After the prince of Surdan, he laughed and left, leaving a bunxuan Xuan Xuan in a mist. This old guy is also true, actually hits the idea to his head.

However, doing business with Middle East is a happy, as long as they like money, there is no much money. Making money is not a difficult thing for them, as long as it is a few mouthfuls of oil, it is natural.

The British attacked the Argentine Presidential House made the Xiangjiang monster role aircraft became the topic of the world's military fauna, but also made the world a new understanding of this weapon. Americans are uncomfortable after seeing Saudi has already issued orders, but domestic companies do not have similar products, just want to stop.

Finally, Ian Wright represents the order of 3 land efficiency aircraft under the United States direction Black Cloud Group, which is not a change in the original version. However, Bao Zi Xuan knows that they will upgrade the computer system after returning, replace the electronic components with leak risks, and also do targeted research; but this is nothing to do with you.

Baozi Xuan's task is to sell the role of the role of the role as much as possible, and the Xiangjiang Real Estate Crisis will receive sufficient funds before the real estate crisis. Only in this way will complete the layout. In the next few decades, there is no need to worry about the family to lose the property to lose the property.

Seeing the United States and Saudi have already started, no longer say when it is going to wait. In many countries, many countries have issued a purchase order of the role aircraft to the Black Cloud Group. In less than a week, the Xiangjiang monster will sell 44 ships, which can be said that the production of the next three years is not awkward, and more importantly, the Black Cloud Group gets A big capital.

At this time, the Maima War has entered a critical moment, and he is attacked by the President of the Padson Presidential Palace, and the British morale is high, and the attack advancement has also improved a lot.

Although the Argentine people are light weapons, it is a lot of individual missiles. Make the British to lose a lot of tanks, armored vehicles, and helicopters. Seeing so many snorkens, the British soldiers took the Soviet hared tooth, and let them angry and have six people in China. These people who have received high salary are growing up! The Soviewer came over so many weapons until there was no news, and the loss was so heavy when they were harmed.

Even the commander commander John Fedhaus is dissatisfied with the six hearts of the military, that is, because of their intelligence mistakes, the soldiers have suffered heavy casualties. When the war is victorious, it must be nice, and this help is too bad.

The Argentina Air Force has been damaged, in addition to ensuring the weapon of local defense requirements. Basically, all dispatched to Ma Island, even if the Maimao defenders have already replenished it, Europe and the United States has already implemented a weapon embargo to Argentina, which can be said to use a less one. The British team is consumed by the Argentine's arms, and Ma Island has been blocked by them, and all contacts with the outside world are cut.

Major Merrians received a combat mission again.

Original John Fedhaus is not prepared to send this unit to continue to fight. Now, the front line soldiers have a heavy loss, and the domestic fundamental supplements can't add any arms, so that John Fedhaus has once again hoped from this troops from Xiangjiang.

There is currently a land effect aircraft has not been repaired, but it is not so much. If there is no two intersection, it is difficult to form a combat power. Bauers is still choosing to perform the head of action; he is preparing to attack the enemy headquarters, and then end the war.

Balsen's college led two role aircraft once again, but there is only 70% of the aircraft power, and there is still a damage at the bottom. It is very close to the operation radius, and you can reduce the weight to reduce the weight by reducing the oil.

At this time, the Argentine's defenders are already strong, and weapon ammunition is basically consumed. The last weapons stored by the Soviet Union have made the commander J-J-Mooremi will be issued to the soldiers, this is the last stock; once the consumption of the Argentine soldiers can only fight against the enemy.

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This makes J-J-Moore Major will feel that the launch of the Maima War is wrong. Although the British has not fallen, the military strength is still unmatched by Argentina. At present, there is no hope that I haven't hoped in the island's army.

Bauers said to the soldiers under his hand: "We have all made very well, which may be very good, this may be our last task of the Battle of the Maima; or even the last action of your military career."

"For our military uniforms, for our honor, let those people who look for us to see ghosts!"

After the end of the righteousness, the soldiers were mounted, and the soldiers also took the torch and commanders to fly in the direction of the Argentine headquarters.

The military situation has finally made a reliable thing, and the intelligence personnel have mastered the specific location of the Argentine Defense Command, and it is also understood that the peripheral position is very stressed, and the army commanders are not abundant.

On the way, the driver opened the power of the role aircraft to the maximum, and the frequency of the disturbances of the snorkened missile was also opened. In order to cooperate with their actions, John Fedhaus orders the front line soldiers violently attack the Argentine position, that is, do not give them a registration opportunity.

Even so, the previous injury has not been repaired, and the land effect aircraft is still directly attacked by 3 shoulder missiles. Make the aircraft dynamic damage is more serious, even after going back.

The Argentine army also knew that the British sent the role of the role, but there was no way to stop it, and they can only watch the attack headquarters from the top of the head.

J-J-Moore Major is only one of the disabled, less than one hundred guards. The number of two root aircraft in the British should be around 500, so that this battle is likely to be the end of their own military career, but nothing else is not selected for the country.

A land effect aircraft started shooting down, another start landing, and people also down from the aircraft. Let the Argentine soldiers are very angry that the bullets have not played at all on the aircraft of the British. It is clear that they have no heavy weapons. They can only shoot with the British.

The Xiangjiang monster is equipped with the most advanced infrared night vision instrument and thermal imaging device, even if the night is informant. The war presents the trend of the war, but as the army of guarding the commander, the combat power absolutely the existence of the Argentine March, the battle will is very strong. In front of you, this force is likely to be the British army of the offensive Presidential Palace, must not make the British to win the victory.

The Bauerson college also found the enemy's strange, and now it seems that you want to take the enemy's headquarters will suffocate heavy losses. However, he didn't have other choices, he only be kind to the family of sacrificed comrades.

The British Army was blocked by the Argentine army, and the Bauerson college directly allowed the injured aircraft near the enemy shooting. He knows that this will make the aircraft damage more serious, but in order to win the other.

Under the strong firepower of the British army, the Argentine defenders could not live. Seeing this situation J-J-Mooremi will make a decision of the most difficult and painful life of life, and let the guards put down the weapons to choose to surrender to the British.

As the commander J-J-Moore is surrendered, the external defenders are not resistant. It can be said that the Maima War has been basically over, but even if the UK, the United Kingdom, I can't laugh at this time.

There were 258 people in the British War in the UK, and 775 were injured; 649 people were killed in the Argentina, 1068 injured. For the two countries, it is already a small number. After all, the war has entered the stage of high-tech modernization; it is not a combat combat in the armored cluster at World War II, and it is not a lot of participation in the war. Such a big casualties are uncomfortable.

But under the influence of Bunzi Xuan, the two sides have doubled the personnel, equipment, and military costs. A total of 1346 people in the UK were killed, 3,125 people were injured; 3,156 people were killed in the Argentina, and 7223 were injured.

Both sides have lost very heavy, especially the Argentina, there is no plane that can fight in the country. Air Force strength directly dropped from South America to ten times. If the war continues to be attacked around the world, it can be said that it has been unable to fight. The British party itself is amazing, and the economy will not support them.

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