Reseeding the Growth of the Xiangjiang Tycoon

Chapter 565 Absolute Strength Seven

Unlike the US light red wine, the atmosphere of Xiangjiang is extremely tense at this time. After all, Hong Kong dollar fell so powerful, it has exceeded that most people in Xiangjiang can accept, how could not be worried. Everyone is not optimistic about the prospects of Xiangjiang, and it is more unfair to Hong Kong dollars.

Baozi Xuan has been developing in theramus in theramus, and the German's information is very detailed. Even now it seems unusual advanced, but there are too many eras towards electronic information, and it needs to be improved. At the same time, Baixuan does not want the aircraft project to just lead the world, so it is very high for technical indicators.

The engineers of this era are not very understanding that Bao Zi Xuan proposed technical indicators, can only tell them from them.

However, the other people in Xiangjiang are a bit anxious. After all, the Shangjiang economy crashes too much.

Huo Yingdong, this is a quiet person, there are some sitting, Xiangjiang is always the Xiangjiang River of Chinese. The British didn't care about the death of Xiangjiang, and the Chinese continent is particularly concerned. Even the Kyoto's high levels have already been put, as long as the Xiangjiang needs to take some foreign exchange without any problems.

Although this time is good than the previous world, it is too thin, so that the masses can have such a move to let the rivers know that the tyrans who come to the dragon is touched.

There is no contrast, there is no harm, HSBC provides funds when they do Air Harbor in international tour. Huaxia Bank uses numerous foreign exchange to save the city as much as possible, can be said high.

At this time, Huo Yingtong's Xinhua News Agency, Li Zheng, Dong Haoyun, Baoyang, and Hu Yingxiang and other Xiangjiang super rich are discussing the countermeasures.

Huo Yingdong: "Banheng, you are a director of HSBC, why HSBC will suspend business during this time!"

In fact, today's emptyhead is also increased because of this reason, as this reason, HSBC in Xiangjiang is actually announced from next Monday to rectify. This has caused great sensation around the world, but also the opportunity to see the empty one side.

It can also make the people in the people in the hearts of the people at the same time, and HSBC is in the heart of Xiangjiang. Every time the economic crisis in Xiangjiang is in the end, it is necessary to rely on HSBC to solve.

Now that Xiangjiang is facing the most serious economic crisis in history, HSBC actually chooses to stop rectification, how can this not feel panic? Now it is not only single to sell Hong Kong dollars, and the people in the river can't support it.

Every day they delayed their hands in their hands, they will fall by 5 points, and the currency is not gold and silver. One but no credit system support, but even the toilet paper is more than.

Bao Yu just thought about it: "Huifeng Bank provides a lot of funds to Morgan's bank not long ago.

I was checked out by the Hong Kong Government. Husu Bank is affected by the combination of black clouds in many banks. The Goufu has passed the resolution to start the share of HSBC in HSBC from 70% from 70% to 25%.

"Not only this, but also asked HSBC to reserve all foreign exchange reserves to exchange Hong Kong dollars, the Hong Kong dollar exchange rate stability is because HSBC has taken out all foreign exchange reserves."

"After the foreign exchange reserves consumption, the Hong Kong Government has made HSBC to stop rectifying, and it can be said that this HSBC loss is very large."

I heard this time HSBC actually provides funding to the opponent. Is this not eating?

Huo Yingdong: "How can I be so wrong with such a smart person, is the temptation of the Morgan Bank to take out Shen Yu refused."

Bao Yugang: "Morgan helped HSBC acquired a Bank of America, and Shen Wei has been planning to HSBC globalization. MMgent Bank throws such a big cake at this time, can he don't worry! Just serious damage to the interests of the people of the people However, HSBC also paid a heavy price for this. "

Huo Yingdong itself has great opinions on the British. Now I heard that the Bao Yusheng is even more feeling that this is the British to come to Xiangjiang. It is a good heart. HSBC is the first bank in Xiangjiang. At the critical moment, just think about their own interests, completely desperate to the people of Xiangjiang. This kind of handleman should be shot, it is too hateful.

