In fact, in front of the Bank Tycoon, the Bank terminal system is a special intention to Bao Zixuan. If the system is only the use of black clouds, although it can form monopoly in the short term. But it will also bring hidden dangers to the future; this is not a special high-tech technology, and there is a black cloud system to develop any computer software company for the template.

If other companies have also developed a similar system, the Black Cloud Bank system will be very difficult to promote it. It is better to share the system directly, and you can grasp your own yourself. If you want to join the Black Cloud Banking system, you must purchase equipment from the Black Cloud Group, which can make money compared to the Bank.

Baozi Xuan can open the person below, the banking system, and terminal equipment can be opened. So Li Gong directly took them to the underground room.

Seeing that several large computers are neatly arranged together, Shen Yizhen, etc. feel that it is wrong. When will banks need so many devices, it's too wasteful!

Li Mong said: "This is our Data Center of our Black Cloud Bank. All the data of the bank can be stored here. After our computing, we can now provide efficient and convenient service for 200 million customers."

I heard actually can serve 200 million people, and I suddenly feel so waste. Earn 10 yuan from each customer every month, the profit can also exceed 20 billion. Of course, this is just theoretical data, but it also describes the use of such a machine.

Shen Wei: "It can actually serve many customers, but general banks can be used. Single these machines are worthwhile, and a large number of professionals need to cooperate, ordinary people do not operate these machines."

"It seems that there is nothing in it, and there is a suitable opportunity HSBC can consider introducing equipment and systems."

If you want to paralyze your opponent, as a senior person who has worked for many years in the bank, he is very optimistic about the system developed by the black cloud, but you don't want other banks to use it. Now you want to paralyze your opponent; you can play a time difference. .

But Li Qi did not understand what idea of ​​sinking, quickly explained: "This equipment and system really cost, but it can bring more precise and efficient services to customers, and save a lot of manpower. If you want to do it You can count the data every day, and you will absolutely don't measure the time, you only need to tap a few keyboards. "

"In addition, the popularity of ATM can be used for 24 hours to serve customers, which can save a lot of manpower. This can cost in invisible, and single sales can save more than half."

Shen Wei listened to Li Gong said that I really want to interrupt him, so it is too obvious. Now Baohaus-Sanderson and this Japanese feel that this system is good.

HSBC wants to play this time difference.

The scale of Black Cloud Bank is still very small, the head of the bag is nothing to have an official, and the bank needs a process. However, the size of the banks in front of you are very considerable. Once the same HSBC grabs the site, it is really easy to fight blood.

Li Lang, is a command to receive the boss, so be sure to let the banker buy a full set of equipment of the Black Cloud Bank. This is hooked with his bonus, which is not allowed to promote.

Sumitomo is already planned, but now I can't say it in front of two British people. So asked: "The system we have understood very clearly; I heard that there is also a huge treasure below, but also the black cloud group, I want to visit, I don't know if it is convenient."

In fact, Shen Yizhen and others have heard of the wind that Baozi Xuan intends to release. It is already very considerable, and the price of special steel is not less, but the price is always on the price of special steel.

If you want to achieve profits, you must find a lot from other ways, and large gold libraries have a lot of consumption of special steel. To this end, Bun Zixuan also opened a large gold library custom production line in the custom department where the old Hako is located. After all, each of the regions is different from the size. It is very feasible in custom workshop production, at least people can rest assured, Bun Zixuan is constantly pressing the remainder of this group of old technicians, so it is also very enjoyable.

Li Mong said with a smile: "I didn't take you to go to the underground gold library, so I can only ask the Hector engineer to take you." After the end, they will return to the first floor from the new to the first floor, and then notify the old Hak Trust, will not have a few people in front of it.

The Black Cloud Bank has regional restrictions, and wants to enter the treasury must be in the inside. The entire bank has only no restrictions on Bao Zixuan and Yuan Tianfan. What places they want to go, just brush a card to enter any place for the bank.

Old Hako also received orders, and he as a technical expert to answer questions as a technical expert. Not only can I get a considerable commission, but I can get a few boxes of Maotai.

This kind of emphasized feelings make him very enjoyable, and since the industry has never been so happy in the past few years, let the old Hako have the idea of ​​immigrating Xiangjiang, but now I am still hesitating.

It is seen that the German gives them to introduce the product. It is nothing, Germany and Japan are in the world, and the two countries are in the world's position in the industry and finishing. However, it is not so comfortable to the British. It is seen that the German introduces the product for them in Xiangjiang. Shen Yizhen and Baohao said that there is so unique in Sanderson's heart, and they still have the poor pride of the British Empire.

After all, it is the opening ceremony of the Black Cloud Bank, which is uncomfortable and cannot be exposed; the most important thing is needed to serve them.

Old Hako also didn't want to serve the British, but the boss said that the British did not produce these products. Black cloud is now earning money from the British hand, which makes the Germans are very interested.

At the corner of the first floor, the old Hakuto entered a string of passwords; the round metal door was automatically popped. With a few people walk into the elevator, brush a card on the elevator, the elevator began to decline, and the elevator door was opened with a few people.

After two metal doors, several people came to the underground space of the Treasury. Some people have visited in this time. Many of them have been able to understand and see the quantity of such a huge safe. And the complex process that has just come in, I know that there is no bank in the safe business in Xiangjiang to cause pressure on the black cloud. Black Cloud Bank is in the business field, regardless of which banks are crushing.

Seeing a few Xiangjiang local tycons are using the key to the safety box, and the face is satisfied with a satisfactory smile, Shen Wei knows that HSBC safe must be adjusted, or it will definitely die.

At the same time, Shen Daban has a new idea, HSBC is about to work from the new construction headquarters; now it seems that these devices can be installed in and can establish a HSBC's safe and data center.

It seems that I can only let Bao Zi Xuan slaughtered a pen, I hope this kid is not too dark. If the hardware does not improve, there is no qualification to compete with others.

Let him be more worried about the two strong competitors of the slag playing and Sumitomios are still behind the tiger. After the black clouds have come to the banking industry, the traditional pattern will be broken. But I didn't expect Bao Zixuan to start from the technical level, which made him feel unfortunate.

In fact, it is so worried that Sandson and Sumitomiyi, which are behind Sanderson and Sumitomo, are more likely to give up. Compared with the GRB in the Black Cloud Bank, they are just like a child, which is too big.

HSBC can also protect the bodies of the industry through coins, and achieve profitability through scale. However, they all have to heal by the bank itself, and it is estimated that it may be ischemia in the next few times. This is the idea in the hearts of the two generations.

Other small and medium-sized banks see that there are so many advanced equipment to sell banks, they don't sell banks. They don't have any advantages in front of the black cloud. It is better to take the bank now to pay some money to buy the first rich or HSBC. Do some other things.

In the future, the bank of Xiangjiang is not a small and medium-sized capital. This is a real idea of ​​many small and medium-sized bank bosses.

However, today is the opening day of the Black Cloud Bank, but also the beginning of other banks in Xiangjiang.

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