Shen Ya has already arrived in Tianshui, just a black cloud bank. Baozi Xuan is different from the other rich in Xiangjiang. When the first Fuli is more popular, it is more like to be connected, remote, and the future has a development space. Of course, this is related to the strength, but more because of the black clouds for industrial enterprises, for land requirements So strict.

However, this expansion of the spatial range of the entire city in invisibular, before the remote location is different after the black cloud has changed, the land nature will be different. Although Bao Zixuan did not develop real estate, this behavior is already changing in real estate development.

It can be said that the Black Cloud Group is transferring the city center of Xiangjiang, and Kwun Tong is now very prosperous. Even in some places, it is not much lower than the middle loan, and the black cloud changes the urban structure of Xiangjiang in the invisible.

This is a good thing for Xiangjiang, but for real estate companies, in particular in bustling, it is not so friendly. Although HSBC has not engaged in real estate development; they have shares of Suporated British Real Estate Company and Ocean.

The Bank of China has got a lot through the relationship, and the Hua capital is not qualified. Now with the rise of Bao Yugang, Li Chao people, the rise of Li Chao is already breaking this routine, and the Black Cloud Group has made the days that make the Bank of English be more sad.

The Xiangjiang real estate market is sluggish. The down trend of itself is very obvious. The people are not very strong for the desire to buy a house. The housing of the bustling area is limited to prices. This time, the people find that there are many places around Xiangjiang. It is also a good choice.

Sinking is not just a person, and there is a chairman of the Old Tanificown Board of Old Goods. The Ocean Way is the best foreign line in the development of Xiangjiang industrial development, and even if you have a large number of real estate projects. Previously, the profits of Xiangjiang Real Estate Projects have implemented large-scale acquisitions abroad; Xiangjiang real estate market is their blood transfusion site.

Now this blood transfusion site is no longer coming to donate blood, and their acquisitions in foreign countries need to invest in funds. After all, they can not see benefits in short-term in short-term, and they will take the project through bank loans. Banks can no matter how bad in the Xiangjiang market, there is no repayment that the repayment is not, the prosecution is sued, and the seal seal.

It can be said that now the days of the Octobes are very uncomfortable. In fact, it is not just that the Taikoo Goal is, and the days of the other British enterprises in Xiangjiang are very difficult.

Many British companies in Xiangjiang have given their own development plans to make money in Xiangjiang, developed overseas. I am worried that the policy changes after the Huaxia recovered in Xiangjiang, even if it does not change, it will not be adapted to Britary Enterprises that have been enjoying privileges. This is also one of the reasons why the capital can be used to save the market when there is an economic crisis in Xiangjiang. The funds have been transferred overseas, and they become fixed assets. Also waiting for the Hong Kong Government to take the money to save them, how can it take the money to save the Xiangjiang economy.

HSBC is also a breakthrough, and they are also active outward; leading to a large part of the funds to exploit and acquire behavior overseas. Now that the river economy has a crisis HSBC faces the pressure of the Hong Kong Government. Otherwise, how can it be so easy to make the black cloud into the banking industry, this is the industry of HSBC.

Shen Wei: "York, this land belongs to the Black Cloud Group, now you have seen anything."

York - Shija, of course, clearly understands the meaning of Shen Yu, so saying: "The center of Xiangjiang is transferring, this is not a good thing for British companies. For example, the land of Taikoo is preparing to develop residential area in the central area, whether it is construction Fee, or land price costs are very high, even if the Government has specially taken care of us,

However, the cost is there, this cannot be changed. "

"The top three British companies that have hoarded this remote land are the Huangpu, one is the sessilion, and the other is the Kowloon Cang, now they are not British, the controlling shareholders are Chinese."

"The large number of Xiangjiang Group has raised the value of the front remote land to a certain extent, and the resources of a city will cause so many land values ​​in the city center, the greatest loss must be Yiyi and , Taikoo, HSBC and other British companies, because we are the largest landlord in the city center. "

Shen Wei: "In the past few years, we all seek overseas, although they have achieved some results. It can also ignore the development of Xiangjiang, HSBC's most discovery in Xiangjiang is real estate company, but also has a lot of land in the city center. Real estate company. "

"Since Bao Zixuan has made Xiangjiang's city center, then we don't help him."

