. It is the famous dish of Arabia.

After coming over, I saw the chef has been busy, and I look at it like it. I know that the taste is definitely not bad. This is the first time Bun Zixuan tried this kind of eating, it is exactly the first time to eat camels.

Said: "There is no good thing in the Arab region to entertain guests, and the barbecue camel can be said to be one of our most influential cuisine here. You have to taste it."

Bao Zi Xuan: "It's already very good, I have no too much attention to this person."

Hussein: "I know that you like to drink, but we can't accompany you. Otherwise, you will be very troublesome. You can also find some reason in foreign countries. It is necessary to eliminate the behavior."

Bao Zixuan also knows that * teachings do not seem to be allowed to drink, especially this rule or their old ancestors, personally fixed; if there is a violation, it is not filial. If you want the same country, a family cooperation must respect their tradition and custom habits, so Bao Zi Xuan has not strong.

Bun Zixuan: "I have no effect on you!"

Seeing such a good food, if there is no wine to match, it is always a regret. If you don't allow you to buy a camel back to the Xiangjiang yourself, drink it is not too late.

Said: "There is no problem, but it is best not to drink when you see the king tomorrow. I will be free to be arrested."

Bunzi Xuan: "Gourmet and beautiful wine seem to be enjoyable, rest assured that I will not violate your principles and the customs of the custom."

I heard the Bunxuan said that two people finally worked. I am really afraid that this young man also thinks about drinking tomorrow. I heard that his wine is very good, even the Ushino Marshal, which is known as the Soviet Union, is defeated in his hand, you can see the horror level of its alcohol .

Hussein: "You don't have to manage us,

It is good to enjoy it yourself. "

Bao Zixuan: "How this roast camel is doing."

He also wants to ask two familiar things, saying that it is advisable, ask more! In short, you have to find some topics, you can't always say it yourself, let them listen. That is not a chat, but give it to class, how come in the future.

Ask the knowledge points you know, two people want to behave. After all, they have been eating this thing from small, and it can be said that I have known it.

Sai Yi said with a smile: "First, we must slaughter the single peak camel, then remove the internal organs, then put the baked sheep into a baked chicken, and put a fish in the chicken belly, and finally put the whole sheep. The camel is roasting. "

"Roasted all camel materials are very particular, you need to apply a special sauce and put it on the fire to roast, after more than five hours of baking, a roasting whole camel can be released, meat fat and oil, eat I have been unforgettable once. "

Bao Zixuan: "It is very delicious to listen to it, I am looking forward to it now.

After a while, the chef put the whole camel on the table. If you want to say, the whole camel is very testing the technological and ability of the chef, because on the basis of the roasting of the camel to ensure complete presence, put a roast all the sheep in the whole camel, however Baked all the sheep Also put it into a roasting whole chicken, then put a fish in the chicken, it can be said that it is very difficult.

In fact, in the Middle East area of ​​the earth, because the technique in the production process of the whole camel is more complicated, but the cost is not fed, so people who can eat this dish, it is not a lot, if you have eaten a full hump, then Can take it out to show off! Moreover, if some people are, because they didn't eat roast camel, I didn't know what flavor, so I thought that camel flesh couldn't help to make food.

Baozi Xuan tried a bite according to the method introduced by Said, and he felt that this is too much to enjoy it. The past life has been eaten, all sheep have feeled very delicious, and now it is poor than a baked whole camel.

Is it in Xiangjiang, you can often engage in a roast whole camel activity. For now yourself, how much is a camel value, it can be ignored, it seems that you can consider it.

This meal can be said to the owner, Bao Zixuan finally tasted the legendary Middle East cuisine, it can be said that it is not necessary to find a better barbecue than this better.

The only regret is that only one of him is drinking, others don't dare to drink. This makes the first rich and unfast, there is a little little lost!

Early the next morning, I took a while after Bao Zixuan brought the bed. The Breakfast in the Middle East looks very greasy. After all, there is no food, vegetables and the like of the nomad; these are very good, Bunzi Xuan is not too much.

Still Saiside personally drives, the Middle Eastern royal family member is very interesting, most of them will choose their own driving, unless there is an important occasion, they will give the car to the driver, nor do you think about it.

The whole of Amman is a city built on the hill, which in order to facilitate and attract the black cloud group. Jordan has taken a new hill to build a joint venture plant.

Seeing this hill Bunxuan felt the sincerity of Jordan, after all, the area is much better than the area of ​​the black cloud in Xiangjiang, the area of ​​the whole mountain is 50 square kilometers, which is the construction of the construction of aircraft factory and rocket launch center. It's enough.

However, if you want to build it into a industrial park here, it is necessary to have a very large capital investment. It is not small.

This time I brought it to Xiao Hako, who has a black cloud group to save the fire captain, can say that Xiao Hako has become a preferred person of Baozi Xuan to open the land and build large projects.

Bao Huo's first phase of the company has just put into production. He is arranged to be a large-scale machinery factory in the deep sea, responsible for the construction work. Just put the deep-sea factory, it was directly sent to the Middle East. It can be said that since Joining the Black Cloud, Xiao Hako is responsible for the construction of a new factory, and there is no stable day.

When I saw Bunzi Xuan, Xiao Hako quickly said: "Welcome boss to visit Aman site."

Bao Zixuan; "We don't have to do so much virtual, you are not used to it here, there is no difficulty."

Xiao Hako: "The boss, the workers here are too much in Huaxia, no matter how tight in the work, it will never come out when they go to rest, and will not come out. In the Chinese workers, they are active overtime for making money. No people do this. "

"The progress of the project is somewhat slow, but after I urgently draw a group of workers from Huaxia, it is much better."

I heard that Bao Xuan is very pleased, Xiao Hako has now become a unique place. The things from the Huaxia injured workers did not report to their own, Bao Zi Xuan gave him the right. In addition to the top of the finance, all of them will be decided by himself. It will be paid in accordance with his requirements. If an unreasonable local finance personnel will report to the head office, and there is no such unpleasant thing to see.

However, workers' questions are indeed a trouble, and now I have problems in the construction of China. After all, the construction is a hammer sale. After the construction, the workers can leave.

Once the construction of the factory is completed, when the worker is produced, the Middle Eastern workers can complete the high-intensity work is a headache. No one in the past, there is also a consideration in this area. After all, ordinary workers are eligible to build here, there is no resources, and there is no labor, and they are not dead.

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