Shen Wei knows that the other party is here, it must be a stroke from HSBC. Otherwise it is impossible to take great risk to take over Morgan Bank loans, and it is inevitable that the Bao Zi Xuan is inevitable. Why don't you first look at the opponent's appetite, HSBC can accept it, but will not accept possible?

I laughed and said: "It turned out to be such a thing. When the Morgan Bank loan, the Hong Kong dollar exchange rate was relatively low. Now Hong Kong dollar has appreciated, since the Black Cloud Bank took over Morgan Bank Xiangjiang Branch part of the business, then I saw this matter.

"We are brothers and banks. HSBC is not only bad, not only. This time I do a main interest, Yuan Zhu, who personally come over, this face is still to give."

If the conditions that Morgan Bank heard the conditions that the sinking opened, you can jump, Oklai will not hesitate. Even in the evening, I have to be a good job, thank you for your hand.

However, it is now facing Yuan Tianfan, and there is a bunxuan, which is a pointed HSBC. How can it be easy to flicker in the past, if this is the meaning of Morgan's loans.

Yuan Tianfan: "Thanks to Shen Daban's kindness, it has been guaranteed when he takes over Morgan Bank business. Can't make things that have damage to the brand's brand value and business image."

After all, Black Cloud Bank also got a lot of benefits from Morgan Bank, where this loan has been in the interests. We can't take money and do not have a joke. Therefore, Shen Day is not polite, how to How to do it. "

"Morgan Bank requires commercial reputation, and the Black Cloud Group can not do violation of business ethics. Now it is not only a loss problem, but also related to the business reputation between banks."

"If Morgan Bank knows that the black cloud bank does not have this loan, then how to cooperate later. People who know will say that Shen Day class high wind is bright, there is a general style. But people who don't know will feel the black cloud banks, do not follow Business rules. "

"The Black Cloud Bank is the subsidiary of the Black Cloud Group, and the Black Cloud Group is a multinational business. We can't make the whole group as as shi due to small disappearance, for a few billion Hong Kong dollars."

"If the Black Cloud Bank involves the commercial reputation of the Black Cloud Group, I feel that I can stay in the black cloud! When I come, the boss has clearly explained, even if it is losses, I have to put the loan too, or if I don't say it later. Good to listen. The Black Cloud Group can't afford this person, the boss is even more interested in his reputation. "

Yuan Tianfan said than singing, and if you don't understand Bunxuan and Black Cloud situations. Is this not obviously a military army! Do you know that HSBC can't take a dollar?

Shen Wei: "For commercial reputation, please reassure,

HSBC will never destroy the business reputation of Black Cloud Bank because of this loan. If Yuan Zhu is needed to report in the media, HSBC can give up in the media, which will never involve the Black Cloud Bank and Banners. "

"This time you can keep the HKD credit system, even more affected by the international community than before. But thanks to Banheng, HSBC has made a wrong thing, although I don't know before; but also has leadership responsibility."

"If there is no black cloud bank force, HSBC is the sinner of Xiangjiang, and there is no bonus to make a strategies."

"Save the river, the talent of Xiangjiang can use HSBC, which is our pleasure. So I don't have to mention this loan, I must put things clean and don't stay at a point, Yuan Zhu can put the heart into the belly "

Both sides know what is going on, but it is not to say. Because the black cloud says that there is a threat and the meaning of burning. HSBC will first stretch it will slaughter a knife.

Yuan Tianfan: "Shen Daban can don't say this, you can overcome the international tourism is the result of the full people of Xiangjiang. The black cloud bank is not dare to work. Although HSBC has done some wrong things, but that is because Shen Da classes don't know Happening."

"Since you know the problem to the dragon, it is actively responding to the Hong Kong Government call. HSBC is also actively participating in the behavior of international tourism. Therefore, it is necessary to say that the power of the credit of HSBC has arrived, Shen Day is absolutely in the people of Xiangjiang.

