Reseeding the Growth of the Xiangjiang Tycoon

Chapter 529 Yude's request

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On the next morning, according to the agreement, Bao Zixuan came to the Governor's government. The Governor's staff members have already received a notice, and the Governor is all canceled in this morning, and only one person is in the world.

This situation is not very common in the Governor, but no one has this face. However, I think that the head is rich today, and the Governor's work is a matter of course. It is not a fool that can work here, it is the master of the time. At this time, the Xiangjiang stock market, the property market can fall, the economic situation is quite bad.

At this time, the governor invited the package of the best to come to the best, in fact, they also have some selfishness. If you want to know what to talk about between the heads of the head, you can change the less wealth as long as you know a little information.

However, the rules here have made them don't dare to do so, and they are found to be as simple as being dismissed. Serious words are likely to be joined, and the hearts of the Governor's staff are in contradictions.

Baozi Xuan specially wear a custom Zhongshan dress. The whole person looks very spirit. If you want to go to Hanglong Bank in the afternoon, this is the first step in the Bank, to show the best side to the depositor. At this time, Henglong Bank needs a spiritual boy to let everyone regain confidence.

The Governor Yude saw that Bun Zixuan's wearing smile: "You have come over, today's wear is really handsome. If my daughter doesn't marry, I will give him a chance, but now I have no chance."

Baozi Xuan's long-distance phase can only be counted, and the coach has a distance. But people are very sunshine, and people who combine huge money will feel that he is very handsome.

Since Youde first opened a joke, Bao Zi Xuan also replied with English humorous tone: "The son of the Governor is really too sorry, seeing the appearance of the lady, knowing your daughter is very beautiful."

Youde: "Of course, my daughter is very beautiful, completely inherited her mother's gene."

"This time I want to hear what opinion on Xiangjiang Financial Market, and the future of Xiangjiang economy."

Seeing this old home goods still don't say theme, and suddenly the topic is a big topic. He is really don't understand the world of politicians, don't you all say that the British is very direct! It seems that the rumors are really untrustworthy, at least in Yude, there is no reflection.

Bao Zi Xuan said: "The topic of the Governor is really too big, there is really no way to answer you at a time."

"Our position is different, you care about the entire Xiangjiang, I just want to handle the black clouds.

Therefore, there is not much speech for the entire Xiangjiang economy, at least there is no more expenity. "

Yude listened to it. This kid is definitely excuses. As the biggest business in Xiangjiang, if you don't do it, you don't believe it is a ghost. Baozi Xuan's investment in Xiangjiang is so big, how can I not care about the economic situation of Xiangjiang.

Yude said: "You should not be modest, here there is only you and me. Even if our opinion is inconsistent, there is no relationship, today is about you to discuss it."

Yude has already said words, Bao Zi Xuan knows that he must express his point of view. Otherwise it can be a bad manner, think about it: "The most worryable problem at present the public is that Huying will not break out the war because of the river problem, as long as it explains this problem, it will not have a big fluctuation. Most people They are all heroes, but they have the strength of immigration. It is to force immigrant to foreign life is also the bottom, it is better to stay in Xiangjiang development. "

"Second is the stock market in Xiangjiang, the property market problem; I think the stock market does not have to worry, just enter an adjustment period; but the property market is closely related to people's lives."

"The price of the property market will drive the entire Xiangjiang life cost, and rent increased merchants must have to raise the goods. If you don't have price increase, you can't live, but the price increase is facing sales volume. The price of life will be divided into the public. On the head, it will aggravate their burden for poor families. "

"The price increase in the property market will also make Xiangjiang lost industrial soil. There is no industry in a city that is difficult to develop. Therefore, I think the price of property market is not a bad thing to a certain extent."

"The price drop in the property market may affect some companies in Xiangjiang in the short term, but from the long run, it is absolutely greater than the disadvantage."

