Reseeding the Growth of the Xiangjiang Tycoon

Chapter 558 should have a strategy

When HSBC convene a board of directors, Yuan Tianfan and Mo Kai were sailing towards the seafood. Why choose still some stories in this store.

I was in this year, I would like to eat in this place. This is a very extravagant thing for Mo Keyuan at the time. Although I can't see it here, what is it is a feeling.

Mo Can be originally coming out of the bank to put the package at home, he deliberately calculates the time. Even if it is better than Yuan Tian, ​​it's too early. After all, the other party came from Tianshui, this is the most remote place.

The head is not idle, and it has been arranged to investigate HSBC sink. Although I didn't pay attention to the bank, I was about the overall situation of his development in Xiangjiang. If you are not afraid of the enemy of the real knife, you are afraid that the allies behind the knives, they are more terrible than the enemy. They often make you robbery in the crucial moment.

Now I know that HSBC is holding a board of directors, then proves that Shen Yu has made a choice, it must be attracted by the interests that Morgan's banks will be attracted, it seems to be a good plan, otherwise the situation of Black Cloud Bank will be very passive.

When Yuan Tian sail came over, I saw that I was already arrived, two people had something to eat on the corner of the desk. Seeing that Mo Can did not say anything, Yuan Tianfan did not open first.

Seeing Yuan Tianfan came over, I said to say: "I know me, I have a drink in this evening, it is estimated that it is difficult to have such an opportunity in the future, I really miss the days I am working together."

Although I don't understand what I mean, Yuan Tian sail said: "We are all in Xiangjiang, you can drink alcohol. Today, don't feel more and feel good. I haven't gathered together, this wine is good. of."

Just like the two people began to drink a drunk, almost a bottle of wine, when I finished drinking; Mo Koi said: "If I can't do it in HSBC, you can't think about it."

Yuan Tianfan: "As long as you come over, the deputy director of the Black Cloud Bank has served as the general manager of the credit department."

This is when Yuan Tian sail is going to Baozi Xuan's position. I want to open the gap here. How can I don't give some sweets? The most important other party's ability to serve as this position.

Mo Kai Zhen: "This is what you said, HSBC is HSBC's HSBC, which is never our Xiangjiang people's HSBC. They can say everything for personal interests, do you know how much I am painful today!"

I heard Yuan Tianfan quickly gave it to Moqi, and I drunk a cup and continued to say: "Pu Weishi came to me today, I want to put me to do the criminal sheep, know what is the crime!"

"Morgan Bank is detained by 100 billion Hong Kong dollars to make me handle,

Is this not a group of business? But I don't do it! They still will find other people, one side is their own work, one is the Xiangjiang people. "

"There is no wall in the world, and the news once leaving is definitely my back, this is not thinking."

Yuan Tianfan did not expect HSBC to dare to disassemble such a large capital to Morgan Bank at this time, and Shen Wei is not worried about the framed of the river.

Yuan Tianfan: "Such a big capital is dare to disassemble, in case the problem, Huifeng is not lost enough."

Mo Kaiyuan: "This is the smart situation of Shen Yu, the Morgan Bank has to take the corresponding US dollar for mortgage, so even if the problem is the loss of exchange rate."

"You said that you can change your exchange, why do you have to get so troubles, so you have to pay huge interests.

Yuan Tianyi thought about it: "This is the smart point of the Morgan Bank. Such a big conversion business must be promoted to the Hong Kong dollar exchange rate will be improved. If the loan, the US dollar is mortgage, and the loan has not expired to HSBC does not have the right to deal with mortgage. . After all, Morgan's bank pays huge interest, and the storage fee is included. "

"Morgan Bank will take these money after HK $ 3, can continue to press Hong Kong dollars, and 100 billion investment in the market has several institutions to pick up. What should I do if I can't get it, I can only look at Hong Kong dollar depreciation, and I have all my efforts. Incumbent. "

"After the loan expired, HSBC will take the initiative to deliver Morgan Bank to deliver with the US dollar. The mortgage will be more than 100 billion yuan, it is not surprising."