Huo Yingdong: "The British is really untrustworthy, you want to save Xiangjiang still depend on our own."

Then, Dong Haoyun said: "Still not contacting the small boy! Now the most enterprises in Xiangjiang Foreign Exchange have definitely black clouds, we can only pin hopes on the small bag."

Dong Haoyun is also very angry at this time. HSBC is really challenged; such a bank is closed, it is too cheap.

Dong Haoyun: "I have already called a few executives in the black cloud. They only know that the small bag is in the Tianshui factory laboratory. Other sense, it should be in research and development, what is important technology products, the people do not dare to disturb."

Huo Yingdong also tried to contact, but there is still no news. Today, I can't sleep in the evening, Huo Yingdong said: "The little boy can stand if I can't stand, since he can't open it in Tianshui; we will go to Tianshui to find him, or I have never been able to do this."

Huo is also anxious, or else will never choose this time to go to Tianshui. It can be said that everyone is also forced. Xiangjiang still has to rely on Chinese to save, and the British will only ask here.

In this way, Huo Yingdong has come to Tianshui again. It is only a lot more than a few days. It is better than that of Black Cloud Bank. After all, the Headquarters of the Black Cloud Bank has settled, and the safe business is the unique existence of Xiangjiang.

The economic crisis often brings the social security crisis. After all, there is nothing to do, and the social security can go. This also leads to the rush of Xiangjiang wealthy class, which is worried about being robbed or stolen. In addition, the price of the Black Cloud Bank safe business is reasonable, and customers who have opened the safe every day, it is endless.

The multi-infrastructure that customers come over will also be able to keep up with it. Otherwise, it will give people a very bad impression. This is why the water is much better than the basic facilities in the first few days, and it is not too much to use one day.

Dong Haoyun and Baozi Xuan relations are the most familiar. Seeing that the Tianshui is still in the construction team: "The small bag is really able to indulge, it is still in construction, but also in research. Now it seems that we are too nervous, the small bag Quality is much better than our old age. "

Huo Yingdong did not expect Bunzi Xuan actually did not delay anything. What is this mentality. Is it a festive festival or not, no matter! It seems that only when you ask questions, let yourself die.

After coming to the Black Cloud Bank, I saw that many people did not open the safe. Many people have done directly to the safe deposit boxes along with the fine silk soft.

At this time, the people of Xiangjiang did not believe in banks, worried that banks exchanged exquisite foreign exchange. Although some interest is stored in the safe, the interest will care about the interest of the fund safety.

Huo Yingdong sighed: "Xiangjiang people are so panic, is there a great depreciation of Hong Kong dollars; this is a fatal blow for Xiangjiang economy."

In fact, I saw that the people of Xiangjiang exchanged foreign exchange, Huo La was both disappointed and some helpless. He is also a person who came over from bitter days, knowing what the people worried. I am a super rich, may lose tens of millions of billions, and wealth is just a number of numbers in the bank account for super rich.

However, for ordinary people, it is the guarantee of their lives, and hundreds of thousands of pieces may lead to a family wife, and the home is broken.

Bao Yugang: "Yes! Little boy is also a person, he can have any good way."

Dong Haoyun: "Although the small bag is not long, it is very accurate for the time of the time. We have to confidence in him, the most important he will not watch the river's economic recession, Hong Kong dollar devalued."

"There is a problem with the economic economy, the loss of Hong Kong dollars is large; the loss of small bags is bigger than anyone. Since it is so relaxed now, it will explain that he has a way to respond; I have a lot of peace of mind."

Yuan Tianfan as the head of the Black Cloud Bank, heard Huo Yingdong, Dong Hao Yun, Bao Yugang and other tycoon, but did not dare to neglect. These people can be the super tycoon of Xiangjiang, and more important Baozi Xuan is extremely respectful to them.

At this time, there must be an important thing to find a boss, although I already know the plan of the boss. However, when the situation is not disclosed to the outside, the boss did not say that they naturally have their own truth, Yuan Tian sail did not dare to cross.

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