"It is said that the Black Cloud Bank has a little bit of meager power, there is a little meager in Xiangjiang, but I don't dare to pay such a big gift. After all, this involves hundreds of billion Hong Kong dollar funds, but also implicated Morgan Bank. Therefore, no matter how this loan, Black Cloud Bank must also return, I hope that Shen Day class can be fulfilled. "

Seeing that Yuan Tianfan is in order to make HSBC hardly, knowing things hiding. It seems that there is only a step of breaking money, or it is not possible to make a good break. This young man is becoming more and more scary, it seems that it is difficult for the HSBC Bank in Xiangjiang. The global process should be further accelerated.

Since then, I said: "Since you have said this, I am not happy. But now there is a trouble, that is, Morgan Bank mortgage in HSBC, the dollar has been used to save the city. You also know At the HKR crisis, HSBC took out all foreign exchange reserves to exchange Hong Kong dollars, so the dollar in the original mortgage used to repo to HK $. "

"Now HSBC has already taken the dollar, at the time, the Governor's presence in the Governor's pre-exchange reserve if there was a problem or caused a loss due to exchange of Hong Kong dollars, the Black Cloud Bank would never sit down."

"At present, HSBC has encountered this situation. When you promise, you can't do it!"

Shen Wei wants to put the problem from the new to the black cloud, since I have made a concession, you have to be fulfilled in the Governor's House!

Yuan Tianfan: "Gongsheng didn't say this, you also know that the boss of the engineer as an engineer. He never cares about these things, telling the truth is what is going to join the Morgan Bank business or I have done a letter from the first time. behavior."

"This is a business that is tens of billions of Hong Kong dollars. If I take a hundred billion Hong Kong currency today, I will not have to take any responsibility, but I haven't got a few billion Hong Kong dollars."

"So I hope that Shen Day class can understand, I am a working, I must first consider it to give the company a manner before doing things. At least make the boss can't find a vulnerability is not."

Yuan Tianfan and Bunzi Xuan are obvious singing frames, and it is estimated that it is not necessarily to find people to call Bunxuan. It is now a private master, and it will notify the boss afterwards. Bao Zixuan is not a fool; a person who has just arrived at the company can decide such a big thing without the boss, is this not a deceived!

Shen Wei knows that this functions have been replaced, and only want the black clouds don't be too dark; this feeling of giving fate to the enemy's hands is really suffocating.

Shen Wei: "Yuan Zhu is don't say this, how can we be friends to make friends!"

"You need HSBC how to do it, you will not be difficult. Can you discuss it!"

Yuan Tianfan: "HSBC has no foreign exchange reserves, which is very dangerous for the first big bank in Xiangjiang."

"Our Black Cloud Bank can provide a dollar to let HSBC have passed the difficulties, but in the exchange rate, I have to count in 7 yuan, so I have a confession in front of the boss. After all, this is my own decision to help Huifeng transfers. Who let Huifeng Bank are my mother's home! "

So high exchange rate is also said that HSBC is your mother's house, is this not going to death? Baozi Xuan This knife is enough, and the money of HSBC will lose half.

But now I have other options! I want to go, I really don't have it, I can only do it according to the requirements of the black cloud.

Finally, after some column complex calculations, the Black Cloud Bank and HSBC reach an agreement. The Black Cloud Bank exchanged HSBC 128 billion Hong Kong coins with $ 220 billion, of which $ 17 billion is the collateral of Morgan.

In deducting bank loan interest and other fees, it is equivalent to the black cloud bank to take 5 billion US dollars in cash from HSBC to take 26.5 billion Hong Kong coins, and finally calculate in accordance with the US dollar exchange HKD exchange rate 1: 5.3.

HSBC has not yet earned the exchange rate difference and interest of the loan, but also loses 6.5 billion Hong Kong coins in accordance with the current exchange rate. This allows Yuan Tianfan to leave, and the office is a wolf, and there is no smile in a few days.

In particular, I learned that Yuan Tian Fan is the time to handle the loan with the dollar. This is a big bleeding of Huifeng, and the buns have long been bad!

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