Reseeding the Growth of the Xiangjiang Tycoon

Chapter 571 I will wish to call two

Recel Morgan has entered the self-intoxicated world, and it is often mentally embarrassed. Mainly still can't let go, often thinking about it now, the Xiangjiang Bunxuan Xuan will marry her! This will not make the family so as shameful, always thinking every day, there is no courage to move forward.

Seeing my sister is a little god, William-Morgan hurriedly called: "Recel, you are listening!"

I heard someone called myself, Ratchell Morgan said: "Sorry, just thinking about something else; you will then say it!"

William - Morgan: "Multi-head is actually not released in Hong Kong dollars, that is, no matter how much we spend now, there is no Hong Kong dollar in the market. After any foreign exchange, the HSBC is closed after the banking and rectification, Xiangjiang only has Black Cloud Bank Hig huge hilarious reserves in your hands. "

"If it is not possible now that Macon Bank is likely to be punished, it will not be able to keep the securities transaction qualification; the Morgan family can not lose this person."

Old Morgan does not have the threat to the opponent, and the stock exchange will not dare to move by Morgan Bank. However, now the world knows that the Morgan family violations, the president is particularly paying attention to this matter. At this time, everyone can only publicize the public, and must give the public an account.

I heard that things were so serious, Reher Morgan said: "How do you want me to do."

William-Morgan: "I want you to make a call to Xiangjiang Bao Zi Xuan, I hope he can exchange some Hong Kong dollars to Morgan Bank. Now he can listen, this face should give you. Not to mention that we are not white I will redeem the amount of money. "

Recel Morgan didn't want to find Bao Zixuan to say these things, have not called the other party, so it's hard to make a phone call and actually find people to do things, there is such a truth in the world.

However, as a molecule of the Morgan family, it is necessary to consider the family, not to mention William Morgan or his parent, can't look at my brother, unlucky, but I can't move.

Reapel Morgan: "How much Hong Kong dollar you need now, I also have a mental preparation."

William-Morgan: "Take 1.60 billion Hong Kong dollars, this time is a bit big."

I heard my brother had a $ 160 billion Hong Kong dollar that he could not be adjusted. His gut is too big. In fact, William Morgan also played a heart. Many hedge funds in Wall Street need HKD closing. If you can more exchange, some can make a difference, but also let other funds look at the Morgan family for them.

Reapel Morgan: "We haven't contacted for a long time.

I don't know if he will agree. I can only ask you asked. "

William - Morgan: "As long as you have a sister, you will agree, I am very confident."

Seeing his brother anxious expression, Rehel Morgan took the phone to dialed the phone that wanted to dial and put down.

Opposite the familiar sound: "Hello, which one."

It's not very late, it's definitely an acquaintance. Therefore, Bunxuan did not hesitate to picked up the phone.

Recel Morgan's thoughts will say a say: "Pack, no! I am Reheier, Xiangjiang should now be a night!"

Bunzi Xuan did not expect Rayser Morgan to call him at this time, but I want to be a Miss Morgan's family after all. Many of the Hippers, many hedge funds in Wall Street can't be closed because of the Hong Kong dollars, and the Morgan Bank is certainly unable to stay. The dollar can be printed, and they have no way to Hong Kong dollars.

Bao Zixuan: "Recel, how suddenly, I remember to call me. Is there anything, we are a friend, what questions you will say."

I heard the Bunzi Xuan speaks so polite, Recel-Morgan's heart is like a knife; but these are not enough insistence, and they can't resent others.

Reach - Morgan: "You should know that Morgan Bank has participation in this time to do Air Harbo, now there is no way to stay because there is no Hong Kong dollar sold on the market. So I hope you can exchange some Hong Kong dollars, let Morgan Bank spent It's hard to close.

Bunzi Xuan: "Give me a reason, they will mix the Xiangjiang river, it is impossible to pay attention to it."

Reach - Morgan: "If there is not enough Hong Kong dollars, Ping Cangmoti may be punished. There is also the person in charge of this action is my parent-friendly, but also the heir of the Morgan family, I want to maintain his heir qualification."

