At this time, Li Chao has taken the conditions, and everyone is waiting for the reply of Bao Zixuan. In addition to Guo Qisheng, it is a shareholder of Bao Huo's Mining Company, of course, knows the company. Li Chao people think that the golden gold for the scrap iron, but it will be a business; Baozi Xuan is still a stupid, it will not promise!

Bao Zi Xuan said: "Since Li Sheng wants to increase the company's shares, it is to be optimistic about the company's performance. I didn't have a reason for the big shareholder, but I could only release 0.5% shares, I hope Li Sheng understands."

"At the same time, I don't take Li Sheng cheap, only according to HK $ 1.5 billion. At the same time, the Tianshui Li Sheng holds land prices can be converted with 5 billion Hong Kong coins, and the remaining useful value shares, land, cash exchange can be."

Li Chao is very excited in his heart, so he has 1.5% shares. Although the price is not low, I am absolutely earn. At the same time, I also learned that Bunzi Xuan judges that the problem of Xiangjiang will not force the force, or this kid will definitely not vigorously develop the heavenly water.

Li Chao has played a karate again, and the money he purchased by the Tianshui Land is basically ignored. Moreover, Shen Yizhen has promised as long as it is to take the package of Bao Huo's shares, how much money can be loan to him. As for that interest, it is not worth mentioning compared with the company's dividends.

Li Chao has got a larger value of 1.5 billion Hong Kong coin shares without spending money, and the future appreciation space and prospects are even more vast. This is the god of people, the average person is really going to learn.

Guo Sheng did not know what happened, but listened to two people saying that 0.5% shares had a value of 1.5 billion Hong Kong coins. Let him have interested in Bao Huo's mining company; it seems that he is a little behind, and it is still to exchange more than Bao Xuan. The next time there is such a chance, but I don't miss it. I don't get anything, I can't get it, this taste is very uncomfortable.

Baozi Xuan sells 0.5% shares to Li Chao, enabling the shares of Bao Huo's mining company to be 33.5%; still more than one-third. In addition to affecting some benefits, the company's control has little impact, in fact, these Li Chao people also know, otherwise it will require more.

Baozi Xuan has now adapted this rhythm of this banquet talking about business. Everyone is busy. There is such a party to communicate very well, the business opportunity is constantly discovered in this communication.

Just when Bao Zi Xuan also real estate five tigers, it is not far from being very exciting drama! At this time, the second son of List is strictly pursuing Zheng Jiashi Zheng Jiajia. Although the benefit is a little, it is also one of the top families in Xiangjiang, and the filial piety is always good with people, and a good friend in Xiangjiang is still good.

I know that the Bao Xuan is already impossible, so Zheng Jia people have no agreement, and there is no opposition, all the meaning of Zheng Jiajia. Although Zheng Jiajia also knows that there are many romantic pasts,

However, this is normal for the top luxury of Xiangjiang. Now just enter the test period, all the spare tires.

When I came over today, I saw Bunzi Xuan actually took a woman with a woman, I heard that I came from Zhangjia. Since the woman brought by Bao Zi Xuan must give her a big Maritime, let the man know how wrong did not choose to be ourselves.

When I saw Zhang Ten, I began to deliberately targeting the lady of the Governor. At the same time, I also called the second lessons of Banli. Zhang Hairan has been doing a lot of homework before coming in the same buns, who is the biggest threat to himself, but it is a clear.

In her opinion, this woman is my biggest competitor, with a bunxuan mother who used to be sick, is a serious threat. But she is really too much to use the opportunity, or there is no other woman.

Now, I have a man who comes to provoke myself, but let Zhang Ziran are fortunate. Finally, Zheng Jiajia can be excluded, and it can be said that this woman has no threat.

Zheng Jiajia said to Zhang Tiran: "I didn't expect Bao Zixuan to bring a woman who brought a little wife. It seems that the taste is also unique, he is not shameful."

