Reseeding the Growth of the Xiangjiang Tycoon

Chapter 568 is absolutely strength

Shen Yizhen is really a bit of Aklai, which is reasonable to say that each other should be very urgent. I am so calm down now; what is this situation.

Suddenly I thought I was only worried about the outsiders, and at this time, I did not contact the Morgan Bank. But here is your own site, the outsiders are not possible at all. It is also the people of the Black Cloud Group, and they can do not have law enforcement.

Oklai is in a hurry, but he doesn't want to be anxious now is Morgan Bank. Although Shen Wei did not participate in this savings market, it was indeed a clear second in the financial market; of course, the Rosierde family and the Middle East royal family have been helping Xiangjiang to save the city.

At this time, I also felt that the Bun Zixuan is really a small eye, at least than he can think of. As the British, certainly know that the Roselde family's terrorist forces, they don't necessarily give it, there is not much to give in the Mahau War. It is now able to help Xiangjiang, and there must be a story you don't know.

Since Oklai wants to see yourself, it will consume more than the other party. Anyway, anxious is definitely a Morgan family, Shen Wei is now there is no important thing to do.

Oklai This trick is definitely effective to deal with ordinary nature, but he faces this old fox in the face of HSBC. Shen Daban can take off in such a complex environment in HSBC, it is necessary to have a manner, and it is definitely a master of various crisis situations. Otherwise, at this time, it is not a Pu Mei, which is not a Pu Weishi, and Shen Wei cannot continue to stay in the HSBC Bank.

In this way, two people didn't speak in the next hour, just where to drink tea. This makes Oaklai are anxious. When you come in, the phone is toned to mute, but it can also feel someone to find him, and the pocket can feel the feeling of vibration.

William Morgan gives him a lot, if you let Leo know to find Shen Yizhen and the opponent is better than raising a breath; not killing him is not, the character of the young master is impermanent. I have already issued a problem in HSBC issues and misunderstand the situation. It is now possible to stay in Xiangjiang just because there is no one who is familiar with Xiangjiang business, and now it is not possible to change it easily. Otherwise I have been transferred back to the United States waiting to fall.

William Morgan let himself find a breakthrough from Shen Yizhen, and it is a chance to wear sin. If this is not good, it can be paid to two, and capital has never been blood.

In the case of the old hooligan, I can only admit it myself. Oklai said: "Shen Day class, you really can indulge. Now so lively is still here to hide, this time is something to find you."

Shen Wei knows that this little and Laozi is finally indulging, so I laughed and replied: "The president of Oaklai is not good, the last helpful loss is not completed.

Oaklai: "Shen Batan must don't say this, everyone is needed to take all the needs. HSBC is not not affordable, and the ocean Kilan can be a good bank."

"Now the Hong Kong dollar market is so lively, Shen Dab class is willing to stay there. Xiangjiang has a rescue of HSBC. This time, the black cloud will take the limelight to Shen Dab class? Don't you think?"

Shen Wei: "HSBC's current situation, you have also seen; what can I have. Now, now the situation is so powerful to Xiangjiang, I am so old, always give young people some opportunities."

Oaklai: "Shen Sajia is not what you want to do, many things are not you can decide. The Morgan family hopes that you can shoot once, or everyone is not good."

Shen Wei: "Oaklai President; I am now having an effort, HSBC has entered the suspension of the business. Not allowing the foreign business before the Hong Kong Government does not allow the notice, let alone because of the Bank of Hangyang, this time I I don't think Morgan Bank provides anything worth it. "

Oklai said: "This Morgan Bank can provide a reputation of Shen Big Class and HSBC. If you don't want to be a stinky street, I hope that you can cooperate, or you have to die, you can't get good."

After listening, I feel that the Morgan Bank is now the end of the poor, and I started to play a bachelor, directly threaten myself. If this time, it is otherth to say anything. This is the first financial family of the world, and it is similar to that of the land.