I heard the sink, York - Shiweiya felt that she didn't hear it wrong, Shen Wei will have such a good heart, this old fox must have something conspiracy, but it is necessary to take it. Otherwise, he is not known by him, even if it is a British.

Shen Wei did not give a date - Shi Waha Ya's chance, directly on the bus, the driver took him to the Headquarters of the Black Cloud Bank. The surrounding situation has been understood, it is to find Baoxuan to talk, the capital is profitable is king, this should not use it.

I saw Shen Ya and Schwing Ya together, Bao Zi Xuan welcomed it, and said: "Thank you, Mr. Shen Dabang and Schwing Yas will come to Black Cloud Bank in his busy schedule, gratitude."

Shen Wei: "The packet is polite. Previously, you are not in Xiangjiang. And it is engaged in the production of manufacturing industries. There are not many opportunities we exchange; now the black cloud enters the banking industry, there is more intersections between us."

"I am the president of Xiangjiang Bank Association, we can exchange a lot later."

Shen Wei This is to press ourselves, is it to tell yourself to pay attention to remind yourself not to do too much. Just come over, I don't forget to threaten him, this old kid is not too Huifeng.

Bao Zi Xuan: "Black Cloud just entered the banking industry, or if the Hong Kong government asked me to really I didn't want to enter this industry. Shen Xue Chang knows that I am from learning fitting, the financial sector is not very good. You are our school financial department High-quality students, after graduation, I have worked for many years after graduation, so I will ask the seniors to advise. "

I am still a misty water to listen to Bao Zi Xuan. This kid is so polite today. Is it really difficult to encounter something, ask for yourself, or how to put the gesture so low, this is not a wreck style.

Shen Wei: "Please ask if you have any questions, if you have any questions, we can discuss it together. Now it is a bit far away, you see the land here, and the package is here there are so many companies, HSBC also wants to be here. Established an outlet, I don't know if the packet of your brother can cut love, sell a land to HSBC. "

York next to Shija, I have been listening to the conversation to the glass alumni, I laughed at a point. Now I heard Shen Yu, I have to buy a land in the black cloud. Is this not a nail to people?

I don't agree that I am so good to seek development. Do you want to eat or eat? If you agree, there is a contradiction in the HSBC's name. Shen Wei, but will be the head of the army.

Baozi Xuan: "The land has been a holistic plan, which will not be sold outside. However, if Shen Xue is coming here, I will open the outlets, but I am warmly welcomed. When the construction of the black cloud town is completed, the school will rely on the place to rent to HSBC, the price is absolutely Keep the fair, please reassure. "

Of course, I know that the other party will refuse, but I didn't expect to rent a place to HSBC. Also wait until you build, you can only do this now. After all, both parties are interacting, who can predict what will be like the future.

When Baozi Xuan said in Black Cloud Town, York-Shi Waitton felt that a very huge business opportunity was in front of him. If Bunzi Xuan is really preparing to build a new city in this desolate land, then the value of the surrounding land will become different, in combination with the content that has just been chatting, it seems to be strong.

John - Schwing Ya, I found a land company, proposing a piece of land next to the Central. The land of the land is not taken when the land is exchanged, and the land is to buy other small companies.

Now I saw York - Schwing Ya actually exchanged in Central, although the land of the land is more than 5 times the other party, but the Taikoo Row is the land of the Central, this is the same!

In this way, the two sides quickly reached an agreement, and the people who set the ground feel that it is only true. Otherwise, how can it make York - Shi Waja, as a tribe, actually holding watermelons for sesame.

After you get the news, you smiled slightly, because he understood York - Schwing Ya's purpose. Until Bao Zi Xuan announced that the Black Cloud Town Program, the surrounding land prices have skyrocketed. The land company really wants to place the ancestral grave of the Shija family; all the executives that promote the exchange of land have been resolved.

Bedding house

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