Mo Can originate is only a credit department manager, and Yuan Tian Tian Weizhan is so keen insight. Now I have heard that the two sides have exchanged the weapons, but I have no ammunition for your weapon, and the weapons you get to the other side are equipped with ammunition.

If the transaction is reached equivalent to the other party with a batch of scraps, it is like this in a short time. Waiting until the loan expires this war around the HKD credit has been ended.

Morgan Bank is too sinister, and you will not say anything even if you see it. After all, HSBC is much more important than Xiangjiang.

Mo Keyuan: "Then you say what I should do, clearly know that HSBC is harming the interests of the people of Xiangjiang, not only can be powerful, and even helps to abuse."

Yuan Tianfan: "Since you have disclosed things today, at least prove that you have a conscience, holding a bottom line of Xiangjiang people. Things are too big, I don't know what to do, I will go back to the boss."

"The position of the vice minister, I will stay with you, but I can continue to stay in HSBC. There is a person who knows that HSBC is moving, this time will not be too long."

Mo Kerry knows that now is that he is undercover, you think of the results. HSBC must not go back, now it seems that this post is not bad.

When Yuan Tian sail, I took out a check to Mo Kogen. After seeing the amount, I don't want to say anything. This allows Yuan Tianfan to leave, because the test of Mo Kaiyuan has passed.

In fact, this is also an idea of ​​Bao Zi Xuan. If Moqi's intelligence is important to pay him a fee. If the other party receives it, it will not be reused. If the other party confishes, it will prove that humanity is no problem. The interests of selling HSBC are not for money, more as a conscience of Xiangjiang people.

In fact, when I saw the money, I was very moving, but when I saw the check sign, I didn't accept it. Because the signature is Bao Zi Xuan, he is very familiar with this signature as a manager of HSBC Credit Department.

Then prove that the bag must know the news. Now it doesn't pay for the money, let people look at my own leak information is not for money. This is a leader of the big fish, Bunzi Xuan is never a person under the wrong hand.

After listening to the conversation of Yuan Tian Tian Tian, ​​Bao Zi Xuanzi said with a smile: "I have a little bit of sinking, the gut is actually so big. It is really a little to see him, but Moqi is finally not yet, it is Accident. After the end, let him give you a deputy, at least this person can hold the bottom line, this is very difficult. "

Yuan Tianfan: "The boss, we must think of a response. Morgan Bank gets $ 100 billion Hong Kong dollars, black clouds are not necessarily capable."

Bao Zixuan: "Reassured, this time is not the national behavior of the United States, and we also have allies."

I heard that Yuan Tian Tian is incredible, and recently, Bao Zixuan has been in the Tianshui allies.

Yuan Tianfan: Boss, 100 billion Hong Kong dollars cannot be traded in Xiangjiang, Morgan Bank in New York, will participate in the New York and the London Financial Market. We can make it difficult to hold a lot of hilarity.

Bunzi Xuan: These two places have been handed over to allies, you don't have to worry.

I heard that Yuan Tian Tian is not very understanding, but nothing is talking. After seeing Yuan Tianfan's expression, Bunzi Xuan knows that if you don't say it, the other side is not sick.

Bunzi Xuan: "The London Financial Market As long as there is an agency selling Hong Kong dollars, Rosierd Bank will spare no effort, this is a great peace of mind. As for the New York futures market, the Middle Eastern people will solve things, that is, how much, they How much will be eaten in both. "

I heard the boss actually let the two institutions that are simply impossible to cooperate to help the black clouds, Yuan Tian Dai is not understanding.

Bao Zixuan continued: "I agree to build a chip production base in Israeli, the Roschil family is a Jew, this is what they want to do."

"At the same time, it will build a steel plant and a role aircraft factory in Saudi. The Saudi people heard this news is positive than we own."

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