Shen Wei smiled and said: "The President Oaklai is not clear, now you ask me to do things. HSBC needs a reputation, do you have anything else? Our small household, brand value can be connected The zero head of the Morgan Bank can't catch up, you scare anything! I haven't seen any wind waves, I will care about it. "

Oaklai didn't think that Shen Yu didn't care about it. It seems that it is necessary to make another embarrassment, so I said: "Shen Dabo doesn't want to worry, I just want to tell you that everyone is not good. Shen Dating is working in HSBC For many years, I am familiar with the various processes of HKD production. I should understand what you mean. "

I heard that I feel that the Morgan family is crazy, but I still want to make Hong Kong dollars. This is a behavior that is spurred by the international community. I don't know how to make Hong Kong dollars, it is impossible to disclose out.

In order to HSBC Interested Shareholders and the Hong Kong and British government can help you, but now make yourself to disclose the production process of Hong Kong dollars. This is that the queen can't save yourself. How did I work with this group of madmen? It is really a problem.

Saying is seriously serious: "Oaklai President, I still don't want to commit crimes, I don't dare to crimes. At the same time, I advise you to have such an idea, everyone is engaged in the financial industry, the banking industry is the most hated? People are more clear than anyone. "

"I don't want to have this topic in my ear, I hope you are so good."

Oklai, of course, I know that I will be angry, this is just a kind of test. Next is the focus and what he wants to express.

Oaklai said with a smile: "Shen Dabo doesn't want to worry, I don't have any other meaning. I just hope that you can announce the anti-counterfeiting measures of Hong Kong dollars, worry that the size of the Hong Kong dollar market transaction is unprecedented by lawless molecules."

After you heard, he really wanted Oaklai, and he had been working in Xiangjiang for many years. Of course, he certainly knows the news that often appear on the stock market.

In that year, the Xiangjiang stock market is hot, and there are many quality companies because of fake stock problems leading to their discipline. It is a large-scale sale, serious and even leading to the company's bankruptcy.

Now let yourself introduce your own anti-counterfeiting measures to borrow your own identity, you may have huge fake coins in the Hong Kong dollar. It's really doing this, and I will not be in the Xiangjiang River. It may not be mixed in the UK.

Shen Wei: "HKD anti-counterimago has experts explained, I can explain is not suitable, especially at this time. Oklai President, I understand, but may want you to disappoint, recently, the body is not very good, I want to care For a while, it is not suitable to appear in front of the public. "

Oaklai: "Shen Daban, some things you have to consider, the requirements of the Morgan Bank are not what people can refuse."

Shen Wei: "Oaklai President, this short-term failure is already inevitable, any conspiracy is already unable to return to the day. Morgan Bank wants to continue to develop in Xiangjiang also need HSBC, HSBC wants to help In Morgan. It can be said that there is still a lot of fields that we can work together, don't waste time in order to achieve consensus. "

In fact, how can Oaklai, Oklai, but now it is not only because of economic losses. More mainly William-Morgan's face problem; as a family heir This is his first independent operation project. If there is no success, it will be imagined in the family.

Morgan family members can agree with a loser to become a family, and the old Morgan's body is not very good. Leave William - Morgan's time is not much, he urgently needs a victory to change the view to him, and now it seems that the effect is not ideal.

This is related to the Morgan's team of heirs, it is also an exam! If William Morgan took the test paper, it was not so comfortable.

Oaklai also knows that staying here is already meaningless, so he said; "Thanks to Shen Batan today's reception, I hope to have a chance to drink tea together."

After Oklai left, Shen Yu suddenly became a lot, and then the back is already wet. He is not afraid, after all, Oaklai is really a fish dead network, he can't stay in Xiangjiang, HSBC board will definitely launch him to understand the people of Xiangjiang people.

After Oaklai left, I quickly gave William-Morgan back a phone call, heard that there was no breakthrough in Shen Yizhen, Oklai was smashed with a dog's blood shot. However, there is no suitable person to take his position, William Morgan can only let it continue to stay in Xiangjiang.

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