This sentence is very hurt, and does not leave a little. Zhang Tiran is that character is good or unable to endure. But she didn't think that the other party did not say anything. Zhang Tiran grows up in this environment since childhood, is not too hard to listen to it.

In fact, Zheng Jiajia is to let Zhang Ziwei lose their post, and when Bao Zixuan will follow people. In this case, two people will not be able to be together, don't know what is going on, I don't want to see that there are other women around Bunzi, even if I can't get it, I don't want to give other women. At least you can't see yourself in front of you, you must not let this happen.

Seeing Zhang Changyan didn't say anything, Li 2,000 thought: "Maybe people are good, I have never heard of Bunxuan's father's news, it is likely to be a little wife, this is a perfect match."

Li 2nd has been launched since the last time Shao Yifu office, but she has stopped for a while, but I saw that the other party did not have any follow-up. I feel that Bunxuan is a furnish, and there is no big deal. Just let everyone myth, I don't dare to take themselves.

In fact, the second less, I don't know that Bunzi Xuan is to listen to the mother Li Yulin's recommendation that there is no follow-up, or he can also participate in the banquet, and he has been boring.

Zhang Changwei; "Miss Zheng also took a class with a class, but the mouth is enough. People have passed away, do not insult the people who have been there, after all, the dead is big."

In fact, Zheng Jiajia also felt some excessive interest, knowing that Zhang Tiran said it is very reasonable, that is not that you have not reasonable! At this time, I can't show up, so I said: "It seems that Miss Zhang knows a lot, but do you think Bunzi Xuan will look at you?"

Zhang Zhan: "Even if you won't look at me, don't you have you with you! And today I am a formal girl with his official, you still have a cool, how to stay with a class."

Bao Zixuan saw Zhang Tiran to talk to Zheng Jiajia, and did not care. However, it is still the next to the second, and it is still to help Zheng Jiajia. Zhang Tiran is a woman who brought himself. At least, she can't let her have any grievances. Who will take you seriously.

I heard the two women relative to the needle, and the seconds were still there next to it. Baozi Xuan finally couldn't help but went to say: "Dear, you are here, I found you a big circle."

It turns out that Zhang Ziran's hand is still pulled, and the other party is struggling, and it will be pulled by the head of the head.

Zhang Tiran: "There are two nasty guys who have been around me, what have you just do it."

Bunzi Xuan: "Just with Li Zhaki, Li Chao, Hu Yingxiang, Guo Zhaowa, and shark's bilee, I will come back soon, I will come back to you!"

I heard Bunxuan actually dared to call my father to have a number, and it was still in his face. Zheng Jiajia is very angry, this man is really awful, actually when his face is loved, and also said that his father is called the shark, which is not given to the face.

Zheng Jiajia has not yet episodes, and the two of the profits will be a chance to give the future of the old man, so say: "Bunzi Xuan, what are you doing, actually dare to call Zheng Boye as a shark, this is what you can call? "

Pay attention to the public number: book friends big camp, pay attention to send cash, in mind!

Bao Zi Xuan said: "Who is it! It turned out to be two less than a long, how did you stay in the family so many days, I finally dared to come out."

"I heard that you have been mixed in the peninsula 4 days ago. Three days ago, it was hit at the bar to fight for a vinegar. It is not very expensive to be a matter of 200,000 Hong Kong dollars. I went again yesterday. The casino, the luck is good to win 312300 Hong Kong dollars. "" How to transfer the goal Now I want to come over, Miss Zheng, the previous things, but it is necessary to handle it, or it will be very troublesome. "

I heard Bunzu's trajectory of him in the past few days, even how much did the casino won. That is to say, the other party has the ability to live at any time, this is really terrible.

Although I promise that my mother is temporarily not returning to the family, sometimes it is necessary to let people know your strength, otherwise everyone will feel that you have nothing to do.

Seeing that Li 2nd is not talking and begins to sweat, two women suddenly understand what is going on. Why do this man have to monitor two less, is it to protect Zheng Jiajia? It can be said that two women have misunderstand.

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