Listening to Rehel Morgan or constantly emphasizing the Morgan family, and the successor problem Bunxuan is very pleased. Such a woman is really not in peace, and if there is a conflict in the black cloud, it is not necessarily a bad thing when they have the conflict of the Morgan family. It seems that it is not necessarily bad.

Bao Zixuan: "According to reason, I should not agree, and the rumor is the best choice. But since you said this, I can't give it a little."

"Morgan Bank wants how much Hong Kong dollar, I can redeem it. But I hope to exchange according to 1: 3.8, this is a reasonable number."

Recel Morgan has been driving hands-free, so William-Morgan listened is very clear. Bao Zi Xuan is also too dark, actually to exchange 3.8 Hong Kong dollar in $ 1, which is higher than that of the current Hong Kong dollar. However, the current situation does not allow William - Morgan hesitation; so on the head of Recel Morgan.

Recel Morgan: "If there is no problem, according to what you said! Morgan Bank takes 160 billion Hong Kong coins will come out of the corresponding dollar."

Baozi Xuan: "I heard that Morgan has a mortgage in HSBC. This can be transferred to the black cloud treatment. At the same time, I need Morgan Bank to let 20 banks in the United States."

"That is to say that Black Cloud Bank has to set up 20 flagship branches in the United States, I hope that Morgan Bank will give help."

I heard the loan credentials of HSBC, and William-Morgan did not hesitate to agree, so that the 20 business outlets did not refuse. These requirements are not too much, and HSBC bank loans can be treated to black clouds. Morgan Banks have nearly 20 billion US dollars in HSBC as a mortgage so they can save a lot of trouble.

The two sides will talk about some details, and the rest will be handled in the following people.

When I was about to hang, Recel Morgan asked: "There is no girlfriend recently."

Bao Zi Xuan did not hide, replied directly: "There is a favorite girl, and the exchange of both parties is more enjoyable."

I heard this, Rayger Morgan didn't say more, and didn't have a phone call. This is not only hanging on the phone, and it also indicates that two people's emotional entanglements are hanging.

Recel Morgan is not a fool, she knows the result when she decided to help my brother. In fact, she is very reluctant to play this phone, but for the family, she chooses a compromise for my brother, now I can bless Bao Zixuan happiness, I can only say that two people have no one!

Baozi Xuan can not eat alone, and immediately contact the Rosielda family and the Middle East royal family. Decided that the tripartite had ate this 160 billion Hong Kong dollars; two this time, it is strong, if you are eating alone, who dares to help you.

Finally, the three are discussed, and the Black Cloud Bank has got HSBC loan disposal rights and 20 bank outlets. When the loan, the Hong Kong dollar exchange rate is relatively low, and now it has been doubled. Moreover, Baozi Xuan knows that HSBC can't get dollar, this time it is absolutely sinking.

It is equivalent to the Black Cloud Bank to pay $ 600 billion to get $ 15.5 billion in cash; Morgan Bank's $ 100 billion voucher for HKR and 20 banks in the United States. Although the location of the outlet is not very good, but how to set up a bank network in the United States, a big step for the Globalization of the Black Cloud Bank.

As for HSBC's loan Bunxuan, it will not be counted in accordance with the current exchange rate. When they go directly to HSBC, I will send 100 billion Hong Kong dollars to see Shen Yu can't take the mortgage of the dollar.

For this reason, Bao Zixuan is very generous to give interest, one and a half months interest is 1.5 billion Hong Kong coins. It seems that Shen Yizhen is also quite embarrassing, but now the loan certificate is in Bunzi Xuan HSBC can not necessarily get something.

The remaining $ 100 billion Hong Kong dollaisigna family and the Middle Eastern royal family, this time they helped Xiangjiang save each house earned billions of dollars, regarded as an accident. However, the victims of the Rena family make the Middle Eastern royal family, and many things still need to rely on the United States, and even in contradictions for this.

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