Reseeding the Growth of the Xiangjiang Tycoon

Chapter 499's Effective Aircraft

In the end, it is still a man who is home, but Bun Zixuan doesn't know that the Austin DuPont, which has been driving the technology. DuPont has been following him. For a professional racer, tracking the vehicle is not found to be simple.

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It can be said that Austin DuPont has been with Bunzi Xuan, and now the role is equivalent to the headed secretary. At least these days, the two people don't talk about sports cars, they can't help.

At this time, the Marriott Islands of the Malvinas Islands far is more lively, and the British Trenders and Argentines have finally encountered in the Mahau sea, and the war is touched.

And the top of the process, the British Royal Air Force first entered the Weike Air Force Base on the Atlantic in the Atlantic Ocean, including the McDark Ghost FGR.2 battle bomber and 44 squadron, the fire god bomber, and one Victory air fuel carrier; different is that this Xiangjiang monster role aircraft also entered the Air Force. At the same time, the Royal Navy Tournament arrived at the Ascend Island Waters to prepare for the war.

Xiangjiang monsters are soon being arranged to have combat missions, recovering South Georgia. The British army's first battle task has fallen on the collections of Bauers from Xiangjiang.

In fact, this also makes them the meaning of the cannon ash. According to the first operation, in order to encourage morale, it is necessary to choose the most elite soldier, but the arms dealer is hard to let the river monsters are hard to give the troops to Xiangjiang. Their equipment and training can only be considered in the UK, and the combat power is not very strong.

There is no way to the commander can only be held in accordance with the meaning of the domestic military firear, and sometimes the interests are too much to happen. When is the people in the country in the wood now, the British Empire must not easily let these people.

The soldiers have obeyed fame and fortune, although knowing that the commander may not be good. However, this is also a chance to prove his own, so the Bauerson colleges have a very cooperated with combat missions.

Ballson took 500 British soldiers to take advantage of the night to fly to South Georgia, this time he wanted to play Argentine a misleador.

After allocating the operational tasks of each team, there is also a 3 km from the island to accelerate. It can be said that the Argentine army has not fully reacted, Xiangjiang monsters have come to them.

A warning, a hovered and released people. The Argentine saw Xiangjiang monster role aircraft for the first time. And the main monster can also shoot down, and the monster of Xiangjiang is equipped with a thermal imaging system and an infrared night vision, making the Argentine almost invisible.

It is a photo of a photo.

The troops led by the Powerson colleges have controlled the situation. In the powerful search ability of the Xiangjiang monster, the Argentine is not destroyed, but the first battle does not expen with the power of the mouth.

This south of Georgia is destroyed, 305 casualties, and more than 400 people choose to surrender. There are only 2 soldiers in the British army, which can be said to be very easy.

Bauers is a famous battle, and there is no one in the history of the British army to win such a disparity ratio casualty. There is a small miracle in the history of the world war. His record is a variety of film and television works, and there is no two in the country. However, Bauerson's college knows that if he doesn't have a role aircraft, the enemy is mainly dead under the role of role aircraft, and I am very honored to command two role aircraft operations.

Let the Maolsen majority have always been able to call themselves, let him pay attention to safety and domestic things, anyone can't take his credits.

The British is more advocating the aristocracy, and the officers are generally served by the aristocrats; this battle even the battle between the Queen Andrew princes participated in. Now a noble child's first battle has played the prestige of the British Empire, so that the domestic people have very confident for the next battle.

The British high-level, the first time I feel the horror of the role aircraft, it can be said that it is absolutely close to the protocol. It seems to increase the purchase order, this weapon is very practical. Although the price is very expensive, it is not worth mentioning compared with the result of the result. British and American military sharing makes Americans to get news, and there is also an increase in the development investment of role aircraft.

Domestic arms dealers have begun to make it bad, in order not to make the role aircraft over-eyes. Ask the commander to try not to send the Xiangjiang forces in the next battle.

Commanders who have thousands of people with thousands of miles can only be placed, clearly knowing that this is unfavorable to the British Empire, but some things are not allowed.

In this way, from the troops coming from Xiangjiang, the commander began to mobilize other army to fight with Argentine. Colonel Balsen is not a person who doesn't know how to make a good person, it is impossible to be given up by him, so there is no opinion. Mainly, the father far in London has explained interest relationship with him, so it is so calm and accept everything.

The British army began to meet at sea and the Argentine, and the battlefield has all been transferred to sea and island. This Bao Xuan has already arranged Wa Lianko-Uscanov from the Soviet fire library to Pavilion a lot of single soldiers to take off missiles to Argentina. These money can be paid first, but Argentine does not know. This also makes itself a very reasonable fighter, and the proportion of war is greatly exceeded by the British expedition.

Basically Argentine has a defense missile deployment, specializing in attacking the British helicopters and low-altitude planes. The British is also a little fur, and the international community has banned to provide any weapons from both sides of the war. It can be said that this is obviously biased by the British. Their weapons can basically be self-produced, but the company's weak Argentine can also produce guns and ammunitions may also be able to produce it at all. So, who is transported to Argentina, the main job of the current military situation is to investigate this matter.

Recently, the Argentine will not start with the British army of the Falkland Islands, and the Argentine is also their judgment. London is to give them a deployment to provide information and judgment, but the fact that the intelligence is useless, and the Argentine has occupied the Falkland Islands, which has made the high-level begin to question their ability.

Now there is so many single soldier air defense missiles in the hands of the Argentine, who is transported, and the number is not known; such intelligence agencies have any use.

I only know that the report said that it was a snapped missile, and the plane was hit by people. It is the military situation, no report, the front line commander also knows that it is the weapon produced by the Soviet Union, what is the use of the report.

The Military Sixth Bureau is the full name of the British Army Intelligence Six, with the Soviet KG, the US Central Intelligence Agency and Israel, and is called the "World Four Intelligence Agency". The Western Intelligence Community regards the sixth of the military situation as the "Open Master" of the world intelligence agency, and is also the highest efficiency of the world. From Elizabeth's initial, it is strictly confidential and its predecessors, also known as the Secret Intelligence Office, originally the British intelligence agency overseas scientific system.

That is, such an institution has become a laughter of the British Empire. At this time, all the intelligence personnel deployed in the Americas are actively investigating the Source of the Argentine's weapons. They don't dare to find a Soviet man, can only think about the Argentine.

If this is not enough to investigate and pull it back, who will take them back, at this time, I have just taken the six director of the Military Aphron, Director, Waghs, looks at the following information: "I don't care for you." What way, be sure to master the individual weapons produced by the Argentine in hand. If we can't master the exact quantity, then the frontline will only use life to try and calculate. At that time, our military is six There is no need to exist, I hope everyone is good. "

Although the military has already mobilized all human, material and resources, and finally mastered a total of 1,000 such weapons in the Argentine hand. It can always be able to master when it is transported to Argentina. No one will doubt. Companies and people just being sancted by Argentine. This has always been an indiscrimination of the British, and finally became a suspension.

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