Bao Zi Xuan wants to continue: "The third is the Xiangjiang banking industry from the new shuffling problem. At present, the big small bank in Xiangjiang is really too much. Looking at the financial industry is very developed, but it has also caused a certain hidden danger, and the powerful bank wants to think To absorb deposits, you must increase deposit interest. This consequence is that loan interest should be improved accordingly. "

"Many strong companies will go to the big bank loans. Only small businesses will choose small and small banks. The company has high interest loans. Once there is any wind blowing in the market, it is difficult to pay attention to bank arrears. This will illuminate malignant The loan that is looped, the loan of the bank's use of households is not returned, and once the declaration of the ordinary citizens will definitely lose heavy weight. "

In the future, Xiangjiang wants to have a seat in technology, communications, and shipping, and become the scientific and technological, communication and shipping centers in Asia, and the economy will naturally improve.

Youde feels that Bao Zi Xuan is definitely a hard work for Xiangjiang Economic Research. Many things must have not finished. After all, it is very good to say that people are not obligated to tell you.

Yude: "Birth is really modest, the economic development of Xiangjiang and the future direction, at least more than I."

"You are right, Xiangjiang banking industry threshold is indeed a little low. Some companies have no strength to dare to open banks, this is the difference between this and fraud."

"Currently, Henglong Bank, you should have heard it! They have applied for the Hong Kong Government to take over. These businessmen are really evil, they have not seen them when they make money. Now they can't do it, they want to take hands; the world has such a good thing. "

"Please come over this time, I hope that Black Cloud can take over Henglong Bank, and you can acquire any bank you see."

"The Gougare is carefully considered to think that now only Black Cloud Group will increase the confidence of the depositary, you will be the first to maintain the stability of the Xiangjiang financial industry."

I heard that I finally talked to the topic, Bao Zi Xuan learned that this opportunity finally came. But he can't see very well, this scale is to pinch.

Bao Zi Xuan: "Thank you very much for your trust, but I have not done a bank, and it is not the boss of learning and economic profession; I am worried that the operation will drag the entire Black Cloud Group."

Youde; "Doing business, you are the most stateful people in Xiangjiang. Bank is also a business. No one is more suitable than you, and the Hong Kong Government will fully support you."

"You just have to rest assured that you can worry, you don't have to worry."

Bao Zixuan: "This thing is too big. I need to consider it. It is best to discuss, at least to evaluate the project!"

Yude is not easy to call Bun Zixuan, how can it be easy to let him leave, say: "You don't worry before the Henglong Bank. I will let the Man take the man, you can take the crisis in front of you."

"That is to say that Black Cloud only needs to come to get a bank, follow-up you want to acquire which bank can follow this method."

Bao Zixuan: "Don't want to know the death account of Hangbung Bank, the account will be very much, there are many loans must not be returned. After the black cloud picks up, it is necessary to pay the deposit of the depositor, this account is not cost-effective."

Yude: "Henglong Bank can also support it, prove that there is no point to the hills of mountains. This bank has a lot of excellent assets, this point you should know."

Bao Zixuan: "Since the Governor is already talking about this, I don't agree that I don't know if I don't agree. The Black Cloud Group took over Henglong Bank, but the name should change, the black cloud bank can make people know that it is my buns Buy. "

"At the same time, I don't want to use the people. I am doing business like 100% holding, anyone or agency, I can't hold the shares of the Black Cloud Bank. The loss of the people need them to bear themselves, in order not to make you difficult, black cloud The Group will pay the funds needed to purchase the bank after the account is clear, or the future will be clear. "

Baozi Xuan is also worried about finding trouble to the future. If there is no money to pay for the bank to get the hand, the Harbor and the Man, find the post-book. Even if it is a dollar, it is clear that there is no hidden danger to the future.

The Governor Yude did not expect this kid so much, or deal with young people. Whether it is the last purchase of war debt or this acquisition bank, Bao Zi Xuan is really happy.

It is still more to deal with such people, there is ideal, decided fast, and dare to do it. It's too far to be too far more than, and it is completely comparable to Bao Zixuan.

In Yude seems that Bunxuan is unwilling to take over Henglong Bank, let him feel a victory in negotiations again.

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